- What is plastic?
- Types of plastic panels
- Washing plastic
- Than to wash plastic panels?
- Professional household chemicals
- Than to wash the plastic panels on the ceiling?
Nowadays, plastic has become very popular: panels from this material are covered with walls, ceilings, tiles are used for floor finishing, and PVC windows and doors are an essential attribute of almost every house. Although plastic is unpretentious in the care, you still need to know what to wash the plastic panels. That they had a fresh look and pleased you with their cleanliness, read a number of recommendations that we offer you in this article.
to the contents ↑What is plastic?
Plastic is a polymer material that has a long service life, is water resistant, frost-resistant, withstands strong mechanical loads, is resistant to alkali and acids, is used in residential premises as environmentally friendly material, and also gives the room a modern look.
Note: Despite the above advantages, plastic is afraid of hot water and aggressive agents with abrasive particles.
to the contents ↑Types of plastic panels
Before deciding how and how to clean the plastic panels, note to yourself what kind of products your products belong to. Plastic panels are monophonic and with a pattern, which is applied using a special method of printing, then a protective layer of a varnish of a matte or glossy coating is applied to it.
Note: It is the varnish that imparts durability, reduces the risk of scratches, UV resistance and antistatic effect.
Panels are of two types:
- Laminated - covered with a smooth, shiny film, which gives the surface strength, beautiful appearance and ease of washing.
- Unlaminated - have a matt appearance, cleaning is done by dry method using a vacuum cleaner and a damp soft rag.
Note: The second type of panel is not recommended for installation in the kitchen, since the ingress of greasy, oily and coloring materials can adversely affect the surface of the PVC.If the contamination is not quickly removed, it is eaten in plastic and leaves a stubborn stain.
to the contents ↑Plastic washes
Before you wash plastic, pay attention to some rules:
- Take care of personal safety equipment - wear headwear, work clothes and rubber gloves to avoid micro-trauma, drying hands or allergic reactions to cleaning productsfacilities.
- Maximally free plastic surfaces from foreign objects: paintings, curtain wall brackets, lamps, etc.- this will improve the quality of cleaning.
- If there are significant seams between the panels, which are filled with dirt, walk on them with a rubber spatula.
- For washing PVC use only soft sponges without abrasive coating and lint-free rags from servants, fleece, flannels.
- The temperature regime of the water should not exceed 40 ° C.
- Wipe the panels with a damp cloth to prevent the formation of dirty stains.
- When choosing a product, pay attention to the fact that they have a liquid or gel-like structure, since the powdered products can leave microcracks, which subsequently get dust and the panel will become untidy.
- To avoid unexpected reactions of plastic to the detergent, it is recommended to carry out the compatibility test in an inconspicuous place: apply a little to the plastic and wait for a few minutes if a bad reaction does not occur - start the cleaning process.
- In order to avoid damage to the appearance of PVC and allergic reactions, after processing plastic panels of various kinds, be sure to wash all the chemistry with water.
- In order for the glossy panels to shine, wipe them dry and treat them with a special polish for plastic.
Than to wash the plastic panels?
Plastic washing aids are not limited to factory products, they can be prepared at home from handy tools, which saves you time and budget, and also allows you to easily solve the problem than washing plastic panels. We offer you a list of means and methods for cleaning such material with minimal costs.
Soapy solution
- Take detergent for dishes or laundry soap 30-40g.
- Rub on a grater and dilute with warm water.
- Stir until homogeneous.
- Dampen a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the panels.
Note: It is not recommended to use bath cleaners and detergents for soap solutions.
All kitchen surfaces are susceptible to contamination from food, so the question is how to wash plastic panels here is very relevant. If there are colored spots on the surface:
- Prepare a liquid paste from water and soda.
- Apply the mixture to a contaminated area.
- Leave for a couple of hours.
- Rub with a soft sponge, moistened with pre-warm water.
- Remove any residues of dirt and detergent.
Note: To avoid minor scratches, do not rub the soda solution.
Table vinegar or vodka
Such tools are almost always at hand. Therefore, please note that they will completely wash off the grease from the plastic facades.
Note: Use neatly on panels with a bright pattern.
Chlorine bleach
Used in case of yellowing of plastic:
- Dilute 10 liters of cool water 2-3 tablespoons.bleach.
- Wet a soft clothing brush in the solution.
- Flush yellowness in one direction.
Ammonia Alcohol
Well washes frames, window sills and glass from fatty coating aqueous solution of ammonia at a proportion of 1 tbsp.for 1 liter of water. To solve the "fat problem", you can also use a special tool containing ammonia.
Melamine sponge
Universal cleaning agent. Removes dirt, limescale, soap stains, erases marks from markers, ink, children's drawings. Suitable for cleaning all hard surfaces. The principle of its application is as simple as possible - moisten the sponge with water and wipe the problem areas.
Note: Before using a melamine sponge on varnished surfaces, test its effect on an inconspicuous place. If you use a sponge as an eraser( in dry form), so that it does not crumble and do not tear, work with a corner or a small part of it.
to the contents ↑Professional household chemicals
If you prefer the use of special household chemicals, rather than folk remedies, choose one of the options below. You will definitely appreciate how easy it is to solve problems, than to wash plastic panels in the future and how to properly wash plastic.
Special liquid and aerosol generics
Read carefully the rules for using this product and dilute the concentrate in accordance with the instructions. Regarding the brand - give preference to proven manufacturers, reviews about which are exceptionally positive:
- Multifunctional cleaner LO.C. from the trade mark Amway. A cleaner for cleaning all surfaces. It is safe and environmentally friendly, does not require flushing with water. Dilute 30 ml of the drug for 5 liters of water, wash the panels and dry as usual.
- Universal tool Mr. Proper and Mr. Muscle. Washing liquid for walls and floors. The tool is of different colors, but it does not affect the white panels in any way. It strongly foams, leaves almost no stains, has a pleasant smell, which quickly evaporates. Some of the concentrates, when diluted with water after use, do not even have to be washed off, which provides additional convenience and shortens the entire cleaning process.
- Cleansing Cream Cif Cream. Contains microgranules surrounded by air bubbles, which delicately clean brittle surfaces, leaving no traces and divorces. Easily copes with persistent kitchen stains, rust and lime deposits.
- Spray Glorix. Perfectly cleans and disinfects the room, fights mold. Spray the agent over the surface, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with a damp cloth.
Than to wash the plastic panels on the ceiling?
The ceiling in the house is one of the main elements of the interior, so it should look clean and well-groomed. On the ceiling, as on all surfaces, dirt, dust, cobwebs form in the course of time, and spots may also appear due to roof leakage, mold growth, tobacco smoke residue, and flies marks.
When washing plastic panels, use the above described tools and the following recommendations:
- To clean the ceiling in a normal room, vacuum clean and damp cloth.
- Kitchen panels on the ceiling wash with a warm soapy solution using a pig bristle brush.
- For the convenience of plastic washing on the ceiling, use a special mop with soft replaceable rags. Stretch the cloth as it gets dirty, change the water more often.
- To prevent the formation of streaks on the ceiling, use products containing alcohol.
Now you know what to wash the plastic panels. Use our advice in everyday life and your house will please cleanliness and comfort.