Watches at all times is a kind of indicator of social status, identity determination, character. Chronometer at hand will tell the owner a lot about the - about the outlook on life, image, position.
The history of the development of models of watches began in 1812 - when there was a first in the history of a mechanism that could be worn on the hand, and not in the pocket. Its inventor was the great Abraham-Louis Breguet.
- Men's wrist watch
- Women's watches
- Children's watches
- Shock watches
- Mechanical Wrist Watch
- Electronic Wrist Watch
- Quartz Wrist Watch
- Swiss watch
Men's wrist watch

Wrist watches have become an indispensable accessory and indispensable assistant of the modern man's life. For the business person every second counts. For him, the mechanism of measurement of time - it's accuracy and punctuality, reliability and confidence.
Men's wrist device to classify depending on the destination. Self-respecting man takes on more than one model, but three or four. This is due not to the whim and with mechanisms functionality.
Thus, the classic Swiss timepieces are not designed for diving - it is a special mechanism with specific functions for deep-sea diving.
There are four categories of men's wrist accessory
classic - category is intended for business men, accessories suitable for meetings and conferences. Classic gilded - a measure of self-confident, reliable partner.
sport - arrangements are made for men who lead an active lifestyle. Watches often become athletes, whose way of life is inextricably linked with the movement, the possibility of falling, blows and other mechanical influences on handmade accessory. Useful materials - metal, steel, rubber and plastic.
Category is intended for young people who have not yet entered at the time of a solid, business age.
design - demanded category of men's wrist chronometer. Designed for those who are not afraid to experiment with the image. These models combine all kinds of materials - from precious metals to surgical steel, leather and fabric, wood and stones, diamonds and crystals. They have a rich range of color and bold design solutions. Suitable for men artists, showmen, stylists.
combined - a combination of classic elements with sport and creativity. Men's watches are made up of elements of the balanced style, suited for daily routine, and for special occasions. Useful materials - metal, steel, plastic, wood, leather, rubber.
In addition to classification according to the destination is isolated quartz and mechanical models. The latter is considered the most prestigious and reliable. They do not need a battery replacement, looks solid and elegant.
Of all manufacturers mechanisms from the Swiss watch factories. Model under the "Made in Switzerland" - a millisecond precision and quality for years to come. The same number of manufacturers can be attributed arrangements made in Japan. Their hallmark is innovation and excellence.
Women's watches

Women's watches playing the role of time and figure decoration. The history of the development of models for the ladies began with the first wrist watch.
For the first time the owner of the hand was the miracle of the Queen of Naples. Watches were made two years for her! At first chronometers were considered purely women's jewelry, men appeared later.
Female models are usually divided into categories according to the shape, purpose and style of the mechanism.
Choose a model for the girl is not difficult, since the range of a wealth of superior line of men's choice mechanisms.
Despite the variety of forms - bracelets, "HRE", pendants, snake-watch - two groups of chronometers:
- mechanical
- quartz
The first type of accessory among the glamorous beauties are not so popular. This is due to lack of time and desire to plant a permanent mechanism. Rather, it is necessary to liking the man, who appreciate the practicality of the device. Ladies prefer quartz type. This category is easy to clean. It is characterized by a variety of shapes, design and colors.
isolated on style:
classic style - Designed for business women, they prefer to wear to meetings, meetings. Materials of manufacture - gold, metal, steel, titanium, leather, ceramic, diamond elements.
sports type - a category designed for women with active lifestyles or those who prefer the style of "casual." Materials of manufacture - metal, steel, plastic, rubber, leather, titanium.
design type - This category is considered to be a popular mechanism compared to other. Here there are watches that will satisfy the wishes of even the most capricious lady.
manufacturing materials - gold, silver, diamonds, crystals, leather, ceramics, wood, stone, pearl, surgical steel, titanium.
Women need two or three models. This is due to the variety of styles in the wardrobe. For example, a classic watch does not look with a sports suit in the gym.
If a woman likes to change the image every six months, it is more expedient to stop the choice on low-cost mechanisms. If the accessory is purchased in the long term, it is wise to pay attention to the assembly of the Swiss watches made of precious metals.
Woman chooses accessory in appearance, but to evaluate himself clockwork necessary indicator of accuracy, functionality and reliability.
Children's watches

