How to remove a black bar on the monitor?

  • Settings for the Windows 7 operating system
  • Installing new drivers on the
  • graphics card Setting the correct frame rate
  • "Fire" of the

video card The monitor is an integral component for any computer. All the work behind the device can not do without the display itself. Modern technologies gave us the most high-quality screens, on which the picture looks very rich and realistic. Unfortunately, no user is immune from problems when working with such devices. How to remove a black bar on the monitor? How can I customize it? Perhaps it's the video card drivers or image output settings. To solve the problem, you can use different methods of elimination. Let's talk today about all the nuances of customizing this customary invention.

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Settings for the Windows 7 operating system

To solve the problem with black bars, you can try following the instructions:

  1. Turn on your device and wait for the Windows operating system to boot. Make sure that the display is connected to the computer's system unit.
  2. After booting, left-click on the "Start" icon and go to "Control Panel".
  3. Before you open the context menu with a huge number of icons responsible for different actions. You need to go to the "Display" tab.
  4. Now you need to go to the "Set screen resolution" setting. Before you open a dialog box in which you need to select the "Advanced settings" setting.
  5. It remains to enter the "Graphic characteristics" and select "Zoom to full screen" in the zoom settings.

Most often, the above manipulations help to remove black bars on the monitor on the sides. If nothing has changed after all the actions, then you will have to resort to other methods of eliminating the problem.

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Installing new drivers on the

graphics card It is possible that this defect is caused by problems with the version of the drivers of your video card.

Important! Some image output devices do not return to normal operation even after setting the desired resolution. The image simply ceases to stretch across the screen, leaving the ill-fated strips on both sides.

In order to get rid of this, you can try the following method:

  1. First you need to go to the official website of the publisher of your video card.
  2. Sites from all manufacturers have a similar operating principle, so you need to go into support and select the "Drivers" section.
  3. After that you need to fill in the empty fields, you need to enter your personal computer data and the model of the video processing chip.
  4. You should be redirected by link to the site with the most recent version of the drivers, from where you must download and install them.
  5. After these actions you need to go to the settings menu and set the maximum permissible resolution for the model of your device.

Important! To avoid misunderstandings in the principles of compatibility, set the settings in the settings box on the last item of the scaling parameters.

In the settings you need to find the line with the name "Scaling settings" and move the slider on the "Compressed scan - Stretched scan" item so that the picture fills the entire display.

Important! Also it is necessary to make sure that the picture is calibrated and is located exactly in the center.

How to remove black fields on the monitor, if the above did not help?

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Setting the correct frame rate

Some users recommend the following troubleshooting method:

  1. Right-click an empty area of ​​the desktop space.
  2. The context menu will open, in which you need to select the "resolution" section of the screen.
  3. You will see a window with four different tabs in front of you, you need to go to the "Monitor" tab.
  4. Find the "Monitor Parameters" and set a different refresh rate, either to the higher or lower side.

These manipulations can help you solve a problem.

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"Frying" of the

video card There is a possibility that the chip moves away a little from the card of the video card, which causes artifacts in the form of importunate strips."Repair" vidyuha as follows:

  1. Disassemble the system unit using a Phillips screwdriver and disconnect the video card from the motherboard.
  2. The cooling circuit must be removed from the removed circuit. We pick up the device and go to the stove.
  3. Turn on the cooking zone and hold the part with tweezers above the fire. The chipset should settle on the whole design.
  4. Cool the component and check. Also you can use an assembly hair dryer for this method.

Now you know how to remove black bars on the sides of the monitor in four different ways. Obviously, without identifying the cause of the defect, you will have to resort to any of them at random, but in any case, you will not do it any worse. Use the tips above, and you will succeed!