- How to clean a carpet from a candle wax?
- How to clean paraffin from the carpet?
- Prevention measures
Constant attribute of any holiday is candles. The light of a living flame adds to the feast of solemnity, intimacy and secular pathos. However, the use of candles to decorate a room or cakes can lead to the appearance of stains from wax on the most unsuitable surfaces, including carpet. It is especially difficult to remove the paraffin stain from the surface of a long carpet. Today we will tell you how to clean the carpet of wax, so as not to damage it, and what preventive measures will help you not to spoil the carpet with candles.
to the contents ↑How to clean a carpet from a candle wax?
If you find a droplet of wax after a child's holiday, birthday or a romantic dinner, then first make sure that it is a natural product, and not its artificial counterpart, because the paraffin will have to work a little differently to get a positive result.
What is wax?
Wax is an organic compound that is secreted by special glands of bees. A compound is reproduced in the process of vital activity of honey plants.
According to its characteristics, wax refers to solids. Has a honey smell. The color of the wax is from white to yellow-brown. The organic compound at a temperature of +35 degrees becomes plastic, and at a higher temperature( 62-68 degrees) melts.
Important! Beeswax does not dissolve either in cold alcohol, in glycerin, or in water. But it dissolves well in essential oils, fats, gasoline, paraffin, turpentine and ether.
How to start carpet cleaning? Knowing the features of the material, you can easily get rid of it. But before proceeding to solve the problem, listen to the following tips: - Wait until the wax solidifies completely, even if a crust has formed, because inside the stain the wax can be still hot, which is dangerous for the skin of hands.
- After solidification of dirt, scrape off the excess wax with a mild object. The small crumbs remaining during the cleaning process are removed with a vacuum cleaner.
- After preliminary cleaning measures, proceed to remove greasy stains.
To quickly clean the carpet from traces of molten wax, use the following methods.
Method number 1.Freezing
This method will help to give a waxy stain hardness and make it stronger, which at times will facilitate the cleaning process.
Proceed as follows to clean the carpet from the wax:
- Pack the ice in a plastic bag.
- Attach the ice to the problem area. Cool the stain as much as possible.
- Allow the stain to harden.
- With a blunt knife, scrape off all the dirt.
- Walk around the surface of the cover with a vacuum cleaner.
- Allow the carpet to cool.
- Spray a cleanser above the problem area. This can be a spray for carpets or a solvent for dry cleaning.
Important! Before using this or that tool, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of the coating, as some dyes are easily dissolved, and white spots may remain on the surface.
- You can use alcohol to clean the stain. Clean the problem area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
- Dry the treated area with a cloth or a dry cloth.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to pour alcohol on the carpet, as the material can be shed.
If you did not manage to remove the stain completely, do not worry, but go to the second method.
Method number 2.Melting
This technique is effective for both fresh stains and dried up contaminations.
Instructions for removing wax formation:
- Put a paper towel on the stain or a folded bag of brown paper. A packet of groceries or breakfast packaging will do.
- Turn on the iron and set the lowest temperature. Be sure to turn off the steam function.
- Slowly warm up the paper bag or towel.
- Change the paper towel or paper as it is saturated with wax.
- After the stain stops appearing on the paper, turn off the iron and proceed to remove the remaining stains using alcohol or aerosol for the carpet.
- Place a clean cloth on the treated area and place the iron on it, but with the steam function on. All residues of contamination will be absorbed from the carpet into the fabric.
- Pile vacuum to get the coating back intact.
- Do not heat the iron hard. It will not give a quick result, but a household appliance can burn the nap. An iron set at a low temperature will slowly melt the wax, but the paper will not light up at the same time.
- As an alternative to iron, you can use a hairdryer or a hot spoon. If you use paper towels instead of tight bags, then the hair dryer is used more safely, since you can easily control the amount of heat given off by the device. Make sure that the hair dryer is not too close to the surface of the carpet, and that the appliance does not overheat.