Children's watches It differs significantly from adults mechanisms. They manufacturing are paying close attention. This is explained by the behavioral characteristics of children and are not yet fully formed organism.
Based on these factors, the manufacturer selects the materials, form and functionality. This watch round or square in shape with a solid strap from environmentally friendly materials.
The first mechanism is the hallmark of proof and waterproof. Children are constantly moving, playing, falling, are drawn to the water. Therefore, manufacturers of timepieces for kids resorting to the use of durable materials:
- Plastic
- Aluminium alloy
- Stainless steel
- Glass - mineral, acrylic
- Straps - nylon, rubber, fabric, PVC, PU
The materials meet the requirements of hygiene and environmental protection.
The straps do not provoke allergic reactions or diaper rash. structure of the mechanism is designed so that the skin breathe baby, do not sweat.
Belts wear, odorless, resistant to temperature changes, cracking. The body and the glass are made of waterproof and durable items. Even if the child manages to break dial fragments will not be. Children's watches are safe. This is a basic requirement for children's chronometers.
already years is recommended to get the child clockwork five. He will learn how to navigate in time, to determine the arrows and memorize indexes. Only after mastering the classic dial, you can give the electronic version.
Now timepieces for kids - it's innovation. They are easy to match with mini-computers or phones. Such devices will become an indispensable tool for children and parents. "Smart" clock tracks the location of the person. Made devices from heavy-duty materials, hypoallergenic and safe for health.
In addition to the functions of electronic gadgets and strength of children's watch features a wide range of colors, variety of design solutions. There are simple and bright model for kids, modern, electronic mechanisms for teenagers.
Shock watches

Modern clockwork - it is not just a set of basic functions. Each device has a certain impact strength. Especially this point concerns sports models.
The first master of fencing mechanism of the physical impact on the right is Abraham-Louis Breguet. He first demonstrated the anti-shock function. Inventor threw his invention to the floor and nothing happened to him. Now nobody will be surprised by this feature and is considered normal in the industry.
What is the impact in chronometers? According to many, shock watches can be repeatedly throwing and subjected to various mechanical influences. But it is not so. Shockproof models designed to accidental falls and depression, rather than the constant demonstration of strength.
Chronometer under the influence of regular attacks fail, whatever protection there was. Therefore it is necessary to adequately treat the mechanisms and take good care of them.
By strength is meant to shock protection balance axis hours. Her shield from contact with other elements of the design.
Impact resistance can be divided into:
- External - body
- Internal - defense balance axis trunnion
External achieved by using special materials - mineral glass or sapphire, plastic or titanium. It is resistant to mechanical stress elements. Sapphire crystal, for example, it is difficult to scratch, even if much hard work.
Internal balancing axis is achieved by using special springs and suspensions in the manufacture of devices. It should be understood that even the most recent developments will not save a chronometer if to jump on him, reset repeatedly from a height of two to three meters onto concrete or subject to other irrational impacts.
Such an attitude will lead to an accessory to the workshop for repair of damages, and the case is complicated and expensive. Each brand has its own characteristics in the protection mechanisms so the watchmaker will have to look for.
Shockproof function often used in sports and children's wrist time meters, at least in the classic. Whatever defense did not have watches, refers to a mechanism carefully.
Mechanical Wrist Watch

Mechanical mechanisms - the ancestors watch movement itself. They started the history of the cult devices, measuring time to the nearest second.
The mechanism of these models was initially cumbersome and complicated. The inventors started from the manufacture of parts weighing 200 kg. However, the development of science and the invention of Huygens, Hooke and Breguet resulted appearance and time meters work to models that are available in the market.
Device accessories such fascinating and enjoyable dimensional way. Today mechanical hour are considered a sign of high status of the owner in the community. Despite the flaws in the accuracy of the mechanical hand-held devices, they are in demand and deserve attention.
It is fashionable to show progress of an accessory in a transparent body. So the owner can see firsthand the principle of the model. It consists in the factory springs and its uniform unwinding. She works on a pendulum or balance control that makes the wheels move and propel the arrows.
Until recently, the mechanical clock had errors in accuracy. But today this disadvantage offset by an automatic winding.
This part reduces the number of seconds the error rate and leads to the exact time.
- No need to replace batteries
- Watches with proper care serve for decades
- Exquisite appearance
The models are classified according to the form of the mechanism and destination. Characterized winding timepieces with bulkiness. They perfectly look on a man's wrist, while a woman's hand needs to be more subtle and refined form.
Mechanical watches require manual daily plant since the spring unwinds inevitable. The apparatus should be protected from excessive humidity, dust and dirt. It requires annual cleaning time meters in the workshop.
Electronic Wrist Watch

