If you suddenly found an oil stain on a jacket, it is not necessary to immediately run to dry cleaners for help to specialists. Moreover, such pollution can appear very unexpectedly and this is by no means a rarity. There is a huge number of effective methods with which you can independently get rid of pollution. How to remove a fat stain from a Bologna jacket? Now we'll figure it out.
to the contents ↑The most important rules:
- For cleaning, it is best to use a brush or soft cloth. As an option - this can be a wadded disk.
- Freshly formed contamination is best soaked with dry napkins or talc.
- Before removing the oil stain from the jacket, it is recommended to wipe it with a dry cloth, and only then use water and cleaning agents.
- Starting cleaning is best, moving from the edges of the dirt to the center. Thus, pollution does not disperse or increase in size.
Important! It is very important to remove the stain as early as possible, because the fresher it is, the easier and more efficiently it will go through this process.
to content ↑Popular cleaning methods:
- For the first method, it is necessary to mix salt and ammonia in equal amounts. For a stain that has formed recently, rub it into the resulting consistency, then rinse the product. If the stain is old, then apply it to the resulting gruel and leave for half an hour, after which also rinse the thing.
- A mixture of aviation gasoline and potato starch is very effective for fat of any origin.
Important! The most important thing is not to go too far with gasoline, otherwise - the thing risks being ruined.
to content ↑Universal method
Household soap is a universal tool that can remove almost all types of stains, including oil stains. Still our grandmothers used it. Thousands of housewives around the world prefer the industrial means of laundry soap. However, this is not surprising, because it is amazingly coping with their tasks.
It is necessary to soap the stains thoroughly and wrap the product in cellophane. After twelve hours, wash the thing. From pollution there will be no trace.
to the contents ↑"Bachelor" method
If you are a single man and you need to remove a grease stain from a Bolognese jacket or other thing, then use shaving foam that is sure to be in your house.
Apply a little foam to the stain. After ten minutes, wash the thing in the washing machine.
to the contents ↑If the jacket is light
Than to remove a greasy stain from a jacket of light material? To remove it from a light jacket, you need to wipe the contamination area until it disappears completely with a mixture of 200 ml of water, two tablespoons of soda and a spoon of ammonia.
to content ↑Fastest way to
Very often there are cases that at the most inopportune moment you find greasy spots, how to get them out quickly? Use the express method. To do this, you need to fill the area with sugar and rub it with a brush. The result will pleasantly surprise you - in fifteen minutes from the blot will not remain a trace.
to the contents ↑Other ways to deal with the oil blots
There are other means, one of which is sure to be at your fingertips at the right time.
A good remedy when you urgently need to remove a grease stain from a Bolognese jacket - salt. All you need to do is sprinkle the stain with salt and rub it in a few minutes. Repeat these steps until the desired result is achieved.
Very good oil blobs go away if you use bread crumb:
- Put it on the soiling and let the fat soak for one to two hours.
- After - take away the bread and wash the thing in warm water.
How to remove a fat stain from a Bologna jacket? With this task, the chalk will perfectly handle:
- Pulverize it and apply to the stain.
- After two to three hours, remove the chalk residue with a damp cloth and wash the product.
Important! This method is especially effective for things made from light materials.
Baby powder
You can also use baby powder to remove dirt at home:
- Put the product on the floor, table or ironing board, sprinkle oil blots with baby powder.
- Top with tracing paper or very thin paper.
- Stain the spots with a hot iron and place a couple of heavy books on top.
- After a day, clean the books and wash the product.
The next effective method to remove the oil stain from the jacket is the mustard:
- Dilute the mustard powder with water until it forms a gruel.
- After - it is necessary to apply the resulting consistency to oil stains and to stand for an hour.
- Remove the slurry with a damp cloth and repeat the procedure if the result has not been reached.
Tips and Tricks:
- If, after cleansing, the jacket has become hard and rough, you can return it to softness if you rub it with a sponge soaked in castor oil.
- If folk remedies do not impress you, use any industrial stain remover during laundry. It is better to take in this case a means with an oxygen principle of action, not chlorine, and not optical.
That's all. As you can see, there are a huge number of ways that you can remove greasy stains from the jacket. It is not at all necessary to seek assistance from specialists in dry cleaning. Absolutely any person can get rid of oily stains without leaving his own house.