How can I clean my laptop from unnecessary programs?

  • Cleaning the
  • operating system Uninstalling the
  • software Revo Uninstaller
  • Deleting temporary files
  • Clearing the
  • registry

autostart Operating systems have a clogging property that results in a variety of failures, lags and brakes. Accumulations of unnecessary temporary files, irrelevant programs and logs in the registry very much slow down the operation of the operating system. Especially such problems are relevant for laptops, which are installed dozens of portable applications. Everything would look very sad if it was not possible to speed up the work and clean the system of this information "dirt".How can I clean my laptop from unnecessary programs? This question has several answers, because there are many ways to solve problems.

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Cleaning up the

operating system The most important thing in this procedure is the intensity of its execution. Users who have never done this before, begin to experience discomfort when working with a laptop computer. Some start to make false guesses about the quality of computer components and are looking for a new laptop or simply reinstall Windows.

Important! The last of the "unnecessary" techniques will help to achieve the desired result, but is there any sense in this, because when you reinstall the operating system, all the data from the hard disk disappears?

There are less critical ways, providing an excellent opportunity to restore the former performance of the device.

Let's make a clear sequence of "cleaning":

  • You can start from the desktop. Simply delete all unnecessary files and shortcuts of remote programs with the right mouse button.
  • Check all documents, pay attention to all downloads from the Internet. Very often the user downloads movies and serials, and after viewing does not delete them, leaving the files to hang dead weight on the hard disk.
  • Go to the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel" window, and then in the "Delete unnecessary programs and files".Before you open a list with all the installed programs. Just get rid of unnecessary software in one click.
  • There is still a hard disk cleaning from temporary files. This issue we will take time a little later.
  • There is also a registry, which must also be cleaned regularly. There is a variety of software( software), which helps to easily cope with cleaning the registry.
  • And do not forget about the autorun function. In its list there can be a lot of unnecessary applications slowing down the speed of your laptop.

Important! For beginners, a utility called "Unlocker" is great. It automatically suspends those processes that are occupied by a file. With this program you can clean the operating system without the intervention of the user.

How to clean the laptop completely? To achieve the goal you need to go through several stages.

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Removing the software

Make sure that your laptop is not clogged with software that has not been used for a long time.

Important! Even after removal, after the program, often "traces" of her work. The more such information is accumulated, the slower the device will work.

You can uninstall the software in the following ways:

  1. Standard tools. For example, the function "Uninstall the program", which can be found in the control panel of the operating system Windows.
  2. Using the delete file from the root folder. Such files are often called "Uninstall.exe".
  3. You can also download and install the free utility Revo Uninstaller.

How to clean your laptop of unnecessary programs with this utility? Let's get to know her better.

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Revo Uninstaller

This option is very convenient, since uninstallation will destroy the application completely. It even erases the records about the software being removed from the system registry, and we have already said how the traces of programs are badly affected by the system.

Now let's move on to the actual deletion procedure:

  1. Run the Revo Uninstaller program and select the application you want to remove from the system.
  2. Click "Delete" and wait for the completion of the preparation.
  3. It just remains to confirm your actions and say goodbye to the remote program.

After the procedure, the utility can offer to clean up the OS( operating system) from other information garbage. You just need to select a mode and press the "Scan" key, which is easy to find inside the software interface. Revo Uninstaller will show you all the files and folders that are left. You need to select them and select "Delete".

Important! If you want to get rid of old entries in the registry, then select "advanced scan mode".

This is only part of the overall sweep. We figured out how to clean the laptop of unnecessary programs, and now we need to deal with temporary files that quickly accumulate on the system disk.

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We destroy the temporary files

The memory is clogged by them very quickly, so you need to get rid of them regularly. You can achieve the goal using built-in Windows tools or third-party software. We should consider both ways.

OS Tools

This method does not require installation of utilities from the Internet. You need to do the following:

  1. Click on the "My Computer" icon and click on the PCM on the disk that you would like to clean. You need to get into the properties of this disk.
  2. Now go to the "General" tab and click on the disc cleanup. The tool will independently estimate the amount of memory that can be freed.
  3. Read the files that the system clears, and press the "OK" key.


Ccleaner is also good at this task, which can be downloaded from the Internet for free from the official developer site. Run the program and do the following:

  1. Wait for the utility to run and go to the "Cleanup" tab.
  2. Configure the Windows Cleanup settings and third-party applications. Just put or remove the checkmarks wherever you want.
  3. Press the "Analysis" button and wait for the scan to finish.
  4. Look at the summary that Ccleaner will provide to you, and click "Clean Up".

Important! Before carrying out all the manipulations, it is worth looking at the basket. It can contain files that you still need.

Ccleaner excels at removing system files:

  1. Open the tool called "Disk Cleanup" inside the utility.
  2. Wait until the list with files is generated, and click on "Clear system files".
  3. You will see before you another list of data that can be cleaned. There will be old updates, and other unnecessary things. Just click "Ok" to clean it.
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Clearing the registry

Here, too, a lot of unnecessary information accumulates - numerous entries about those programs that were deleted long ago. Most likely, you did not use Revo Uninstaller or Ccleaner before that, so you should definitely clean up the registry.

Important! In any case, do not do manual removal, because you risk deleting something you need, and this will lead to incorrect operation of the OS.

Ccleaner, about which we just talked, skillfully copes with this task instead of you:

  1. Turn on the utility and go to the "Registry" tab. Then click "Find problems" and wait for the end of the analysis of Windows.
  2. Click the Fix button. There will be a menu with a suggestion to make backup copies. Agree or not - it's up to you.
  3. Click "Fix" again, and all system problems will be resolved in a couple of seconds.

Important! Beginning users, doing this for the first time, immediately noticed the rise of the computer's efficiency.

How to clean the laptop completely and raise the speed of work? It remains only the last step to achieve our goal.

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The list of autorun responds for the speed of the laptop. There are those programs that run in the background. Their number directly affects the system brakes systematically.

We do not need the work of absolutely all programs from the list, so we do the following:

  1. On the keyboard, press Win and R. Enter into the appeared field "msconfig".
  2. Go to Startup and take a tick from those applications that you do not need. Leave only the antivirus and those applications, without which the desktop will not work.

As you can see, nothing too complicated is to independently understand the low performance of the PC system. We hope you took advantage of the options offered by us, and already appreciated how fast your laptop can work even with a large download of really necessary programs and files.