How to clean a sink from an artificial stone in the kitchen?

  • What is valued stone sink?
  • How to care for a sink made of artificial stone?
  • Than to clean a stone sink in the kitchen?
  • Folk remedies

In modern interiors of kitchens you can often find carpets made of composite materials that look attractive enough and stylish, but require a special approach. Unfortunately, not every hostess knows how to properly care for such a surface. In this article we will share with you tips on how to clean a sink made of artificial stone in the kitchen so that it retains its attractiveness for as long as possible.

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What is valued stone sink?

To explain the high popularity of sanitary equipment for kitchen from artificial stone is quite simple, because such products have a lot of advantages:

  • high strength, which affects the service life;
  • resistance to temperature effects, which allows you to choose the location of the sink, even in close proximity to the plate;
  • high level of resistance to moisture and eliminates the risk of rust;
  • are not subject to fracture under the influence of aggressive chemicals;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation, due to which the initial color of the wash is maintained throughout the whole period of operation;
  • excellent hygienic indicators, which makes such products absolutely safe;
  • high density and homogeneity of the material, thereby achieving absolute mechanical resistance to any impact;
  • ease of care - these products are undemanding in maintenance, especially if you choose the right tool to clean the sink from the artificial stone in the kitchen.

Important! An artificial stone is produced from a large number of various mineral substances with the addition of coloring compounds and resin impurities to them. This affects the external aesthetic appearance and the pleasant texture of the substrate.

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How to care for a sink made of artificial stone?

If you have become a happy owner of a modern artificial stone sink, first of all you should know the basic rules of care for composite material so that your product does not lose its attractiveness. Despite the many positive properties of the artificial stone, there are still unacceptable things that should be avoided as much as possible.

What is artificial stone afraid of?

Do not expose the product of a composite material to the effects of the following chemicals:

  • paint solvents;
  • acetone;
  • acid-based cleaners;
  • containing chlorine methylene compounds;
  • cleaner for metal cleaning;
  • petrol.

Important! If nevertheless any of the listed substances got into a sink in view of circumstances, it should be washed off immediately with the help of a copious stream of hot water and soap.

Also, surfaces made of artificial stone do not react very positively to the sudden change in temperature. Therefore, try to avoid the following actions:

  • do not put on the surface of the shell hot pans or pans that have just been removed from the plate;
  • avoid placing in the sink connected to the mains or just recently turned off appliances;
  • boiling water in the sink is recommended to drain only after the cold water is turned on;
  • use special protective pans for saucepans.

Important! In case of improper care on the surface of the sink made of artificial stone, small cracks, chips and scratches may form. Such troubles will not only spoil the appearance of the product, but also significantly complicate the process of its cleaning. Therefore, all the same, it is necessary to think carefully, including to the question, than to clean the sink from the artificial stone in the kitchen.

Rules for daily care

Composite products are characterized by high density and ease of maintenance if you follow the following recommendations:

  • , after each use, remove food debris and excess items from the sink;
  • for washing the surface of artificial stone use soap or liquid detergent;
  • wipe the sink should be soaked in a soapy solution with a sponge or a soft cloth with a soft cloth;
  • after cleaning, rinse the sink with warm water.

Important! A big problem with such plumbing is an unpleasant white coating of water. In order to avoid such trouble, it is recommended that after drying, wipe the surface of the sink with a dry soft cloth.

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Than to clean a stone sink in the kitchen?

Regardless of how carefully you treat the kitchen plumbing, the appearance of stains and dirt can not be avoided. In the case of the appearance of persistent contaminants on the surface, each mistress conceives, than to wash the sink out of artificial stone? One of the following methods will help you to eliminate, as well as prevent the appearance of firm spots on the sink.

Method number 1

Try once a week to clean the sink with a solution of water with bleach:

  1. Prepare a chlorine solution with water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. After usual washing with soap or liquid wash-wash basin fill with chlorine solution.
  3. Wait for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash the surface of the wash basin with running water.
  5. Dry the surface of the product with a soft cloth or towel.

Method number 2

Another solution to cleaning a stone sink in the kitchen is once every two weeks, you can treat the sink with a household bleach, which is used as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution of water with bleach in a 1: 3 ratio.
  2. Treat the surface with a household sprayer.
  3. Leave the surface in this state for a couple of hours.
  4. Wash the sink with warm water.
  5. Wipe the washer dry.

Important! To wash a sink from an artificial stone it is possible and by means of the following chemical means:

  • the powder of type "Pemolux" brought to a consistence of a paste;
  • special means for cleaning artificial stone, which can be bought at a household chemical shop;
  • specially designed gels and tablets;
  • Composite cleaning agents;
  • abrasive detergents from well-known brands "Comet", "Cif", "Cillit", etc.
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Folk remedies

The following folk remedies will help you to clean the artificial stone washer from contamination without using chemicals:

  • mustard powder, which is able to cope with the majority of household pollution;
  • lemon or its juice - will get rid of traces of rust and stains of tea or coffee;
  • baking soda, which is diluted to the state of gruel in order to avoid the appearance of scratches - will remove any impurities and will give an easy disinfectant effect;
  • favorite by many carbonated beverage brand "Coca-Cola" - will help remove lime scale and traces of rust;
  • helium toothpaste is capable of cleaning not only teeth, but also washing from contamination of various origins.

Important! Most of the tools required for cleaning kitchen equipment are available in every kitchen, and therefore if you have run out of washing - do not panic. Perhaps the result obtained from the cleaning of folk remedies you will like even more and you will not be forced to spend any more on expensive detergents.

In this article we have shared with you tips and recommendations on how to take care of an artificial stone sink and sincerely hope that the new plumbing will delight you for a long time and surprise your guests with its cleanliness and attractiveness.