- Useful tips
- Wiping sweat stains with white clothes
- Wiping sweat stains from black and colored things
- Displaying the old spots
The problem of sweating always stands in the way of the human race, especially in the summer. And if you can deal with the smell of perspiration with the help of various antiperspirants, what can you do with contamination on clothes that appear as a result of the interaction of salts, fats and other substances that make up the secretion of apocrine glands with tissue fibers. How to remove stains of sweat from clothing under the armpits and not only? This issue is of concern to many housewives, whose share of laundry is the things of the whole family.
to the contents ↑Useful advices
Before you look for funds in your arsenal to fight stains of sweat, let's figure out how exactly it is not necessary to wash such problematic contaminants so as not to spoil the thing completely. Well, some useful recommendations from specialists will not be superfluous:
- Never use chlorine bleach for either colored or white fabrics. The fact is that the chlorine in its composition reacts with the proteins present in the sweat composition. Because of this, the tissue fibers may darken and the stain will become even more noticeable.
- Do not wash these products in hot water. It can only contribute to the fixing of contaminants. Footprints from sweat are best washed at a temperature of not more than 30 degrees.
- Drying washed goods is also recommended in the shade, not in the open sun or on a battery.
- Silk products do not tolerate treatment with acetic acid and acetone, synthetics do not like gasoline and all its derivatives, cotton fabrics should not be treated with acids, and wool - with alkaline solutions.
- Acetone can discolor the fabric, so do not use it to remove sweat marks on colored clothing.
- After using hydrogen peroxide, rinse several times processed clothing.
- Before using any tool, be sure to test it on a small, barely noticeable piece of clothing, preferably from the wrong side. If the tissue has become discolored or deformed, it is better to choose another remedy.
- Remove fresh traces is always easier than old ones, so treat contaminants as soon as they appear, so you will have a better chance of getting rid of them all 100%.
- Sweat stains appear not only with perspiration, but also with the use of deodorants themselves. It is advisable every time after using antiperspirant to wash problem areas with household soap. In this case, the probability of staining will be much less.
Wiping sweat stains from white clothes
On white clothing, any contamination is more noticeable and the sweat marks are no exception. How to remove yellow stains from sweat from white clothes at home? Let's look at the most effective ways.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This is a safe for white clothing product is effective enough to remove this kind of contaminants.
Important! If you have old spots, you can use hydrogen peroxide in undiluted form or dilute it in water. In this case, one tablespoon of the substance is consumed per liter of water.
- Apply a small amount of peroxide directly to the problem area and wait until it absorbs. Then throw it into the machine and wash it.
- Or dilute the hydrogen peroxide in water, soak the product in this solution and leave it for 30 minutes. Then just dry it and look at the result. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.
Baking soda
Baking soda is in every kitchen, and it will perfectly cope with this problem:
- Prepare the paste: mix the soda with a little water before forming the gruel.
- With this mixture, cut all problem areas and leave for 60-90 minutes.
- Wash the thing as usual.
This is a chemical bleach, so you need to be careful when handling it and do not allow this product to enter the eyes and the hands. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands.
Pollution removal procedure:
- Dilute the person with water. One teaspoon of the medicine goes to the glass of water.
- Rub the resulting solution into a stain. You can use an old toothbrush.
- Leave for 60-90 minutes, then wash as usual.
How to remove yellow patches from sweat from a white shirt? We will help ordinary table salt, which is in every kitchen:
- Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and leave for 2-3 hours.
- Press and wash the product as usual.
Salt and ammonia
Salt action can be strengthened with ammonia:
- Mix in equal amounts salt and ammonia. Stir until smooth.
- Apply to contaminated areas and leave for 30 minutes.
- Then wash the processed things as usual.
Citric acid
In such a case, any help is useful, and citric acid is suitable:
- Dilute a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of water.
- Dampen with a cotton swab in this solution and soak all the stains.
- Leave for 30 minutes, then wash the product.
Oxalic acid
Acids are generally good at this kind of pollution. Instead of lemon juice, you can take oxalic acid or acetic acid. Dilute a little acid in water, treat the stains and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash in the washing machine as usual.
