
  • Kinds of detergents
  • Kinds of detergents according to the form of release

In the world of new technologies and constant technical progress, people are trying to make their life easier. Modern detergents are one way to greatly simplify cleaning your house, washing clothes and cleaning various surfaces.

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Types of detergents

Depending on the consistency, purpose, composition and type, all detergents are divided into several types.

According to the type of their destination, cleaning products are divided into:

  • Toiletries. They contain aggressive substances, which remove hard and dangerous to health deposits from various hard surfaces.
  • Household. Such products contain in their composition from 10 to 75% of detergent.
  • Special. These are specific tools that are used for medical, technical and other purposes.

Depending on the composition of the detergent, they can be divided into two types: soap and synthetic. They have some differences with respect to their effect, in particular on stabilizing effect, purpose, detergent properties.

Detergent capacity

For soft water that does not contain calcium, magnesium, iron salts, soap greases will be the most detergent. With increasing hardness of water, soap loses its washing ability, unlike synthetic agents, which, in the presence of electrolytes, do not change their cleaning properties at all.

Stabilizing effect of

Detergents should not only have dirt removal properties, but also retain this mud in solution, preventing re-application. Soap is characterized by a sufficiently high stabilizing effect. In this regard, synthetic products are much inferior to ordinary soap. Small particles of dirt in the process of washing with synthetic substances settle back on the surface of the fabric. After frequent washing, fabric things often become gray, quickly lose their appearance. To improve the situation with the stabilizing effect, add some substances( CMC).


Synthetic detergents can be of different types for their purpose: universal, for delicate fabrics, for white linen, etc. The composition of synthetic agents can include many elements. Here are some of them:

  • Surfactants( surfactants).They are the main components of detergents and can be anionic and cationic. The first type of surfactant is better to wash dirt in an alkaline environment. The second - perform the function of antistatic agents, disinfectants, emulsifiers and corrosion inhibitors. Thanks to the last function, the washing machines are protected.
  • Carbonate and sodium silicate. These alkali salts are auxiliaries of detergents. They perform the function of protecting metal parts of washing machines from corrosion, reduce the hygroscopicity of washing household chemicals of powder type to a minimum.
  • Fragrance. Used to give the detergent a pleasant smell.
  • Phosphate and sodium sulphate. These neutral salts improve the loose properties of the powder and increase its solubility in water, thereby increasing the detergent properties of the agent.
  • Chemical brighteners. When the temperature rises, these substances release atomic oxygen. This helps to whiten natural tissues. Often, hydrogen peroxide is added, which helps achieve whiteness in silk and woolen fabrics.
  • Bioadditives. Adding enzymes helps remove grease and protein contamination, which are very persistent and usually cause problems when cleaning items or washing clothes.
  • A lot of other components are added, which to some extent make the tool better. For example, increasingly in the detergent can be found components that reduce the harm caused to the skin when used, components to improve the appearance, such as softeners, etc.
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Types of detergents according to the form of release

If earlier you could buy detergents only in a solid( soap) or powdery form, then today the choice has grown significantly. To the already mentioned, liquid and paste-like agents were added. To understand what is more convenient for you to use, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and characteristics of detergents in different forms.

Liquid detergent

Liquid cleaning products have the following characteristics:

  • Easily and quickly dissolve in water.
  • Very convenient to use and dosage.
  • Rapid rinses and rinses.
  • The most effective for washing clothes, washing cars, dishes, windows and other glass surfaces.
  • Manufacture of this type of product is much cheaper and easier, since there is no drying step in its process.


One type of liquid detergent is gels. They are thicker in themselves, but this does not mean that they are more concentrated and effective. Helium detergents have a wider range of applications. This is due to a special property: with a small amount of water, the gel detergent forms a thick foam that can easily wash off all the greasy stains and the stale old carbon. It can also be used for cleaning in the bathroom, for washing tiles, tiles or a toilet bowl. But helium means are not able to cope with blockage in drain pipes or in hard-to-reach places - they are replaced by tablets.

Solid detergents

Soap has not lost its popularity for a century now. But today it is far from being the only solid detergent. To this group are also tablets. They, in turn, are: instant, multilayer or single-layered.

They can be used in various temperature regimes, which leads to a certain degree of dissolution. Tablets are often used in washing clothes in automatic machines, dishwashers, and they will easily destroy stagnation in pipeline fittings, without any detrimental effect on the pipes themselves.

Powdered household cleaning chemicals

To date, this type of detergent remains the most popular. About 95% of household cleaning chemicals purchased are covered with various powders. Small particles of powder under the influence of water can penetrate deep into the molecules of dirty spots and easily destroy them. Powders can be concentrated, which greatly reduces the dose of use. There are also granulated powders, the main advantage of which is that they are less "dusted", so they are more convenient to use.

Whichever detergent you choose, check the label beforehand: composition and use instructions. Give preference to those detergents that are more natural in composition, because they are much safer - both for the user individually, and for the entire planet Earth.