How to paint tulle at home?

  • Preparatory stage
  • dye choice
  • dye set-up We proceed to dyeing
  • Light shades
  • Nylon tulle
  • We stain in the washing machine
  • Other staining methods

If you want to make changes to the interior, of course, ideas such as buy ordo yourself decor, change wallpaper or update furniture. And what about the option to paint tulle? On the one hand - it will give her a new life, on the other - will add an entirely new look to the interior, and he will play with new colors. By the way, you can do it very quickly and simply without leaving home. So how to paint tulle at home? Prepare, now tell.

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Preparatory stage

In fact, it is very important to properly prepare the fabric for painting. Otherwise, you risk irretrievably damaging it. To do this:

  1. First remove the tulle and soak it in a small amount of warm water.
  2. When it cools down, drain it and repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Then wash the cloth. It is highly recommended manually - again, this will reduce the risk of damage and deformation.
  4. Thoroughly rinse the tulle and allow it to dry at room temperature or on the street( in no case above the heater, fireplace).
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Selecting the dye

The next step is to choose how to paint tulle at home. Here everything depends on what color you want to get in the end. For example:

  • from improvised means it can be green, tea, potassium permanganate;
  • of professional - special paints based on aniline.
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Let's proceed to painting

Read the enclosed instructions if you have given your preference to paints. Only after this:

  1. Dissolve the dye in a small amount of water.
  2. Leave the fabric in the resulting solution for the specified time as specified in the instructions.
  3. When the result is achieved, gently rinse the tulle and dry it.
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Light shades of

To just give an easy tint to an easy fabric, it is not necessary to use professional paints. It is quite suitable for this purpose some improvised means. For example, described below.

Tea and coffee

How to paint tulle in beige? For those who are not ready for cardinal bright colors, there is an option to give the fabric a neutral, but pretty nice shade. It can be creamy, ivory or the same beige.

Your actions are very simple:

  1. Beforehand, wash the tulle( preparatory stage).
  2. Brew 1,5-2 liters of 1-2 tablespoons of tea and let the liquid infuse.
  3. Strain it.
  4. Leave your tissue in the solution for half an hour or forty minutes.
  5. Rinse well and dry it.

Important! This method is ideal for a cream shade. If you intend to get beige tulle, then do the same steps, replacing tea with coffee.


This substance is ideal if the desired result is to obtain a pink or purple hue. All that is needed is to dilute the crystals with water, and the concentration of the solution depends on how much the rich tone of the tissue you want to get.

Important! Do not use a large amount of detergent or any other cleaning agent - the fabric may color unevenly. Consider this nuance.


How to dye a fabric with greenery in the home is easy. In the end, you can get a beautiful light green color. In addition, in time this method will take quite a bit, as well as other varieties of staining.

The instructions for use are the same as for the methods mentioned earlier. That is, dilute the green with water and soak the cloth in it.

Important! It is important to remember only one thing - the exposure time directly depends on how bright the shade you want to get in the end.

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Nylon tulle

How to paint tulle from a nylon? There are a large number of methods and tips for painting fabrics from kapron. They were also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Choose one of the options that suits you:

  • The method that requires corrugated paper is one of the simplest. The result will pleasantly surprise you. Cut it into small pieces and fill it with water. Let it brew. In the resulting colored liquid, soak the cloth.
  • Excellent work here, and potassium permanganate, and tea-coffee, and you can also paint tulle green.
  • Special dyes for nylon, wool or cotton fabric are suitable. But the dye for silk does not fit.

Important! All these ways you can use not only to change the shade of curtains, but also to modify tights or stockings in accordance with the intended way.

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We paint in the washing machine

As an option, we can consider coloring in the washing machine. However, it is necessary to follow the rules and follow the instructions without fail, if you do not want to ruin the tulle:

  1. The preparatory stage of the fabric has not been canceled, even if the painting takes place in the washing machine. So thoroughly wash the tulle before the main actions begin.
  2. Dilute the paint according to the instructions and pour it directly into the drum.
  3. Place the wet cloth in the drum.
  4. Select the washing mode and time for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Press the start button and wait for the washing to finish.
  6. Washing the second time, but with the addition of vinegar and cold water, will help to fix the color.

Important! At the end of the process, first clean your washing machine for paint, so as not to spoil things with the next wash. You can clean it manually, but you can start another wash, but at the same time adding a half glass of bleach.

Is it possible to damage the machine with the paints used?

Surely in your head the question of what will happen if you paint things in a washing machine. Is the technique going to deteriorate after that? You can live in peace and not worry. Dyes do not contain any strong chemical substances in their composition, which makes them absolutely safe.

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Other ways of coloring

There are a lot of them. Moreover, the staining can be done both manually and in the machine. Here are some of them:

  • Yellow color can be obtained by using as a coloring agent all the different colors of yellow. For example, dandelions, daffodils and calendula.
  • Carrots and husks from onions will help to acquire an orange shade.
  • If you wish to get a green color, then, in addition to the usual green, you can also use the leaves and stems of sorrel, yarrow and spinach.
  • Blackberry will give the tulle black color.

Important! A good option is to apply a fixative to the fabric before starting the procedure. It will help fix the color and save it during subsequent washing of the tulle.

Now you just have to think carefully about what color you want to get, take the appropriate funds, and start creating a new design of curtains. It's so easy to transform an interior without cardinal measures and long-term repairs - see for yourself!