Abandoned cities of Russia

Abandoned cities of Russia - places of human settlements in which life once was key. Today they are called ghost towns, where you will not find a single living soul. All of them have their own unique history of formation and collapse. Many of them ceased to exist due to tragic incidents, others due to political and economic reconstructions, others simply outlived themselves. So, let's get acquainted with the ten abandoned urban settlements of our country.



Curonian-2 opens a list of abandoned cities in Russia. It was built in the Ryazan region at the beginning of the 20th century to develop vast forest resources. The population grew rapidly, and by the 30th years of the last century it had exceeded one thousand. The tragedy that occurred on August 3, 1936, contributed to the complete extinction of the population. The fire took more than a thousand human lives. Few managed to escape, as Kuršča-2 was located in the heart of the forest. Not far from the burnt out village there is a large mass grave, where the victims of the tragedy were buried. Now this place is a overgrown meadow with ruins.



The most northerly village of Sakhalin Kolendo refers to abandoned and forgotten places. Here in the 50-ies of the last century attracted people oil and gas fields. Settlement people began to leave in 1996, after the earthquake that occurred here. The reason was also the exhausted reserves of minerals. Now Kolendo is considered a completely extinct city.



Charanda is an abandoned Russian town in the Volgograd Region on the shore of Lake Vozhe. Once its territory was inhabited by more than 11 thousand inhabitants. In the 18th century, Charande was considered one of the shopping centers. But gradually the trade routes began to wither, and in the early 19th century the city fell to the status of a village. Residents left their homes and moved to other settlements. In Charande, there remained only a handful of elderly people who lived here. Now this place attracts many tourists.



The next abandoned town of Russia Mologa was located near Rybinsk. The place of its exact location is considered the point of confluence of the Mologa River to the Volga. It was erected in the 12th century and was one of the largest shopping centers of the state. At the beginning of the 20th century, about 5,000 people lived on its territory. But in 1935 the Soviet government decided to build the Rybinsk hydro-power complex here. This meant the flooding of nearby lands, including the town of Mologa. A prosperous settlement with developed infrastructure at one point ceased to exist. The liquidation of the inhabitants began. In 1941 there was a complete flooding of the city. Reorganization led to cases of mass suicides: many residents refused to leave their native town. Due to fluctuations in the level of the reservoir, the remains of a ghost town sometimes appear on the water surface.



The once prosperous city of oilmen called Neftegorsk of the Sakhalin region at the moment is a formless ruin. This is due to the tragedy that occurred in 1995 on May 28 and flew around the world. An unexpected happened: suddenly a powerful earthquake of 10 points started. Natural cataclysms killed more than 2 thousand people. After the incident, residents of Neftegorsk were evacuated and received material support. Now from the comfortable settlement there were only ruins.



Village Kadichkan , popularly known as the "Valley of Death", refers to the abandoned cities of Russia. The settlement was founded in 1943, when valuable coal deposits were discovered in these places. In 1986, more than 10 thousand people lived on the territory of Kadichkan. But after the explosion that occurred at the mine, in 1996 the population began to decline rapidly. After a couple of years, after the tragedy, the central boiler room was thawed. Approximately 400 residents refused to leave their native settlement, despite the lack of any infrastructure. In 2003, according to the order of local authorities, all residents were resettled.



Former settlement Iultin of the Chukotka district refers to the abandoned settlements of Russia. In 1937 a tin deposit was discovered here. In the early 50-ies of the last century, the area where the deposit was discovered gradually began to be populated by people. In 1994, the extraction of tin was stopped because of unprofitable production. Iultin began to leave residents, and by the beginning of 1995 almost completely emptied. In the early 21st century, there was no trace left of the city.



Halmer-Yu is a ghost town of the Komi Republic. The basis of the settlement is 1942, when deposits of valuable coal were discovered on the Halmer-Yu River. There was left a small group of workers who were to determine the extent of mineral deposits. Bad weather conditions cut off people left to their fate, from the nearby town of Vorkuta. Because of the rampage of nature, it was impossible to deliver provisions to a group of workers. An attempt was made to get to the stern place on the deer. Hundreds of animals participated in the expedition and only fourteen deer managed to return back because of a lack of food: the whole jag was frozen in the ice. A year later, Halmer-Yu established the necessary material base, and soon three hundred people migrated here. In 1957, the mine began to function and the flow of people arriving here began to increase more and more. Two years after the opening of the mine, more than 7,000 people lived here. But in 1993 it was decided to liquidate the mine. From that moment the settlement began to be liquidated: people were forcibly forced to leave their homes. Now here is a military training ground.



To the abandoned cities of Russia include the urban settlement Industrial .He settled down in the Republic of Komi. In 2007 there were about 500 citizens. And once this area was inhabited by about 12 thousand people. After the explosion in the 90s of last century at the mine "Central" the village began to decline. At the moment, no one lives there. The history of this small settlement begins in 1954 and is connected with two local mines - "Central" and "Promyshlennaya".It was on them that the whole infrastructure of the working village was kept. Tragedy on the sh."Central" was the reason that people were left without work. Gradually, the inhabitants began to leave Industrial. The city was destroyed: wooden buildings were burned, and brick buildings were dismantled. Now from Industrial there are only ruins, and it's hard to imagine that life ever existed here.



Former working village Anniversary is attributed to the abandoned Russian cities. The settlement was founded in 1957 with the foundation of the Shumikhinskaya mine. But in 1998 the mine, by decision of the top management, was destroyed, which caused a stormy protest of local workers and residents. Most of the population remained without work. Reconstruction of the settlement began. Some buildings were converted to sawmills, others simply destroyed. The central boiler room, which heats the whole village, was also destroyed. People had no choice but to leave the Jubilee. Only a small group of settlers remained here. Due to the lack of heating, the buildings began to fall apart just before our eyes. Not without the help of vandals, who began to rob buildings for profit. Now there is a free settlement for prisoners in this place.