- What is the danger of black mold?
- Reasons for the appearance of black mold
- Fighting black mold
- How to remove mildew from the walls and ceiling on the balcony?
- How to deal with black mold on the ceiling and walls?
- How to deal with mold on the balcony?
Often on the walls and ceilings of apartments can be found plaque - it's mold. Black mold is dangerous to health, which requires immediate action. It must be removed and preventive measures taken. In this article, you will find out what causes the appearance of mold in the house and how to deal effectively with it.
to the contents ↑What is the danger of black mold?
Black mold is a fungus that can develop wherever there are favorable conditions for it: optimal humidity and temperature. His controversy extends over large areas: they are floating in the air, they lie on furniture, products, etc. It is very important to take certain protective measures against this fungus, since living next to black mold has negative consequences for living organisms.
A person who suffers from black mold spores has such health problems:
- chronic respiratory illnesses are a runny nose and cough;
- skin diseases - mycoses and dermatoses;
- rheumatism and problems with the musculoskeletal system;
- weakness and chronic fatigue;
- migraines and headaches;
- conjunctivitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and colic;
- aspergillosis, which can lead to fatal consequences.
Note: The most unprotected people before the influence of black mold on the body are children, adolescents, elderly people and people with low immunity. It is important to identify the black fungus as soon as possible and neutralize it.
to content ↑Causes of the appearance of black mold
Black mold adversely affects not only the human body, but also the surface on which it develops. The reasons for its formation are as follows:
- poor ventilation in the room;
- flat is unevenly heated;
- increased humidity due to drying washed laundry in the house;
- a large number of plants in the house;
- condensate, which appears due to a large temperature difference;
- incorrectly installed windows and poor-quality double-glazed windows;
- on the balcony mold appears due to faulty gutters or a large number of foreign objects that interfere with normal air circulation;
- drawbacks in the construction of buildings - poor quality of building materials, illiterate isolation of inter-panel joints.
Note: Depending on the cause of the black fungus, the methods of combating it are also selected.
to content ↑Fighting black mold
Before dealing directly with black mold, remove all favorable conditions for its development. Pay attention to such procedures:
- Seal all panel and corner joints of walls and ceiling.
- Reinstall the plastic windows if you have a suspicion that the matter is in them;
- Do not dry laundry in the house.
- Remove several indoor plants.
- Dry the corners and joints.
- Provide good ventilation.
- Dry and set the optimal, constant temperature in the apartment.
- Do not keep the doors of the bathroom and the bathroom permanently closed.
- Make sure that all the heating devices in the house have been installed correctly.
Note: After eliminating all possible causes and favorable conditions for the development and occurrence of mold, proceed to clean the surfaces of black fungus .
to the contents ↑How to remove mildew from the walls and ceiling on the balcony?
To remove black mold, you will need:
- acetic acid;
- copper vitriol;
- creosote;
- antiseptics;
- is white.
Still take such auxiliary tools:
- brush;
- spatula;
- atomizer;
- basin for mixing solutions.
How to deal with black mold on the ceiling and walls?
Universal means and ways to combat black mold have not yet been invented, so be prepared to apply several ways to affect the stains. A suitable combination of funds will have to be selected in a practical way - use alternately the following options and note after which combinations the result appears faster. With this approach, you will easily be able to cope with the problem and you will no longer be wondering how to deal with black mold on the ceiling or balcony.
Method 1
If mold is not abundant and you want to remove it quickly, use acetic acid, copper sulfate or whiteness. Step-by-step instructions for use are as follows:
- Prepare the solution from any chosen product, mixing it with water.
- Slightly warm up.
- Apply to the affected area with a brush or spray.
Note: the media can be mixed to enhance the effect.
Method №2
Folk remedies are relatively safe for humans, but stop the development of mold for a short period of time. For a deeper and more effective impact, it is necessary to carry out complex work, with surface cleaning and antiseptic treatment.
You can do it this way:
- Remove wall wallpaper.
- Strip the mold infected area with a spatula or iron brush.
- Treat the walls and ceiling with a special solution that opens the pores of the surfaces and removes the cement film.
- Prepare an antiseptic solution and apply it to the entire surface of the ceiling and walls, regardless of the affected area.
- Spread the primer of the surfaces by selecting a mixture of deep penetration.
- Zashpatljujte walls and ceilings a qualitative shpatlevkoj.
- Paste new wallpaper or paint the walls.
Note: After each step, keep a technical pause to allow the surfaces to dry well. Otherwise, the black mold will grow as before .
to the contents ↑How to deal with mold on the balcony?
One of the favorite places of black mold is the balcony. The means and methods of combating the fungus in such premises are no different from destroying it in rooms.
The only advantage of the balcony is that on it you can ensure optimal ventilation with minimal costs.
Black mold is a very tenacious and widespread microorganism that adversely affects the human body and the integrity of your home. It is important to identify and neutralize it in a timely manner. Use our advice as soon as possible after you have found signs of its appearance in your home to prevent the formation of large colonies, which will be more difficult to handle.