- Than to deduce a stain from spirits from a fabric?
- How to remove a stain from perfume from clothes?
- What else to remove the perfume from the clothes?
Apply perfumes, of course, better directly to the body, not to clothes. But if it happened that you sprayed or dropped them on the fabric, in this case the question arises: how to remove the stain of perfume from clothes. There are several ways to cope with this problem. From this article you will learn the most effective ones.
to Contents ↑Than to remove a stain from perfume from a fabric?
To cope with the problem with minimal effort of your own efforts - take the thing to the dry cleaning. If you decide to fight the spot yourself and adhere to modern methods - use special concentrates to remove dirt from the tissues.
Important! Before you start to remove any contamination with household chemicals, always check its effect on the inconspicuous section of the canvas.
If you do not accept the use of aggressive chemicals and try to cope with any pollution by folk methods, in this situation you will find useful:
- alcohol;
- ammonia;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- laundry soap;
- boric acid;
- glycerol;
- cosmetic clay;
- hydrosulfite;
- oxalic acid.
How to remove a stain from perfume from clothes?
Apply one of the options below to decide how to remove the stain from the perfume from the clothes. Their efficiency was checked by own experience, not by one mistress - the result is always positive.
Method 1
If you immediately noticed that you were inflicted with toilet water or an oil scent on a thing, and decided not to postpone the removal of traces from them in a long box, proceed as follows:
- Take a cotton swab.
- Dampen it with alcohol.
- Wipe with a cotton stain.
- Wash the whole thing in the usual way.
Method 2
It is easy to get rid of such dirt on the wool if you take glycerin and acetone. To do this, perform the following actions:
- Heat the glycerine and apply it to the contamination site.
- Take the cotton pad.
- Dampen it with acetone.
- Wipe them the place where glycerin was applied.
- Wait a little.
- Wash the stained tissue area with running water.
- Wash the whole thing in the usual delicate mode.
Method 3
Another effective method, striking in its simplicity:
- Soak the dirt with water.
- Take an economic soap and abundantly lather it a contaminated place.
- Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Wash soapy places with clean water.
Important! Also effectively removes various types of contaminants special soap "Antipyatin", which is quite suitable for solving the problem, how to remove stains from perfume from clothes.
to the contents ↑What else to remove the perfume from the clothes?
Cope quickly with the problem of how to remove traces of perfume with blouses, skirts or trousers, does not seem complicated if there is available cosmetic clay and alcohol. Proceed in this case in this way:
- Mix cosmetic clay with alcohol until the state of pasty-like mixture.
- Apply this slurry to a dirty place.
- Allow it to dry.
- Remove the clay from the fabric with a brush.
- Wash the whole thing.
Important! If you decide to act according to this scheme, it is better to use white clay.
If the traces of your fragrance are already ingested into the fabric, do the following:
- Take hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
- Mix them in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Apply this solution to a stained area.
- Leave for 10-20 minutes.
- Wash the thing in the normal mode.
Important! This option is more suitable for light fabrics, since peroxide can affect the hue of poorly colored colored clothing.
We hope that the advice of our experts was helpful to you and you removed from your things fragrant, but unfortunately, unwanted spots from the spirits.