- Universal products for different fabrics
- How to clean the collar of the down jacket?
- How can I clean the shaded places on the down jacket, which can only be seen from a distance?
- Black and dark clothing
- Wool clothing
- Coarse fabrics
- Tips and recomendations
Seeing glossy, shiny spots on the surface of their outerwear, many people rush to throw it away, thinking that the old look of the product can not be returned. In fact, this is completely wrong, because there are a huge number of ways to remove the population from the down jacket and other outer clothing at home. About them, we now talk.
to the contents ↑Universal tools for different fabrics
It happens that you do not know what the thing is made of, but the problem does not disappear from it. The gloss must be somehow removed. In this case, you will need such tools.
Hydrogen Peroxide
A very effective way to remove shiny stains from the jacket is hydrogen peroxide:
- Mix one glass of peroxide with two glasses of water and add to the resulting solution six drops of ammonia.
- Use a cotton pad to process the problem areas.
- When the result is achieved, thoroughly rinse the product.
Important! This method is particularly effective for outerwear made from light materials. On products of a dark shade it is better not to use, in order to avoid the formation of discolored spots.
The next effective method, how to clean the jacket from greaseiness - put it for fifteen minutes in a solution of vinegar with water. After remove and thoroughly wash the product. If the shaded areas remain, repeat the procedure in a couple of days.
The method of "newspaper and iron"
In search of an answer to the question of how to remove shine from a jacket or any other outerwear, you can find many strange, not very popular methods. One such method is the "newspaper and iron" method. About him know the unit, however, it is quite effective.
All you need to do is iron the greasy places through the newspaper with the iron.
Important! Be careful, because the clothes can remain traces of topographic paint.
Soap Foam
No less effective in dealing with greasy places is ordinary soap foam. Put it on problem areas and rub it with a brush from hard nap. The result you will be pleasantly surprised, because in a few minutes you will be able to clean the grease from the down jacket.
to the contents ↑How to clean the collar of the down jacket?
Ammonium alcohol is the best remedy for eliminating shiny stains from the collar of the down jacket or any other outer garment. Mix two tablespoons of alcohol with five tablespoons of warm water and use a brush to get rid of the problem areas.
to the contents ↑How to clean the shaded places on the down jacket, which can be seen only from a distance?
It happens that on the surface of clothing are formed populations, which can be seen only at a long distance. Efficiently get rid of them will help refined gasoline:
- Treat the problem areas and sprinkle them with salt or baking soda.
- Leave it for fifteen minutes.
- After the stains have been removed, wash the thing.
Black and dark clothing
If the shiny spots are formed on clothing made of dark materials, then you can get rid of them with coffee grounds. It is necessary to clean the surface with a brush from a hard pile.
Important! In addition to the fact that the gloss disappears, the thing will get a pleasant aroma of coffee beans.
to the table of contents ↑Woolen clothing
If the outer clothing of wool has become glossy, then there are several options for combating this phenomenon.
Method one:
- Prepare the solution from medical alcohol and water.
- Use a brush to clean the stains.
- After the desired result is reached, allow the items to dry at room temperature.
Method 2
For the second method you will need food salt.
- Mix it with a little warm water and apply the resulting gruel to the shiny places.
- After ten minutes, clean the area using a hard wool brush.
Rough fabrics
To get rid of greasy stains on clothes made from coarse fabrics is easiest. To do this, you will need pumice or a saw, which is used to get rid of the coarsened skin on your legs.
Important! Alternatively, you can also use an eraser.
Walk it over the surface, and there will be no trace of grease, and the process of removing them will be pretty simple.
to the contents ↑Tips and Tricks
- You should never run the problem. Stains should be removed as soon as possible after they have appeared. Especially it concerns the outer clothing of light materials. The lighter the tone, the more difficult it is to eliminate the gloss. If the populations become old, then removing them will become an almost impossible task.
- Before removing the gloss from the jacket, it is necessary to test a small amount of the product on the wrong side of the product. The fact is that you can never be sure of how the material behaves. If you do not test the tool, then the thing risks being irreparably corrupted.
- It should be understood that different methods are used for different fabrics to remove gloss. What is suitable for one type of material can irretrievably spoil the other.
Due to the fact that the thing is worn too often or because of improper ironing on it, greasy places can be guaranteed. As you were able to make sure to get rid of them, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. We told you about a lot of different ways how to clean the grease from the jacket. Follow them, and you are guaranteed to get the desired result - from greasiness there will be no trace!