- Why do I need to remove mold?
- Where does mold come from in the bathroom?
- How to get rid of the fungus in the bathroom?
- How to protect yourself?
- How to clean black mold in the bathroom?
- Than to wash the mold in the bathroom?
- How to clean a fungus in a bathroom folk remedies?
- How to clean a fungus on a tile in the bathroom?
- How to wash the mold in the bathroom, if you are allergic?
- How else to clean the mold from the walls in the bathroom?
- How to clean mold in the bathroom on the ceiling?
- Several recipes, how to clean the mold in the bathroom on the sealant
- How to remove mold from the curtain in the bathroom?
The appearance of mold in the house does not please anyone, especially if it happened in the bathroom. But to prevent such a problem is not always possible, because the natural conditions of high humidity - this is the most suitable place for its reproduction. That's why the question of how to clean mold in the bathroom is always topical. In this article, we will give you some effective tips on how to clean mold in the bathroom and prevent new formations of foci of unwanted fungus.
to the contents ↑Why it is necessary to remove mold?
The problem of mold is not only that it causes discomfort with its non-aesthetic appearance. There is a risk of poisoning it with toxic spores, secreted by the fungus in the products of its vital activity, down to poor health and allergies. If there is such trouble as mushroom mold, you should immediately conduct a qualitative treatment of the room in order to avoid unwanted health problems. And for this you need to know how to clean the fungus in the bathroom and how to remove the mold in the bathroom.
Where does mold come from in the bathroom?
Before you remove the mold in the bathroom, find out the reasons for its appearance.
Most often, black mold appears in warm, damp, poorly ventilated rooms. Even if you have made repairs according to all the rules and do not see any traces of the fungus, all the same mold spores are present in all corners of the room and wait only for a favorable atmosphere for reproduction. Mold is well fixed on all kinds of surfaces, where poor waterproofing forms an unpleasant musty smell, penetrating all the damp surfaces.
Important! If you do not struggle with the problem because of not knowing how to clean the mold in the bathroom, eventually the fungus damages the finishing materials, exfoliates the paint, destroys the plaster up to the cracks in the concrete.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of the fungus in the bathroom?
Approach this process in several stages, only a strict sequence of each step promises you a good result.
Checking and improving ventilation
If ventilation in the bathroom is done incorrectly, be prepared for the fact that, no matter how you destroy the destroyer of your bathroom, it will eventually reappear. Therefore, before you start the cardinal methods and solve the problem, than to remove the fungus from the bathroom, do the following:
- Check the ventilation shaft - it can become clogged with cobwebs, foreign objects, etc., which interferes with a normal outflow of air.
- Try to keep the doors open so that the steam does not collect in the bathroom.
Disposal of contaminated furniture
If the furniture is affected by mold in the bathroom, we recommend that it be completely removed, since the settled fungus in the pores will sooner or later become active again.
Reducing the dampness of
Here, the main thrust of your actions will be to improve the insulation of pipes. The resulting condensate settles on all surfaces, resulting in mold.
Repair of plumbing
- Repair the object of constant leakage - thus you will remove the stable humidity.
- If you have a washing machine in the bathroom, make sure that after washing, no water remains in it.
Important! Mold extraction is the most time consuming process, so do not ignore additional recommendations:
- Dry the entire bathroom thoroughly with an electric heater.
- Treat affected areas with special or folk remedies, depending on the degree of surface damage to the fungus.
How to protect yourself?
Before removing the fungus in the bathroom, protect yourself from toxins.
- Work in personal protective equipment - respirator, goggles and gloves.
- To prevent dust formation during mold removal, moisten the surface to be treated.
- Before using any preparation, read the instructions for use and dosage.
How to clean black mold in the bathroom?
Isolate the bathroom so that during disinfection and sterilization of the fungus, spores do not spread to other rooms. Then proceed in this way if the contamination is insignificant:
- Moisten the areas with mold cleaning solution: on 4 parts of water, 2 parts detergent and ammonia.
- Wait for a while to act.
- Wash thoroughly with a brush.
If the mold damage is severe enough:
- Dismantle the decoration from the walls with a sharp spatula to the very concrete.
- Strip the problem place with sandpaper.
- Use a fan heater or a blow dryer to dry it thoroughly.
- Apply a special substance or mold remover that completely blocks pathogens.
- Treat the surface in several approaches 2-3 r.with an interval of 5 to 10 hours.
- In the final struggle against mold, disinfect the premises with special means to remove the remaining disputes after cleaning, they can be purchased at any hoszagazine.
Important! All items that were used in the process, dispose of.
to the contents ↑Than to wash the mold in the bathroom?
To solve the problem as quickly as possible, how to get rid of the fungus and remove the mold from the bathroom, use the following improvers:
- baking soda;
- table vinegar( essence);
- hydrogen peroxide;
- ammonia;
- copper sulfate;
- boric acid;
- bleach containing chlorine;
- drill;
- antifungal spray;
- antifungal agents.
How to clean the fungus in the bathroom with folk remedies?
We offer you several effective tips how to remove mold in the bathroom folk remedies, which for sure will be found in the arsenal of kitchens and first-aid kits.
Method 1
In solving the problem of how to remove mold in the bathroom, you can use a simple substance - soda:
- Abundantly pour baking soda on the affected area.
- Fill with table vinegar.
- When the foam settles, rinse the rest of the reaction with warm water and detergent.
