- wallpaper varieties
- paint Interior paint
- We consider waterborne paints
- Painting paints for wall decoration
- Paints with alkyd composition
- "Liquid glass"
Everyone sooner or later faces the need to make repairs in his home. If several years ago we independently invented different models and interior of the house, now you can see all this on the Internet or order your own style from the designer. However, repairs made with their own hands are much appreciated. Today we'll talk about different coatings for the house and consider what to paint the walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper.
to content ↑wallpaper types The construction market is growing every day more and more. You can see a huge number of different wallpapers for any part of your house. However, they are all subdivided into several groups and types of
Wallpaper types:
- vinyl;
- paper;
- wall-paper;
- washable;
- non-woven;
- wallpaper for painting;
- liquid wallpaper.
Important! All of the above products have their own color range, which is represented in a huge selection. You can choose any picture, texture, color, villi, whatever your imagination wants.
However, the most important drawback of wallpaper is that after looking at one or two rolls, you can not imagine what the room will be after gluing this cover. The effect can be charming, and can disappoint you. That's why more and more customers are using the wall painting instead of wallpaper.
to the table of contents ↑Paint for residential premises
If you decided not to glue wallpaper in your room, but give preference to another coating, then immediately the question arises as to which paint to paint walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper?
The main requirements that advances to paint for walls are:
- safety;
- no odor;
- resistance to direct sunlight.
Important! Such a characteristic, as a washing base, does not have to be present in the wall paint. Unless, you can choose such products for a children's room or kitchen. Essential "plus" to the choice of such a paint product is the ability to quickly dry.
to the contents ↑We are looking at water-based paints
When deciding on what to paint walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper, there is only one right answer. This is paint. Among all the materials of this group, the most popular is water-based paint. It has no smell, dries quickly and is absolutely harmless to people.
The water-based paint is divided into three groups:
- water-emulsion;
- water-dispersible silicone;
- water-based dispersion on acrylic basis.
Let's look at each species in more detail.
Water-based paint
The most popular paint among all is water-based paint. This paint is based on polyvinyl acetate. The main advantage is that the paint dries quickly and lies flat.
If you leave to paint the walls in a certain color, you need two layers.
Important! We draw your attention to the fact that if you want to change the hue of paint, to decorate it, you can add a little more color to a little, then reach any color that your imagination will desire.
Water-based paint has a favorable effect on the walls of the living area. Many experts say that with this coverage the walls "breathe".Excellent in those rooms where there are asthmatics, allergies and small children.
Important! Water-based paint is the most affordable option among similar products. Therefore, it enjoys great popularity among the population.
Disadvantages of water-based paint:
- Walls intended for this kind of coating should be perfectly even, as water-based paints do not paint the flaws.
- The coating is easily washed with a wet rag. If you walk several times on the wall, you will have a trace that will need to be painted over.
- This coating on the walls is quite easy to damage by any mechanical means. Scratch becomes very noticeable.
- When used in the most demanded places there are scuffing, which is desirable to constantly paint over.
Water-dispersion silicone paint
Excellent option to paint the walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper, - water-dispersion mixture. About this product, you can say with confidence that it is ideal.
Advantages of water-based dispersion paint for the home:
- Easily applied to any surface.
- It does not require preliminary preparation of walls and ideally flat concrete or plasterboard base.
- Greases cracks, depth and width up to two millimeters.
- Due to the formed film after application, it is not afraid of moisture, mechanical damage, does not collect dust.
- You can wash.
- Does not lose its color during the entire service life.
- Useful for walls.
- It is possible to use in rooms with high humidity in the street.
- Odorless.
Important! One unique disadvantage of water-dispersion paint on a silicone base is a high price category. However, to create a unique interior, style and design, which will serve you more than one year, it is worth to choose this paint.
Acrylic water-dispersion paint
If you are thinking about how to paint walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper, then you should consider the purchase of acrylic water-dispersion paint. By its distinctive characteristics, it is something average between a similar agent on a silicone base and just an aqueous emulsion liquid.
According to its qualitative characteristics, it is more suitable for water-dispersion paint on a silicone base:
- dries quickly;
- has no sharp odors;
- is easy to apply.
Important! The main advantage is that it is able to tighten small cracks, with a depth of up to one millimeter. Can be used in any part of the house.
Acrylic-based water dispersion paint is the most popular among buyers, as the price-quality ratio is at an average level. If you want to make inexpensive repairs in the house, but at the same time of excellent quality, then stop your choice on this paint and varnish product.
We choose the paint for the corridor, bathroom and kitchen
For the decoration of walls in the corridor and the kitchen, paints that are made on the basis of acrylic with the addition of water-based silicone are suitable. This is due to the fact that they have high resistance to dirt and can often wash. At the same time, the original shade does not change at all.
It is recommended to use textured paints in the kitchen, as it will be hard for you to maintain the cleanliness in this part of the house.
Important! To expand the space, we advise you to purchase paint with a pearl divorce. In this case, your room will seem bigger and lighter.
to the table of contents ↑Textured paints for wall decoration
A novelty in the construction market is a textured paint that is perfect if you think how to paint walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper.
- The main advantage is that it does not smell, it falls flat, creating interesting patterns.
- The basis of such a paint product is an aqueous dispersion on an acrylic base. The composition adds special substances based on sand, fibers and other elements that create a unique texture structure.
- Paints and varnishes have different thickness and structure. Apply it by brush, roller or spatula. When applied with each instrument individually, you will see a distinctive unique pattern. Depending on the desired result, a tool for application is selected.
- Textured painting of walls instead of wallpaper is done in any shade you need by adding color.
- It is applied to a previously cleaned surface. This can be drywall, concrete, fiberboard, chipboard and other types of walls.
- Many experts advise to prime the work surface before application.
Important! In the construction market, you can purchase textured paint with imitation of suede, fabric, leather, mother of pearl, from ancient surfaces and many others. To create a unique interior, you can use several tools at once, causing one after another. So do three layers. On each container with such a paint there is an instruction for applying this product.
to the contents ↑Paints with alkyd composition
Another paint that is present on our market is alkyd. The main advantage is that it does not respond to direct sunlight, is resistant to temperature changes and moisture. Therefore, this option is great for the bathroom and kitchen, if you think, than paint the walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper. Another "plus" is the low price.
Disadvantages of alkyd paint:
- sharp odor;
- during operation loses its original color;
- appears yellowish tint;
- is best used for painting radiators, rather than for painting walls instead of wallpaper.
Important! Alkyd paint has a very sharp smell. Therefore, the painting of the premises should be carried out at a time when nobody lives in the house, and the room is well ventilated.
to the contents ↑"Liquid glass"
"Liquid glass" is a paint and varnish based on silicates.
Advantages of "liquid glass":
- on the surface, painted with such a paint, does not appear fungus and mold;
- coating is durable;
- strong;
- high quality water vapor permeability.
Disadvantages of silicate paint:
- liquid formulation is hazardous to health;
- should not be worn in open clothing during application and until it is completely dry;
- are incompatible with other coatings and paints;
- should only be painted on the cleaned surface of the old coating;
- small selection of colors.
Important!"Liquid glass" is not the best solution for painting walls instead of wallpaper.
Despite the fact that the decorative paint was unpopular a few years ago, now it is the leader of wall coverings. Do not even think that in your room, you can not create a unique design. Paint is the kind of material that can create incredible beauty at a low price. We told you what color to paint the walls in the apartment instead of wallpaper. Choose, experiment, and your house will be a luxurious room!