House Cleaning Tips

  • How to clean house frequently - tips for all
  • Home cleaning products - advice from professionals
  • General rules for cleaning the house - useful tips
  • Useful tips for cleaning the apartment
  • Useful tips for cleaning the kitchen
  • Tips for cleaning the bathroom

Regularly clean up the bathroomand keep clean in the apartment should every good hostess. Cleaning the house will be quick and effective if you apply the advice of our specialists outlined in this article.

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How often to clean houses - tips for all

Even ordinary dust can become a source of allergic reactions, and the litteriness of housing and dirt cause many of us a steady desire to spend at home as little time as possible. Quality cleaning in the apartment, according to proven advice, will always help to keep the room in perfect condition. This will have a beneficial effect not only on the health of the household, but also will positively affect the mood of all the inhabitants of the house. The order in the house is easy to maintain, if you use the tips outlined below. Depending on the type of activity and availability of free time, you can choose the types of cleaning that are suitable for you:

  1. Daily - an option for housewives. It is necessary: ​​remove from the table and wash the dishes, put things in their places, wipe the dust, clean and sanitize the plumbing.
  2. Weekly - recommended to all. You need: to wipe the dust on the furniture, vacuum and wash the floors, tidy up tiles and plumbing, wash clothes, clothes, and pat things.
  3. As necessary - for very busy people, spending almost all the time away from home. It will be enough to wipe the dust and wash floors at least once a week.
  4. General cleaning - it is desirable to carry out all 2 times a year, and better - 1 time in 3 months. To all the above actions, add washing windows, cleaning hoods, ceilings and upholstered furniture.
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House cleaning products - professional advice

To clean up quickly and efficiently, use our helpful tips for cleaning the apartment. Depending on what you need to clean and clean, you will need such household chemical products:

  • cleaning powder or gel for the plate and shells - Sarma, Gala, Test, Cif;
  • cleanser for floors - "Glorix", "Mr. Proper ";
  • spray for windows and mirrors - "Сlin", "Mr. Muscle ";
  • gel for bathroom disinfection - "Domestos" universal;
  • special means for toilet bowls - "Bref", "Toilet Duck";
  • limescale removal liquid - "Cillit";
  • polish for furniture - "Pronto";
  • air freshener - "Glade".

If you have a question, what else you need to clean the apartment, the answer is simple - you will definitely need a special inventory:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • broom;
  • washcloth;
  • rags or microfibre wipes;
  • wet wipes for cleaning surfaces;
  • mop;
  • bucket;
  • bowl or pelvis.
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General cleaning rules for the house - useful advice

Cleaning in the apartment will not cause any problems if you follow these tips:

  1. Before opening the work, open the windows or windows in the room.
  2. Be sure to disassemble things on shelves, tables and other accessible places. All unnecessary - throw it away.
  3. Go through the contents of the cabinets, sort it, hang the clothes on the hangers, lay out the small things on the shelves.
  4. Wipe off any dust on the surfaces.
  5. Vacuum upholstered furniture, floors and carpets.
  6. Wash floors in all areas.
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Useful tips for cleaning the apartment

To keep the apartment clean and tidy, and to properly look after furniture, glass, surfaces, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following house cleaning tips:

  1. If you use a broom for cleaning, immediately after the purchase, lower it for a few minutes in hot salted water - this will last longer.
  2. Regularly wipe the oilcloth on the kitchen table with a mixture of vinegar and milk in order to prevent cracking and prolong its service life.
  3. Covered with dust wallpaper at first clean with a vacuum cleaner or a broom, then wipe with a dry rag made of wool, which before that abundantly sprinkle with oatmeal.
  4. To remove stains on wallpaper, clean them with breadcrumb. In some cases, you can use a rubber eraser. Greasy stains are removed by gasoline or magnesia powder.
  5. When washing windows add starch at the rate of 1 tbsp.for 1 liter of water - this solution will give shine to the glass surfaces.
  6. A good tool for cleaning glass surfaces is tooth powder or powdered chalk. Dissolve 2-3 a glass of water, mix, moisten a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the glasses. After they have dried, remnants of the product are removed with a dry cloth or paper.
  7. Wipe the glasses with glycerin so that they do not freeze in winter and do not mist over in the warm season.
  8. If you allow a situation when the windows are icing, wipe them with a strong saline solution, and then wipe dry.
  9. Frosted glass in the door or in the cupboard wash with hot water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar.
  10. To prevent flies from settling on the mirrors, periodically wipe them with lemon juice or a weak solution of vinegar.
  11. To remove the greenish coating from the walls of the flower vases, put a 5 kope coin on the bottom. Alco-Seltzer can also handle the problem areas - with its help you can clean out the contaminants of bends, corners, grooves. Just fill the vase with water and throw a couple of tablets into it.
  12. If surfaces - floors or windows are painted with oil paint, they should never be washed with soap and water - they become faded, lose color and are destroyed. Use for cleaning the solution, which includes 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp.ammonia.
  13. Tarnished with time paint on frames, sills or doors can be freshened with a mixture consisting of 1L sifted sawdust and 2 tbsp.l.vinegar.
  14. In order to paint the window frames the paint does not stick to the glass, beforehand, wipe it with vinegar.
  15. In a new or renovated apartment, do not lean the furniture against the walls, so that they do not become wet.
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Useful tips for cleaning the kitchen

Kitchen is one of the most visited places in the apartment, and for housewives - also the main working space where they spend most of the time. If the experience of running a house you have a small, adopt the following tips for cleaning the kitchen, which will help to maintain the cleanliness daily, without exerting any special efforts:

  1. Apply to the plate a cleaning powder, leave for a while.
  2. Collect and wash all the dirty dishes.
  3. Wipe surfaces - cupboards, kitchen table and work surface, tiles, household appliances.
  4. Clean the cooker.
  5. Disinfect the sink.
  6. Sweep and wash the floor.
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Tips for cleaning the bathroom

Regular care of the bathroom or toilet should be given special attention to prevent the reproduction of fungi, pathogens and other microorganisms. On how thoroughly you maintain the purity in this small room, the health of the whole family will depend. We hope you will find the following useful cleaning tips useful:

  1. As often as possible, clean the sanitary equipment with a special disinfectant - a sink, a bath or a shower stall, a toilet bowl.
  2. Do not forget to periodically handle the faucets, shower hose, small chrome parts with rust and lime scale "Cillit".Rusty stains and stains from the surface can be removed and improvised means - a solution of hydrogen peroxide and 10% ammonia.
  3. Do not use hard brushes, abrasive powders, or acid solutions to clean the tub - they can leave scratches on the surface or spoil the enamel.
  4. If the trouble still happened, to repair the damaged enamel of the bathroom, cover the damaged area with epoxy glue, and top with finely chopped porcelain.
  5. Another way to repair the coating: clean the problem area with sandpaper, then with gasoline, dry, apply a thin layer of BF-2 glue, a little dry white and smooth the composition over the surface. Apply thin layers several times, with an interval of 1-1.5 hours. The final hardening occurs within 4 days at a temperature of + 18 ° C.
  6. More often wash and clean tile tile, butt joints with special means against the fungus.
  7. 2-3 times a week, wipe the shelves, lamps, door handles, thoroughly clean the mirrors.
  8. Use a special brush or brush and disinfectant( "Domestos", "Dressing duckling") to handle the toilet bowl. Pay attention to hard-to-reach places( for example, the area under the rim of the toilet bowl).
  9. To neutralize the unpleasant smell in the room, use air fresheners and toilet blocks for the toilet.

We hope that our advice on cleaning the house will be helpful and will help keep the apartment in perfect cleanliness and order.