Oxalic Acid Plus Soap
The effect of the acid can be strengthened, if staining with soap dispensers before use:
- Scratch the problem areas with soap and leave for half an hour.
- Wash the product.
- Wipe the remaining traces of oxalic acid, diluted in water.
- After 10 minutes, rinse the product and wash the product.
In extreme cases, you can use the ancient method, which was very popular among our grandmothers. True, it is suitable only for cotton things. To do this you will need an enameled container. You can take an old saucepan.
How to remove stains of sweat from clothes under the armpits in this way:
- Fill the container with water and put on fire.
- Add the chopped cooking soap to the water. Or you can grate it on a grater.
- Dip things in water and boil for 3-4 hours on low heat, stir regularly.
- Then you need to wring out the clothes and wash them.
Vodka or vinegar
One or the other component is mixed in equal quantities with water and applied to problem areas, then the product is washed off in normal mode.
You can fight stains and with a dishwashing detergent such as "Fairy".One teaspoon of the medicine goes to the glass of water. The solution is applied to the problem areas and left for 2 hours. Then things can be washed as usual.
Removing stains from sweat on white clothing will help aspirin:
- Pulverize 2 tablets to a powdery condition.
- Pour this powder 100 ml of water and stir well.
- Moisten problem areas with this solution and leave for 2-3 hours.
- Rinse the product to remove aspirin, and then wash your clothes.
Important! If the stains are still visible after washing, the concentration of the substance can be increased. Dilute the tablets with a few drops of water until a thick slurry forms and repeat the procedure. Only this time, leave the aspirated thing for 1 hour.
Nutrient plus Methanol
Mix both ingredients in a ratio of 1 to 1 and apply to the fabric. In half an hour you can wash the product.
Important! You can mix denatured alcohol with egg yolk instead of ammonia.
to the contents ↑We wash sweat stains from black and colored things
In general, the ways to remove stains from sweat from black and colored things are no different from tips for washing white fabrics. Just do not use those methods that lighten the fabric, so that instead of spots of sweat there are no bright areas. Particularly popular.use the following ways of how to remove sweat stains from clothing under your armpits:
- For all types and colors, a laundry soap is suitable. Rub soapy areas with problematic soap and soak clothes for 60-90 minutes, then wash the product.
- Salt also takes care of the structure and color of the fabric. Soak clothes in warm water. Process your thing in brine and wash it in a delicate mode. Try not to soak the product for more than 10 minutes.
- If you need to quickly get rid of stains on black clothes, then use ammonia or denatured alcohol. Any of these will help you get rid of sweat traces if you add it to water when hand washing. One liter of water is enough for 1 liter of water.
Important! If you want to achieve greater efficiency, then mix all three components and wipe all the problem areas with this mixture. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse the composition off the fabric and wash the clothes.
to the contents ↑Displaying old spots
Removing old spots is best to start with soaking in soapy water. Then the product needs to be rinsed, and you can proceed to remove the traces of sweat.
Vinegar and soda:
- Soak your sweat-damaged thing in vinegar for half an hour. To prepare the solution, take 5 liters of water and 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.
- Mix soda with warm water - 4 tablespoons of soda comes to the glass of water.
- Rub this mixture of problem areas.
- After a while, wash the product in the usual way.
Important! Do not use bleach, otherwise - the spots will darken.
Noodle plus lemon juice:
- Soak in an acetic solution for half an hour.
- Dissolve one tablespoon of ammonia in 100 ml of water, apply to stains, and then rinse.
- Mix 100 ml of water and one tablespoon of lemon juice, moisten with copious solution all the problem areas. Leave for 2 hours.
- Wash your clothes.
Aspirin plus hydrogen peroxide
Soak the clothes in soapy water first, and then:
- Make a paste from 2 aspirin tablets.
- Apply to stains, leave for 3 hours.
- Wash clean without bleach.
- Mix water and hydrogen peroxide in a proportion of 10 to 1, apply to the desired areas.
- After 10 minutes the product can be washed.
The problem of sweat and stains from it, of course, is unpleasant. But it is possible and necessary to fight against it, especially since now you know exactly what will help you in this.