- Kinds of unpleasant odors
- Remedies for odor
- Additional advices and recommendations
The carpet is an integral part of every interior made in any style. These fluffy favorites of designers perform several functions: set the color, stylistic direction, are a separate decoration, they are used for warming the floor and walls. With its beauty and functionality, carpets have one indisputable drawback. Like all pile products, they quickly absorb dust, dirt, persistent odors. Therefore, after some time of exploitation, the question arises, how to remove the smell from the carpet at home? Effective solutions for this topic can be found in this review.
to the contents ↑Kinds of unpleasant odors
If your carpet started to smell frankly, you need to determine what kind of smell it is and the source of its appearance. Without this information, it will be impossible to cope with the task and get rid of the smell from the carpet.
What are the options:
- The smell of a new carpet. We buy it in the store in a load to a new beautiful rug so that we are not too happy. Sharpness depends on the quality of the material, the type of dye, fixer.
- Smell of dampness, mold. This happens when the coating is getting wet due to an elevated level in the room air or simply because of improper maintenance of the floor covering - frequent and thorough washing of the product. The carpet is not cheese and the "noble" mold on it is not comme il faut.
- Ammonia odors. The sharpest, deafening our smell. Most often they appear in houses where there are dogs and cats, as well as small children. Both those and others with pleasure meet their need in the wrong places. If mom does not stain the spot on time, the whole apartment will be filled with unforgettable aromas - it certainly will not be "Chanel".
- Organic and chemical odors. The reason may be excessive use of household detergents, getting on the carpet of chemical or organic substances during the performance of any work. We strongly advise you to decide: you have a residential apartment or chemical laboratory at home.
- Smell of tobacco smoke. But the Ministry of Health repeatedly warned that smoking harms not only your health, but also your wallet. With constant smoking indoors, the smell can be withdrawn only with the help of cosmetic repairs, and this will fly you into a pretty penny.
Remedies for odor odor
There are many ways to fight bad odors. We give examples of the most common and effective.
Drying, airing, quartz carpet
We have already mentioned that the smell of mold appears when the carpet is constantly moistened. To remove the smell from the carpet at home with such a problem, you need to take the product out into fresh air and dry it thoroughly.
Important! Airing is also suitable for removing the smell of a new carpet.
It is not superfluous to note that airing and drying should be carried out not under direct sunlight, as this will result in the burning out of the carpet.
Additional measures:
- After drying and ventilation, the carpet can be additionally knocked out.
- For decontamination, you can carpet cover on both sides to destroy fungal microorganisms.
Cleaning soda
This simple inexpensive tool will help get rid of the smell from the carpet, namely from chemical, organic, musty flavors. Depending on the size of the carpet, you may need from one to several packs.
How to use:
- Abundantly sprinkle the surface with soda.
- Do not walk on the carpet for 12 hours, otherwise - soda can not be removed.
- During this time adsorbent will absorb unpleasant smells and dirt.
Important! Best carpet, treated with soda, leave overnight, and then thoroughly vacuum.
Carpet cleaning with vinegar, potassium permanganate, iodine
These substances will be useful to you if your interior items exude chemical odors:
- Sometimes it is enough to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and vinegar, sprinkle the carpet from the spray gun, allow to dry, then vacuum.
- If the smell is strong, you need to find a spot from the chemical, treat it with vinegar.
Important! Especially good vinegar cope with urine and other organic smells. Sometimes there are also questions, , how to remove the smell of vomiting from and carpets, how to remove the smell of vomiting from the couch. In this you will help all the same table vinegar.
After the treatment with vinegar, dry the surface, pour in soda, after 12 hours, vacuum. This method will not only remove the smell, but also disinfect the surface.
Important! For carpets of dark color, iodine treatment is suitable. Prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 20 ml of iodine. Treat the carpet, and then carefully dry, vacuum.
Hydrogen Peroxide
At home, an excellent way to remove the odor of ammonia from urine will be the surface treatment with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. For this:
- It is necessary to prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1: 1, in which for a greater effect, you can add a little dishwashing liquid.
- This tool treat the pile, rinse with running water, dry well in the open air.
Detergents and detergents
Modern light industry produces a lot of detergents for washing carpets. Before buying and using them, carefully read the instructions, choose a product that is suitable for the type of pile covering.
Important! Do all work in gloves, so as not to damage the skin of the hands. After processing and washing the surface, the product must be properly dried.
Dry Cleaning
For strong soiling, exuding a miasma of unpleasant odors, it is better to put the carpet in dry cleaning. Experts will determine the source of the unpleasant odor and treat your carpet with suitable means.
to the contents ↑Additional advice and recommendations
We have already decided on how to clean the carpet from the smell at home. But there are some more useful tips:
- You can use a brush, a broom for cleaning carpets, but the most effective is a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming should be done regularly, because even the layering of ordinary dust can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant ambre.
- Carpets made of natural wool should be dry cleaned and do not use a washing vacuum cleaner.
- Carpets after wet cleaning should be stacked only on a well-dried floor. Any spilled substance must be removed immediately, so that mold does not form from excessive moisture.
- Use a hairdryer during local spotting on the carpet and upholstery. It will help get rid of excess moisture and quickly dry out the stain.
- Airing, carpet drying should be carried out outdoors in dry weather, avoiding direct sunlight.
We hope that our advice and recommendations will help keep the house clean, keep your carpets in excellent condition. We wish you health and comfort with pleasant smells to your home!