- How can I clean the upholstery of the sofa from accumulated dust?
- How to remove stains? Overview of the most common causes and effective tools
- How to clean a sofa that is made of leather?
It is impossible to imagine a house or an apartment in which there would not be a sofa. It is very convenient during the reception, for sleeping, for reading, watching TV programs, and in general - universal. But not many know how to properly care for him and how to clean the sofa from dirt at home, because it is incredibly important to maintain health - your and your loved ones. Especially for you, we have collected in this article the most effective ways to clean the sofa from dirt.
to the contents ↑How can I clean the upholstery of the sofa from accumulated dust?
Uncoated sofa, which is made of such material as for example: velor, chenille or flock and matting, tapestry, has the ability to absorb dust no worse than soft toys. In the event that sitting on soft furniture, you begin to scratch your nose or you want to sneeze - it says that it's time to clean the sofa of unpleasant dust. But even if you do not have a fine sense of smell, at least once a year you just need to carry out the procedure for eliminating dust from the upholstery of the sofa, so as not to earn allergies and other unpleasant diseases.
So, how quickly to clean the sofa from dirt at home?
You need a sheet that will not be a pity, and a self-made device called a punch:
- Pull the sheet wet, lightly soaking it, and then carefully squeezing it, put it in the washing machine and run it in the rinse + spin mode, sothe ideal is the humidity that you need.
- Spread the wet material on the sofa surface and begin to beat out the dust. Beat all over the furniture area.
Important! Dust during the knockout will soak into the sheet, and will not fly out as usual into the air. This procedure will allow you to calmly breathe and not choking, clean and tidy the whole sofa at home.
Cleaning with the
Vacuum Cleaner If you have a furniture nozzle, plug your device into a wall outlet and then brush around the entire perimeter of your sofa. An ordinary floor brush will also work, but you can not get it to the corner places, so it's best to remove the nozzle and clean it in the corners with a hose.
Important! The greater the suction power of your device, the more efficiently you will get rid of dust.
This method will require you to a minimum of effort and it can be carried out even more often than once a week, so as not to leave a dust mite on the couch not the slightest chance.
to the contents ↑How to remove stains? Overview of the most common causes and effective remedies
Virtually any contamination at different stages at home can be cleaned with a chemical, for example: "Vanish".This is the solution to be purchased, which, with the help of water, is whipped into a sufficiently strong foam. Then the foam is applied to the problem site, a few intense movements with an ordinary brush, 15 minutes - and your sofa is clean.
But such cleaning, with the help of "Vanish" can pour out to you a pretty penny, besides, at the right time this tool may simply not be home. Therefore, we will tell you how to clean the sofa from dirt and stains with other commonly available methods.
Tea, coffee, beer
Spots that have remained from the listed drinks are liquidated with soap:
- With a soft sponge, soak the dirt a little.
- Use soap to soak the surface.
- Use a brush to make circular motions, carefully soap the stain.
- Leave for 10 minutes, then carefully, but gently, with a sponge, remove the soap under warm running water.
Fresh contamination from the blood can be washed off the couch with cool water and a soft sponge, without using other means. It's hardest to get rid of such a spot on a light sofa. Therefore, if you need to clean the sofa from stains at home, add 1 tbsp to the water.l.table vinegar, and after washing with water, soap the soiled area with soap.
To prevent the stain from spreading:
- Blot it with a plain paper towel or towel.
- Then sprinkle it with edible salt, it absorbs all the moisture.
- After 10-15 minutes, clean the salt with a brush, and wipe the spot with a napkin, which you moisten with vodka or alcohol.
Important! In order to clean the couch from stains without divorces, after a short amount of time, soap the already dried up contamination and once again brush it.
If you have a small child at home, then this item is obviously very interesting for you. She does not leave a stain behind her, but her very specific smell brings a lot of troubles. To clean the sofa at home in this situation:
- First of all, the soaked space on the couch dry up - the quickest way to do this is with an ordinary hairdryer. In extreme cases, you can try to dry with a towel - dipping the surface without much effort and pressure, so that the urine is not absorbed deeper into the fabric.
- Next, treat the surface with a soapy solution, namely shampoo + water.
- Dry the workpiece again.
- In conclusion, make a pink solution of potassium permanganate, which perfectly disinfects the material of the upholstery of the sofa.
- Brush the solution over the surface of the sofa.
- It is not necessary to flush it.
Important! In the event that the sofa is light, then it is not worth using manganese.
- Oil oily stain with salt or with soda, starch.
- Leave the soiling for 5-10 minutes.
- Then, with a sponge dampened with dishwashing detergent, brush, rub the soiled area.
- Rinse with clean water using the same sponge for 15 minutes.
Inks that are left from the ballpoint pen
Excellent wash out with acetone, alcohol, as well as a means for removing varnish. Wool soaked in one of these means, wipe the marks from the handle.
Important! If the dirt is small, you can try to clean it with a pencil sharpener.
On the sofa of the skin, ink can be incredibly strong in the material, and already in this case, it is practically impossible to remove them with improvised means. So act as quickly as possible.
Chewing gum
In the event that you sit on the chewing gum, and besides it's unsuccessful, that is, so that it sticks to the surface of the sofa, what should I do? Here is the only possible option. The chewing gum is easy to remove from the surface, in case it hardens.
To do this:
- Remove ice molds from the freezer.
- In turn, apply ice cubes to the chewing gum. You need only 2-3 cubes, before the gum cools.
- Then carefully, with the blunt side of the knife from the surface of the sofa, separate the chewing gum.
- After completing this procedure, clean the area with a damp cloth.
Other types of spots
All other stains from food, various beverages, dirty soles or stained foot paws of the animal can be cleaned with a shampoo solution, in which it is necessary to add 10 drops of ammonia:
- Thoroughly soap a dirty place.
- Allow dirt to dissolve for 5-7 minutes.
- Wash with a mild soak of the sponge together with warm water.
How do I clean a sofa that is made of leather?
There are several ways to clean the leather from the stains and dirt:
- One of them is the use of an adhesive tape, as well as an eraser. Tape the scotch on the stain, then remove. The procedure is repeated until the contamination disappears. Remains of the stain are removed with an eraser.
- The second method of cleaning is the use of alcohol, which you impregnate the sponge. Then remove the stain with a sponge, and then, the problem area is treated with warm water.
- Also for more effective and thorough cleaning of leather sofas use specialized tools that are very easy to find in stores in a wide range - sprays and shampoos will do.
We wish you and your couch always to be clean, because all the above-described tools will help you maintain the excellent accuracy of your sofa.