Electronic Wrist Watch It appeared in the everyday life of man since 1957. Models in those years had normal dial with arrows, and the device was a quartz. It took decades for the improvement of the masters of time meters based on quartz elements.
In addition to the standard use as a wristwatch, such mechanisms being introduced in microwave ovens, computers, street tabloids, etc. The electronic generator is integrated mechanism whose vibrations are converted into discrete signals. They are transmitted to a liquid crystal display or classic dial.
Models are equipped with additional features:
- The calendar
- Alarm clock
- Calculator
- Thermometer
- Barometer
- Pedometer and pulse meter
AT watches with quartz elements is inserted into the camera, video and media applications. These features are of interest to young people.
By purchasing a timepiece, pay attention to the body. He must understand the purpose of a battery change. Otherwise, the model will have to throw it away and buy a new one. Price devices democratic politics, and design solutions, color palette and shape models are varied. Wrist accessories are selected according to their destination.
Soup suitable for people involved in sports. They are made of impact-resistant materials. Children and adolescents prefer to receive a gift of electronic assistants, rather than mechanical watches.
Distributed "smart" devices for children. They have become popular because of the ability to track the location of a child, to know what was happening to him.
Quartz Wrist Watch

Quartz chronometers occupy the main segment in the hourly production. Their popularity is due to the convenience, practicality and accuracy, which is an error of only ± 15 seconds per month. This figure is much less than the error of mechanical devices.
The confusion between the concepts of "electronic clock" and "Quartz" is justified. The latter refers to the category of electro-mechanical devices, while electronic devices are used only quartz elements, and the rest of the work performed by the microprocessor.
Quartz models differ from the mechanical oscillation source - instead of the classic pendulum used quartz crystal. This material when subjected to a shock is compressed and generates an electrical pulse.
The mechanism works as follows:
- Electronic unit, the main component of the device sends an impulse to the stepper motor.
- The engine under the influence of the momentum moving the clock hands.
The work involved two chronometer element - and the engine block. The pulse rate, which feed member is provided quartz crystal. Unit and the motor powered by batteries. It changed once in 4-5 years. Owner quartz timepiece should not worry about the daily winding.
The models are checked for accuracy once a year and when the error it is fed.
The downside of aging mechanism of quartz is considered. But this is not happening soon, and after tens of years. Quartz watches are considered to be reliable, convenient and accurate. They are made depending on the purpose of the accessory.
For children and athletes and body-belts are made of impact-resistant materials - mineral, acrylic or sapphire crystal, titanium, plastic, steel frames. Classical models are assembled from precious metals - gold, silver, platinum. Everything depends on the destination device, for what purpose it was purchased.
Chronometers with quartz crystal produced not only with a replaceable battery. Models are equipped with a battery. When walking and moving hands is recharged. In fact, it is a hybrid mechanical winding. The device is suitable for those who move a lot and walks.
Swiss watch

Geneva - a place where eminent master watchmaker work. The history of development hours began in the 16th century. In the city flocked to the best masters - from Italy, Germany, France and England. They laid the foundation for the development of the famous Swiss precision and luxury.
Here worked famous Abraham-Louis Breguet, Adrien Philippe, Abraham-Louis Perle. Development of these watchmakers amazed the world. Masters brought Switzerland's leading producer hours.
In Switzerland, invented the first automatic watch, the first quartz timepieces, electronic liquid crystal devices and models with escapement. Recent performance surpassed the development of the Breguet - the tourbillon.
The range is diverse timepieces are made:
- Mechanical Wrist Accessories
- Quartz Wrist timepieces
- Pocket mechanisms of precious metals
- child models
The owners of a Swiss watch pay attention to running accuracy and long life.
The catalogs manufacturers meet the classic accessories at affordable price and expensive works of art - vintage models of gold, platinum and precious stones.
Pocket watch "Made in Switzerland" became a luxury, quality and performance of a high position in society. By purchasing a chronograph, it is important to pay attention to the country of origin. Often there are fake "Swiss quality" made in another region.
Carefully study the body, strap and glass. Manufacturer marks every detail of the brand name and country of the manufacturer. Hours pass and certification tests. Only real labeled accessories meet all the stated requirements for quality and precision.
Masters used to make arrangements materials depending on the application - steel, titanium, gold, platinum, leather or eco-leather, wood, sapphire or mineral glass.
Mechanisms are made of alloy, the composition of which is known only masters - this is the secret assembly of Swiss manufacturers. Ingenuity, talent and hard work of watchmakers become a sign of quality models, their accuracy and luxury.