- How to wipe green from leatherette?
- Removing zelenki from leather furniture
- Than cleaning the greenery from the furniture?
If you have children, then you probably encountered an antiseptic like a green. By this means elbows, knees and other damaged parts of the body of our fidget are treated. Often happens so that when you open a bottle with a product, its contents fall on furniture, floor, clothes and from these surfaces it is difficult to wash it off. If you have had such a trouble and you do not know what to wipe the green with leatherette or any of the items of your interior, do not despair. In this article we will show you how to clean the greenery and not damage the object on which it turned out.
Important! The choice of the means used to combat traces of this medical solution on the interior will depend directly on the material of which the product consists.
to the contents ↑How to wipe green from leatherette?
If an undesirable drop of greens is on a leatherette( chair, sofa, etc.), and you do not know how to wipe green from leatherette, you will be helped by such tools:
- Soda;
- Ammonium Nitrate;
- Hydrogen Peroxide.
If you decide to use soda to clean the stain from the green on the leatherette, you need to do so:
- Wipe the surface with a soapy solution.
- Put the soda on the stain - so that it completely covers it.
- Keep soda in a dirty place for 30 minutes.
- Remove soda from the surface.
- Rinse with warm water.
Important! All of the above actions will be more effective if you start treating the stain immediately after hitting the green on the object and do not let it sink in and completely dry.
Ammonium alcohol
When exposed to a stain from the green with this alcohol, you need to do so:
- Dampen a clean rag with ammonia.
- Rapidly move a dirty surface.
- Wash the area where the stain was, with soapy water, then with plain water.
- Dry the surface of the workpiece.
- If some amount of antiseptic is still left, do the procedure again.
Important! Ammonia alcohol has a very corrosive and pungent smell, so when working with it it is desirable to open the room, and after treatment it is well ventilated.
Peroxide of
When using hydrogen peroxide in order to wipe green from leatherette, you should proceed as follows:
- Pour sufficient peroxide into the contaminated area.
- Take a clean cotton rag.
- Do not rub, dab peroxide with green.
- Rinse with water.
Important! Note that peroxide is best used for light-colored material. Otherwise, it is possible to discolour your jacket or upholstery.
to the contents ↑Removal of greenery from leather furniture
Zelenka is a very corrosive solution and if you did not manage to remove it immediately after getting on the sofa, do not put your hands down, we'll tell you how to wash the green hair from the leather couch without spoiling it.
You can use for this purpose such tools:
- Wet wipes - for cleaning equipment or conventional antibacterial.
- Alcohol.
- Liquid for removing varnish.
- Soda + vinegar.
- Lemon or citric acid.
All these tools are used on a single principle - they must be applied directly to the stains from the antiseptic and wipe with a cotton disc or clean rag until the dirt is removed. But there are several recommendations that still need to be considered in order to safely wipe the green from the skin of the sofa:
- Wet wipes must be changed as they become soiled so that greens are not smeared even more by the material.
- Soda is first poured onto traces of medrazole, and then topped with a small amount of vinegar. The resulting foam should be removed immediately with a clean rag.
- Citric acid is best used as an aqueous solution. To do this, dissolve the powder in the amount of 1 teaspoon in 1 glass of warm water.
- Alcohol, as well as the liquid for removing varnish - can be cleaned, but it is better to apply pointwise. On dark material, one must be extremely careful, since aggressive solvents can remove paint.
Important! After using any of the above, you need to lubricate the surface with cream - suitable for hands, for the face. This should be done because the skin under the influence of cleansing agents will dry up and then may crack.
to the contents ↑Than to wash the greenery from the furniture?
Depending on which type of furniture you have, you can apply:
- household stain remover;
- laundry detergent;
- ammonia.
Important! Universal will be only ammonia, the rest will be applied to hard, non-laminated surfaces. For lacquers, you can use a detergent, but quickly remove it from the surface and do not use a large amount of water. Otherwise, the swelling of the material is assured.
We hope that you managed to quickly wipe the green with leatherette or any other material that she accidentally fell into. Henceforth, before using such a medical solution, open it on the previously put unnecessary tissue.