- If you are dealing with colored wax, the dyes can leave on the carpet stable multi-colored spots. Therefore, after using one of the methods for removing stains to remove stains, use a special carpet cleaner.
How to clean paraffin from the carpet?
If wax falls on the carpet surface, it must be removed as soon as possible to avoid the absorption of other contaminants into its surface. To clean the surface of paraffin, use the time-tested folk methods described above. And in the absence of the necessary effect, use non-aggressive solvents that are always at hand:
- Salt.
- Table vinegar.
- Baking soda.
- Ammonium alcohol.
- Turpentine.
- Petrol.
- Kerosene.
- Acetone.
- White Spirit.
- Detergent.
Fast positive solution of the problem guarantee the following methods.
Method number 1.Salt + vinegar + soda
To prepare the solution, mix the soda, salt and table vinegar in equal proportions.
Proceed as follows to clean the wax from the carpet:
- The resulting composition, rub into a homogeneous mass.
- Apply to stain.
- Allow mixture to dry completely.
- Use a soft brush to clean the surface of the composition that has dissolved and absorbed paraffin.
Method number 2.Turpentine and ammonia
This method is suitable for light carpet.
Proceed as follows:
- Mix ammonia and turpentine in equal amounts.
- Apply the resulting formulation to the problem area with a sponge. Apply the product wiping movements.
- Leave the mixture for 30 minutes.
- Clean the remnants of the product with a soft brush.
- Carpet dry in natural conditions.
Important! Do not use heaters or hair dryers for drying the carpet, as this can lead to deformation of the product surface.
Method number 3.Aggressive
If the contamination is very massive, problematic and "refuses to depart" when using the above methods, then apply an aggressive cleaning method - use one of the solvents: white spirit, kerosene, refined gasoline or acetone.
Important! Use the remedies very carefully. First try their effects on an inconspicuous area of the surface, so as not to burn out the color of the product with an aggressive solvent. In addition, surface treatment with substances with a pungent odor, be sure to conduct in a well-ventilated area with the use of personal protective equipment.
Use solvents to clean the wax from the carpet as follows:
- Moisten the pad with a cotton pad.
- Carefully handle the problem area with a wetted disc.
- After achieving the required result, perform a traditional cleaning of the carpet with a professional tool( shampoo, powder, aerosol for the carpet) or folk remedy.
- Ventilate and dry product.
Important! If you are afraid that alcohol or other household products can damage the product, use a mild soap solution to remove the stain from the candle:
- Prepare it as follows: 1 teaspoon of liquid soap or dish detergent, dilute in 1 liter of warm water.
- Treat the problem area with detergent.
- After the greasy gloss disappears, rinse the surface with clean water to remove any remaining solution.
- After cleaning, allow the carpet to dry naturally.
- Do not leave any dirt or residue left untreated, since even transparent paraffin will fade over time and become a stain that rapidly collects dirt.
- When working with a long pile, be especially careful, try to influence only the surface layer of the carpet.
- Restoring particularly delicate products is best entrusted to professionals, especially if it concerns carpets made from natural fur.
- For the final cleaning of the carpet surface, use special household chemicals marked "for carpets."When buying a product, do not forget to specify for which coatings and colors it can be used so as not to spoil the product.
Prevention measures
To avoid damaging the carpet with candles, follow these rules:
- Buy only quality candles. Ideally, the composition of the candle should include: paraffin, stearic acid, aromatic fragrances and dyes. It is the stearic acid that helps to burn paraffin so that the amount of wax flowing from the candle is minimal.
- Place candles correctly. They should be in candlesticks with a large bowl to collect the wax.
- After using candles, always remove wax residues from the candlesticks.
- Do not place candles near a window or fan, as air flows will tilt the flame and melt the candle more.
We hope that thanks to our recommendations, you managed to get rid of stains of melted wax, and now nothing will prevent you from enjoying the holiday on a clean and fresh carpet. And in order to solve the problem as rarely as possible, how to clean the carpet of wax, adhere to the rules of prevention.