- Calgon for washing machines. Instructions for use
- Composition of Calgon for a washing machine
- Form of Calgona for washing machines
- Do you need a Calgon for a washing machine?
- How to replace Calgon for a washing machine?
Very well-known for today, the goods for the care of the technique for washing laundry is Calgon for washing machines, the instruction, the principle of action and useful properties of which are discussed in this article. The name of this product is known to almost everyone, because of the constant propagation of it through the media. But very few people know what a powder is and that it can be replaced with an equally effective drug. But first things first.
to the contents ↑Calgon for washing machines. Instructions for use
When using the product it is important to know the necessary dosage and place where to put Calgon in the washing machine. The result of the action of the drug depends on this. On the powder packaging there is a detailed instruction for use. According to this information for the one washing cycle, depending on the water quality, the following amount of the drug should be added:
- If the water is of medium hardness, then the third part of the measuring cup that comes with the powder is enough. The capacity of the container is 96 ml, which means that only 32 ml of the drug is needed.
- In the case of hard water, the amount of powder should be increased to ⅔ cup, that is, use already 64 ml.
- With very hard water, it is necessary to add a full glass of powdered material during washing.
Important! If you do not have Calgon in the form of a powder, but a tablet, then regardless of the hardness of the water, one tablet is used for one wash cycle.
On the question of where to fall asleep Kalgon in the washing machine in the instructions on the packaging, there is also an answer. Household chemicals are poured into the main compartment of the tray of the washing machine along with the detergent.
Important! It is not necessary to fall asleep Calgon in a drum together with linen. Although it does not do any harm to the tissues, such a use of powder is not justified.
The instructions also state that the effectiveness of the product will be achieved only if it is used regularly for each wash.
Important! Using Calgon, the powder for washing should be covered in the amount calculated by the manufacturer for one cycle in soft water.
to content ↑Composition of Calgone for washing machine
This chemistry has a softening effect on water. What substances are included in its composition, what contribute to this?- According to the instruction, there are such elements:
- The main component of such a known agent is sodium tripolyphosphate, which interacts with calcium ions contained in water and thereby reduces its stiffness.
- Polycarboxylates - make up to 30% of the total composition of the product.
- Microcrystalline cellulose( up to 15%), polyethylene glycol( up to 5%) and surfactants( surfactants) are also included.
The drug has an unobtrusive pleasant aroma.
to content ↑Calgon form for washing machines
Regardless of the form of release, the composition of the product is the same, so the choice depends entirely on the preferences of the consumer. The product is available in three forms:
- Powder.
- Tablets.
- Gel.
The only significant advantage of tablets, as compared to the other two forms, is a convenient dosage, which you do not need to select yourself.
Packaging of household preparation
For the convenience of consumers, this water-softening chemistry is available in convenient packages of various dosages:
- Powder is packaged in 0.55, 1 and 1.6 kg.
- Tablets - are packed into 12, 15, 32, 40, 70 pieces in boxes. You can find another quantity in the package.
- Gel - is sold in bottles of 0.75, 1.5, 2 liters and other dosages.
Do I need a Calgon for a washing machine?
Everyone knows the fact that the formed scum on the internal parts of the washing machine can lead to a serious breakdown. To prevent this from happening, home appliance manufacturers of this purpose recommend using a means to soften the water during laundry. Calgon to date, probably the most famous of these products.
Useful qualities of the application of Calgon:
- Since the preparation softens water, washing powder for one washing cycle requires to fall asleep significantly less, and this is a significant saving.
- The drug prevents the occurrence of malfunctions in washing appliances due to the formation of scale on its elements.
- Scum does not settle on the laundry, so that white fabrics do not become gray after a few first washings.
- Lingerie in soft water is more efficiently washed, especially for hard stains.
Are there any negative aspects of using Calgon for every wash?
Despite the apparent benefits of the tool, many are wondering whether this household chemistry affects human health? Experts argue that the constituent substances of the product in no way have any negative impact on the human body in the case of the proper and intended use of Calgon. Pouring it into a washing machine, do not need to wear gloves. However, it is worthwhile always remembering the precautions for the use of household chemicals.
Important! Keep Calgon in a dark place inaccessible to children, away from food. If the product has got into the nose, eyes or mouth in any way, rinse immediately with plenty of running clean water.
There are opinions that Kalgon is not as effective as the manufacturer wants to convince its customers. Customer reviews are actually different. Some complain that with the regular use of the tool on the details of the washing machine, scales are still formed, others are delighted with the quality of washing with a lower dosage of detergent.
Do you need Calgon for a washing machine if modern washing powders in the automatic machine already have components that help soften hard water? Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to this question. But in order to save on the purchase of not cheap goods, you can find how to replace Calgon.
to the contents ↑How to replace Calgon for a washing machine?
There are several analogues to such a well-known commodity. They are more economical, and the effectiveness of the action is in no way inferior to the means discussed. That's just the advertisers are not in a hurry to talk about it in their videos.
Cheaper industrial analogs:
- "Alfagon".With this tool, the consumption of washing powder is also reduced by half.
- "Aeon antikonakin".The composition of this product includes substances that soften and slightly acidify water, which makes washing more efficient and prevents the formation of scale on the details of equipment.
Home Remedies for Calgon
They are good at cleaning the parts of the washing machine from scale and the remedy that every housewife has in her house:
- Citric acid. It will take only two or three tablespoons of acid to successfully remove scale from the elements of washing equipment. A washing cycle with citric acid should be made without laundry at a water temperature of 90 degrees. The frequency of this procedure is 1 time per year.
- Vinegar. This acid can also successfully overcome the scale. The procedure for cleaning with liquid should be carried out a little more often than citric acid and the frequency can reach 1 time in 3 months.
- Calcined soda. This powder is very good at softening hard water and removing harmful scale. Soda can be added as with every wash, and carry out cleaning cycles without laundry.
The conclusion about whether to use Calgon for every wash or not, everyone will do for himself. But if you have already bought and started using this product, then use it with each washing cycle, and not from time to time. Otherwise, it will only hurt your technique. If, after reading the information in this article, you are somewhat disappointed in this tool, then do not forget that all the same about washing machines, as well as about any other home appliances, you need to take care. Clean the parts from scale with household products, and your equipment will last much longer than the warranty period.