How to remove the damp in the garage

  • Where does the dampness in the garage come from?
  • What is dangerous dampness in the garage?
  • How to clean the damp in the garage?
  • How do I fix the ventilation?
  • How to make high-quality waterproofing?
  • Additional damp control measures in the garage

Anyone who has a garage is likely to encounter the problem of condensation. How to clean the damp in the garage with minimal time, money and effort is always a topical issue for motorists. The fact that it is necessary to solve this problem, no doubt, because high humidity carries a lot of inconvenience and waste. Therefore, we will tell you how quickly to remove the humidity in the garage, in this article.

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Where does the dampness in the garage come from?

Knowing the reason, it is much easier to eliminate the increased humidity in the garage. Therefore, before acting, consider the question of why dampness may occur. Most often it is:

  1. Lack of ventilation. Deficiencies in the construction of a garage or weakening of extracts.
  2. Poor waterproofing. Not concreted, earthen floor. The presence of a cellar or a viewing pit.
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What is the danger of dampness in the garage?

At first glance, nothing like this does not cause discomfort, but there are a lot of reasons why it's worth revising your attitude to dampness in the garage. Possible consequences of excessive moisture in this structure:

  1. Harmful atmosphere. Excess moisture provokes the appearance of poisonous vapors from the remains of fuel, oils and other lubricants.
  2. Corrosion. If the garage is metal, then eventually it will inevitably start to deteriorate. The same fate will befall the car.
  3. Destruction. Constant dampness in the room with time can lead to the destruction of even a brick structure.
  4. Because of the formation of mold and poisonous fumes, a person in such a garage is not safe.
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How to clean the damp in the garage?

In accordance with SNiP standards, ventilation should provide fresh air in excess of 180 cubic meters per hour. Only such indicators guarantee the safety of your equipment, garage and health. To competently build a ventilation system in your garage with your own hands, you must clearly identify the causes of dampness.

Important! Often the owners of machines, trying to quickly eliminate the inconvenience, are acting incorrectly, which entails aggravation of the situation: they warm the walls and concreate the floor, closing the existing ventilation openings. This does not take into account the poor waterproofing. Such methods of exposure lead to the appearance of a double condensate and to a stable dampness in the room.

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How to fix ventilation?

Poor ventilation or total absence of such is the first and most frequent reason. You can provide good ventilation with your own hands in three ways.

Method number 1

Natural ventilation. The easiest and cheapest way. Excess moisture is quickly removed, and the principle of its operation is the difference in temperature inside and outside the garage and in the difference in pressure between the inflow and outflow of air. You can do everything yourself and you do not need special materials and tools, just follow these instructions:

  1. Buy ventilation pipes in the building store. Better polymer designs than steel.
  2. Make two holes in the wall of your garage: at the bottom it will be designed for airflow, and on top - for its outflow. What and how you will make such holes depends on which material the garage walls are built from.
  3. The dimensions of the outlet openings shall correspond to the diameter of the pipes.
  4. Install the pipes in such a way that the exhaust pipe rises above the garage surface at a height of 1.5 meters, and the supply pipe - goes towards the ground.

Method number 2

Mechanical ventilation. This type of ventilation implies the use of fans: exhaust and supply fans. It is logical that to install such a design, it is necessary to connect to the electrical network. It looks like this:

  1. Make the necessary holes for hoods as in the first case.
  2. Install fans at the inlet and outlet ports.
  3. Connect the system to the mains.
  4. Regularly turn on fans and condensate will not.

Method No. 3

Combined ventilation type. It is a combination of the two previous methods. You can simply make four instead of two holes, 2 of which are equipped with fans, while others will work naturally.

Important! The only drawback is that in winter the garage can be excessively cooled, which is also not very good.

There are a couple of nuances that need to be considered when installing a ventilation system:

  1. The supply pipe should be installed at a slope and at a height of at least 20 cm from the floor.
  2. Pull out the exhaust pipe at the top of the garage, about 10-20 cm from the roof.

Important! With this arrangement, the air will circulate correctly, the structure will remain dry and you no longer have to decide how to remove the increased humidity in the garage.

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How to make high-quality waterproofing?

To remove dampness in the garage, the correct waterproofing of the room will help. Especially, if the reason for excessive moisture was covered precisely in the shortcomings with it. With their own hands to conduct work on waterproofing can be two methods.

Method No. 1

Additional layer of waterproofing. One of the reasons for the dampness in the garage is the incorrect laying of the foundation. The error can be corrected as follows:

  1. Buy bitumen mastic in special stores.
  2. Read the instructions from the manufacturer.
  3. Having done all the necessary preparatory work, cover the entire foundation with this material.

Important! This mastic perfectly prevents the penetration of moisture through the floor and the garage is quickly dried.

Method number 2

Concreting the floor and the inspection pit. If you still have an earthen floor, then it's time to upgrade it with concrete. The same procedure applies to the inspection pit. It happens this way:

  1. Clean the room of all objects.
  2. Prepare a pit and floor - level the surface, remove all debris.
  3. Prepare the mortar, pour it into the floor, level and let it dry.

Important! Unfortunately, such measures are often not enough. In addition to concreting the floor, it is necessary to conduct room warming and make an adequate ventilation system.

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Additional damp control measures in the garage

  • The installation of the air conditioner is rational only if you have eliminated the main causes of humidity. The device additionally reduces the humidity level and allows maintaining the optimum temperature in the building.
  • Dry car. Make sure that there is no snow or rain on the surface of the machine. Thus, moisture can penetrate even into a well-equipped garage. To avoid this, simple recommendations will help you:
    • Allow the car to cool before entering the garage. Stop the engine and open the doors.
    • Install in the garage a split system with a dehumidification program and turn it on if necessary.
    • In winter, heaters can be installed. They must work under your strict control.
  • If your garage is on unfavorable soil, where there is activity of groundwater, no matter how you are engaged in waterproofing, moisture will not decrease anyway. In this case, it is better to change the room for the car to another, while doing all the necessary checks to again not make a mistake in the choice.

As you can see for a complete victory over the dampness in the garage, a complex of works is needed. Be sure to conduct waterproofing and make sure that you always have a working ventilation system. Only, functioning properly, these systems are able to maintain the optimum level of moisture in your garage.