LED HD TV LG 24LH480U is a universal version of the modern devices.
Characterized by highly detailed pictures, full range of features as well as built-in ergonomic desk for installation TV at the selected location.
- functions
- Characteristics
- Equipment
- accessories
- dignity
- disadvantages
- Reviews
- Price

users TV are available to the following functions:
1. Smart TV feature that gives the owner control your TV and direct TV with ether. In other words, the user equipment becomes the head of his own channels.
2. Wireless transmission of video allows you to make the exchange of videos between different devices.
3. Wi-Fi connection is version 802.11, which allows you to use your TV screen to browse the Internet, including communication and viewing photos and videos.
4. Built-in timer and turn off the TV.
5. Entering the channel names.
6. List of television programs.
7. Freeze.
8. Russified menu.
9. Teletext.
10. Program guide.
11. Plug & Play function.
The model has a full set of features that are characteristic of modern household appliances in this category. The user will not experience limitations and inconveniences due to the lack of certain features.

The model has a set of technical specifications that put it among the most popular among similar devices. For users of the most important parameters are:
- LED-technology used in the development and production of the TV.
- The screen size is 23.6 inches.
- Wide viewing angle.
- The screen resolution is 1366x768, which can be attributed to an HD model category.
- A special algorithm works depicting Triple XD Endine.
- 8 picture modes.

- Audio output power is equal to 5Vth2.
- Dynamics 2.0.
- Sound Virtual Surround System.
- Reception signals of all broadcast systems.
- Built-in Wi-Fi module.
- USB-port.
Full description of the technical and operating characteristics contained in the attached instructions to the television.

The standard package includes a number of elements, but they are the most important to the user:
- Remote control.
- Built-in stand for mounting on a horizontal surface.
If necessary, it is possible to expand the basic equipment different elements, such as a bracket or other three-dimensional glasses.

By the model LG 24LH480U have the opportunity to purchase various types of accessories that make it easy to operate:
1. Different sets of satellite television, you can configure the maximum number of high-quality channels.
2. Different types of remote controls.
3. Antennas for catching a signal in a low coverage areas.
4. Cleaners for the screen.
5. television headphones with an extended cord.
6. Voltage regulator.
7. Network filter.
Accessories are divided into generic and branded, specialized for use with a particular device.

LED HD LG 24LH480U has practical advantages which have a positive impact on the use of household appliances:
1. Innovative Processor Triple XD. This special graphics processor ensures accurate color and contrast level and clarity of the transmitted image.
2. Sound Virtual Surround system, which promotes uniform sound propagation events occurring on the screen.
3. Digital tuner DVB-T2, provides a realistic picture.
4. Support various broadcasting systems signal.
5. Popular ways to connect external devices.
6. A specially designed energy-saving mode called Smart Energy Saving. This method allows you to optimize the performance of the entire system so as to reduce unreasonable expenditure of energy.

The device has several features that professionals and users classified as disadvantages:
1. Inconvenient location of USB-ports.
2. Problems in co-operation with external mass storage.
3. There is a small crash when switching channels.
The build quality plays an important role in the reliability of the set. Many problem situations associated just with errors during assembly.
Dedicated service centers are located in the transport accessibility to customers, so you can quickly and without any problems to eliminate most of the shortcomings in the work.

LED HD TV LG 24LH480U earned positive reviews from users. Highlighted picture clarity, shown on the screen, easy handling, and system settings.
An important role for the owners of Smart TV plays and intuitive interface, also available to the user a variety of different applications to solve specific problems.
Provided engagement with heterogeneous data carriers and the connection to wireless networks. Users are provided with a set of different functions, which offer the possibility to use the TV at full capacity.