Method 2
Another no less effective method to permanently get rid of the fungus in the bathroom:
- Make the solution in the following proportion: on 4 parts of water take 2 parts of peroxide, 2 parts of vinegar, 1 part of boric acid.
- Wipe the area with contaminated areas.
How to remove the fungus on the tile in the bathroom?
If the fungus has penetrated the seams slightly and there are not so much problem zones:
- Use a special covering felt-tip pen, which is based on a waterproof dye.
- Cover with soiling.
Important! This method is extremely short-lived, as the fungus can reproduce under cover.
Extensive soiling, remove as follows:
- Thoroughly clean the dirty areas between the tiles with a stiff brush and then with a sandpaper.
- Make a solution of chlorine bleach and water in a ratio of 1: 1.
- Apply to the surface with a spray gun.
- Use a toothbrush to rub in the seams.
- After drying on the joint of the bathroom and tiles, apply sealant.
In a situation where the old grout is abundantly blooming with a fungus:
- Open the interlacing seams using a rasp or an electric milling cutter.
- Clean the seams.
- Soil with antifungal additive.
- Make the grout again.
Wash the mycelium on the tile with a solution of aromatic tea tree oil:
- Dilute 1 teaspoon of warm water 2 tsp.oil.
- Spray on the tile.
- Do not flush.
Important! Carry out the procedure at night.
to the contents ↑How to wash the mold in the bathroom, if you are allergic?
Use borax, it does not emit harmful components and acts as a natural mold inhibitor, simultaneously acts as an insecticide, herbicide and fungicide:
- Dilute with water in a 1:10 ratio.
- Apply to a fungus mold with a stiff brush.
- Allow to dry completely.
How else to clean the mold from the walls in the bathroom?
If the problem is how to wash the mold in the bathroom, it still remains relevant, act more aggressively.
Option 1
Copper vitriol acts as an excellent assistant in getting rid of mold. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of all kinds of fungi. Please note that the preparation is toxic, when using it, be sure to follow safety precautions. Principle of use:
- Copper sulfate is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10.
- Apply a brush brush to the surface to be treated, the places affected by the fungus should be very thickly coated with a thicker layer.
- Leave for a few hours.
- Treated surfaces thoroughly wash and dry.
- Ventilate the room well.
Option 2
For better results, use the following solutions, which must be heated to 50-70 degrees before application:
- Dilute 1 kg of copper sulfate( iron sulfate) and 1.5 kg of sodium fluoride in 10 liters of water. As an option, you can use both copper and iron vitriol in equal parts for 500g.
- Mix in 10 l of water 1.5 - 2 l of acetic essence and 0.5 kg of copper sulphate.
- Make a solution for 10 liters of water, add 1.4 liters of vinegar, 400 g of boric acid and 0.9 kg of borax.
Principle of application:
- Apply the mixture to the surface with a paint brush or spray.
- Allow to dry completely.
- Repeat the procedure after a month.
How to clean the mold in the bathroom on the ceiling?
Mold likes to settle under the ceiling - there is the most comfortable place for its reproduction. It firmly bites into the surface and removes it, moreover, which is not convenient, it is also hard. To get rid of black mold on the ceiling, use the above methods and methods.
Important! To avoid the appearance of new foci, after removing the problem, paint the ceiling and walls with a waterproof paint.
to the table of contents ↑Several recipes for how to remove mold in the bathtub on sealant
If the mold was formed on the sealant surface:
- Use a strong chlorine remedy, for example Domestos.
- Pour the product around the perimeter of the infected area.
- Leave for 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
Important! When using this substance, silicone can turn yellow .
You can use the chemical agent Teflex Anti Mold:
- Soak the sponge with a tool.
- Wipe the infection area several times.
If the sealant is severely damaged, then to solve the problem of how to clean the mold in the bathroom with silicone, proceed as follows:
- Completely remove the sealant with a sharp object.
- Use a blowtorch to burn out all fungus dislocation sites.
- Stripper residues.
- Treat the cleaned area with an antifungal solution.
- Dry.
- Apply a new sealant.
How to remove mold from the curtain in the bathroom?
Mold will not bypass its "attention" and curtains. Once it has arisen, it can not be removed simply with the help of a shower - more radical measures are required here.
Solution 1
- Remove the curtain, dispose of the hardware.
- Brush the main part of the contamination.
- Clean in the machine.
Important! Do not use high temperatures to avoid deformation of the material.
Solution 2
- In a warm water wash tank, mix soda, vinegar or detergent.
- Place the curtain in the solution for several hours.
- Rinse thoroughly.
Solution 3
- Dampen the sponge in the Whiteness.
- Rub a few minutes problem area.
- Wash in a convenient way.
Important! If the above described drugs are ineffective, we offer one more method than to remove the fungus in the bathroom. Modern industry has learned to fight qualitatively fungus and produces a lot of special means, which allows to remove mold and remove it. Acquire antifungicidal products in the hardware store to combat bio-corrosion, dilute in water in accordance with the instructions in the instructions and process black spots. When choosing a chemical, make sure that it is directed specifically at the destruction of mold, and not at its prevention.
We hope that our advice has been useful to you and you have already coped with the fungus in the house. To ensure that he does not settle in your bathroom again, make timely arrangements for the prevention of the room and follow the simple rules for preventing the occurrence of mold.