How to connect speakers from the music center to a computer without a center?

  • How to connect speakers from a desktop music center to a computer?
  • How to connect speakers from a non-working music center

Currently, home appliances, consisting of music centers, is not widely used and safely dusting on the cabinets of the premises. In this regard, there is an opinion that it seems to have already served its time. But the equipment for playing music is qualitative and quite expensive, so it's a pity to send such equipment to the trash. In this article, we'll look at alternatives for using a device to play music, for example, how to connect speakers to a computer from a music center without a center.

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How to connect speakers from the working music center to the computer?

Let's ask ourselves how realistic it is to connect the speakers from the stereo system to the PC.It turns out that this is quite possible. And for a functioning acoustic device, such a connection process is not at all difficult. For this procedure, you need to use only one cable, the appearance of which looks something like this:

  • one side of the cable is topped by the familiar minijack of black color by 3.5 mm;
  • on the other side hang two tulips of white and red color.

Important! There is nothing complicated in this cable, you can make it yourself, only for this you must at least be able to properly hold the soldering iron. To do this, you need to find the cable itself, if you do not have it, you can use the cord from the stereo headset. Necessary plugs are purchased in any department of radio components in a modern hypermarket or on the market. As they say, both cheaply and angrily.

How to connect the speaker from the music center to the computer:

  1. The purchased cable is connected to the AUX-connector, which is located on the back side of the stereo system panel. It's two identical holes that have a red and white color.
  2. The second end of the cable is connected to the hole for the output of acoustic speakers on a personal computer. This is a large hole that has a greenish bezel. And that's almost all.
  3. After that we turn on the audio system, we make a choice on it AUX mode.

Important! Each separate music center has its own setting, which is different from the others, so you must select an individual instruction for connection or you can try to apply the method of "scientific poke".Maybe you can guess and correctly determine the desired mode.

Now you can easily take advantage of our advice and simply connect the stereo speakers from the audio system to a stationary PC or laptop, with a functioning music center. But there are times when the equipment for playing music is in non-working condition, how to solve the problem in such a situation?

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How to connect speakers from a non-working music center

This situation is much more complicated and its solution requires certain expenses. The problem lies in the fact that there is an amplifier in the stereo system that feeds the speakers. The power of the sound card located in the computer device is not enough to drive acoustic speakers. Therefore, connecting speakers from the music center to a stationary computer or laptop without the center itself is not so easy. But probably.

For this, first of all, you need to find an amplifier or make it yourself. To do this, it is useful as a separate device, and the use of a board from old speakers. The main requirement is that the power of the selected amplifier should not be greater than the power of the stereo speakers.

Important! If necessary, you can independently solder the amplifier - it's not so difficult task. On the Internet, a lot of ready-made schemes of any complexity and different options. The required parts can be easily purchased in any amateur radio department of the building store.

Sometimes there is computer acoustics in the house, which may not have several speakers functioning. In this case, it is necessary to clarify this power and operating voltage, perform a comparative analysis with the acoustic dynamics of the home stereo system.

Important! The required characteristics are found in the manual or on the rear panel of the audio system. If the parameters are suitable, then the problem is solved, and you can connect our device.

From the above article you can see that the out-of-date music center can easily be turned into computer acoustics. To do this, you need to use the wit and some of the tips given in this article.