How to wipe the tape from the plastic?

  • How to wash scotch from plastic?
  • Remove sticky traces from furniture
  • Household appliances, glass and other surfaces
  • Additional tips

Adhesive tape or simply an adhesive tape has become an indispensable thing for many, and for a long time. But sticking it all and all, we often do not think about how, then, and what to wipe off the glue from the scotch, frozen to death on the surface. In the production of this adhesive tape, only one glue is used - based on acrylic. Therefore, despite the firm-manufacturer, the component is still the same everywhere. Now that we know what kind of glue this is, the methods of cleaning it from it vary only from the type of surface: plastic, wood, glass and so on.

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How to wash scotch from plastic?

Plastic is now, perhaps, the most common material in the everyday life of a person. Starting from children's toys and ending with dishes and even furniture. Of course, glue on the tape is glued to it perfectly. It looks, say, unsympathetic, and to pick up a thing that is full of sticky spots, unpleasantly glued to the fingers, is also not very comfortable. How to wipe the tape from the plastic?- A frequent question in such cases.

Before deciding what to clean the adhesive from adhesive tape with plastic, you need to understand what the quality of the material itself is. There is a plastic that will withstand a nuclear explosion, and there is one that wipes terribly with a washcloth. Of course, these are all exaggerations, but the essence is clear. The second factor that plays an important role is how old these sticky tracks are.

So, all the means that are suitable for this purpose are folk, tested by experience. So just choose a more sparing or more coarse and effective, depending on the type of your plastic surface.


  • Eraser for erasing a pencil( eraser);
  • Oil is lean;
  • Hair dryer;
  • Ordinary solvent( white spirit or acetone);
  • Petrol;
  • Tool for rubbing the glass;
  • Scotch;
  • Your finger.


One of the simplest methods is the mechanical sprinkling of acrylic glue with your finger, or more precisely, with your fingernail.

How to remove traces of scotch tape - from the category we remove similar like. That is, to the place where sticky traces remained, stick a new scotch, squeeze it well and twist it with a sharp movement. Women who do wax depilation at home, such movements are familiar. We turn to more complex and previously unknown options for removing "stickiness" from plastic and PVC.

Vegetable oil

Surprisingly, the acrylic composition is susceptible to dissolution when exposed to fat. Anyone. Animal fat is not recommended only from the considerations that its use is more problematic - first it is necessary to melt.

How to apply such a tool to wipe the adhesive off the adhesive tape from the plastic:

  1. Pour the oil straight on the stain and wait for several hours.
  2. If you do not want to radically like that - on a rag and, again, on a stain, as you understand - for several hours.

Substance completely loses its pristavuchie properties and it can be easily wiped with a dry napkin. Then, wash the plastic after the procedure with something to clean up the fat.

Important! The method is not suitable for such places where it is difficult to rinse afterwards with fat.


How to clean scotch marks, having an eraser on hand is quite simple. The method is safe for all types of plastic.

You need:

  1. Simply rub the traces from the adhesive tape until they peel off.
  2. After working with an elastic band, you just need to wipe the surface with a damp soft cloth and it's ready.

This method is suitable even for very, very old contaminants."Mud", as often say the eraser schoolchildren, is truly a magical object that cleans even perennial stains from adhesive tape.

Important! Look for another option for removing acrylic adhesive if you have a large area of ​​damage. Otherwise, then you'll have to walk with the "krepature" in the muscles of the exerted hands, that is, you apply force fairly. And also time and patience.


Simply the ideal way to wash scotch from plastic is to wipe it with a solvent, because acrylic is easily liable to these substances:

  1. Wet cotton disc or a piece of cotton wool with any solvent available in the house, be it white spirit, acetone or gasoline( best of allthe one that refills lighters).
  2. Wipe off any sticky deposits from the surface.
  3. Then just rinse the plastic with the detergent.

Important! The painted plastic risks to appear without the top layer of a paint after similar influence. That is, on the surface will remain brightened spots. In order to understand how this method works in your case, apply the remedy first to some hidden piece of material from the eyes, and then, if the paint does not wear off, erase the sticky tracks.

Hair dryer

Old scuff after scotch will help to remove hot air, at home - it's a hairdryer. From the effect of this temperature, the dried substance will dissolve and it can be removed by other cleansing agents. Plus - hot air is just necessary to remove traces after double-sided scotch, because in the composition of this glue not only acrylic, but also foam with rubber.

Important! Again, check your plastic for strength in some inconspicuous place, and then use( or do not use) this option.

Glass Wiper This option is suitable for removing sticky material not only from glass, but also from plastic. Works with newly formed tracks - do not apply to aged ones.

Your actions:

  1. Spray the agent on the stain from the scotch tape.
  2. Wait a few minutes.
  3. After - wipe with a dry cloth or cloth.
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Remove sticky traces from the furniture

People transport furniture, fixing the opening details of the products with scotch, without thinking about the consequences. Then, after arranging the interior items in the house, their thoughts are taken up by the question of how to remove traces of scotch from the furniture so as not to harm its appearance. Let's talk about several options.

Method 1

The same vegetable fat. Work the same way as described above in the section on plastic.

Important! Do not use oil for untreated wood. Fat will absorb and leave ugly spots. Therefore, apply previously known for their useful qualities of solvents. Also, alcohol: ammonia or ordinary, but work quickly.

Method 2

"Stickiness" of a small diameter will remove, again, an eraser.

Method 3

Treat large volumes with hot air( hair dryer).Then, wipe off the scotch marks with the solvent.

Important! The lacquered furniture will have to be varnished again. From the effects of heat, varnish is swollen and loses its gloss.

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Household appliances, glass and other surfaces

How to clean traces of scotch, for example, from a refrigerator or stove? The best option, of course, is to ask the packers of the equipment to remove all stickers directly on the spot when you buy the unit.

Important! Remove them in stores with a special tool - WD-40 aerosol. This is a universal composition, designed specifically for such purposes. By the way, you can also buy it and apply it at home. On the package it is written: "To remove labels".To scrape off the scotch tape, it can also be used.

Of folk remedies, vinegar, acetone, alcohol and a glass cleaner will help you to cope with the task. Solvents and alcohols act in the same way as in the methods applicable to plastic, and with vinegar and glass cleaner - first soak, then wash with a dry cloth.

With the same compositions, remove the adhesive tape from such coatings as tiles, ceramics, mirrors.

Glass cleaning

Glass is a strong material, which is not afraid of any substances, so do not really ask yourself how to wipe the adhesive off adhesive tape. All the previously described methods are suitable here. We will pay a little more attention to the traces after the double-sided adhesive tape, it is to some nuances:

  • such spots must first be soaked;
  • aged - warm up with hot air.

That's the whole difference.

Important! Do not use solvents to clean the tinted windows.

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Additional tips

If sticky mass is left on the linoleum, it will help to remove the drill. Typically, this method is used to remove any adherent residues of foam, glue and other substances. You simply put the rubber nozzle on the drill and gently work the surfaces.

For a long time in the construction shops are selling special liquids and pencils to clean the surfaces from sticky raids. Without further ado, you can go and buy a similar product that will help wipe the scotch from the plastic and any other surface. Well, if you do not want to spend money on purchasing such chemistry, you already know a whole list of available folk methods.