- Hand wash
- Washing machine
- Other ways
- Recommendations for care
Suede shoes look incredibly stylish and fashionable, especially suede sneakers. But it has one significant disadvantage - it quickly becomes contaminated. But do not get upset ahead of time, even capricious suede lends itself to cleaning and even washing. Whether it is possible to wash suede sneakers in a washing machine and what care should be taken for products made of such material, you will learn from this article.
to the table of contents ↑Hand wash
Suede is an expensive and delicate material that is easy to spoil, so it is necessary to work with it carefully, and carefully follow all instructions. Next, consider whether it is possible to wash the suede shoes in a washing machine, but before that we will deal with the nuances of cleaning by hand.
Important! Just wash the shoes, substituting it for running water will not work. Need more careful care, so you can manually clean or with a washing machine.
To manually clean suede products, you will need:
- soap solution;
- water;
- special rubberized brush;
- ammonia solution;
- white vinegar;
- matches in the box;
- sandpaper;
- baby powder or talc.
Important! Aggressive solvents, such as gasoline or acetone, containing liquids can not be used when washing suede shoes. Also, do not wear such products in dirty or wet weather, as the risk of staining from is very high. Do not forget about the fact that the fresher the spot, the easier it is to remove it. But at the same time, wet contamination from suede should be removed only after they have dried, otherwise - you can smear the stain on the material and aggravate the situation.
- Wipe off contamination with a solution of ammonia mixed with water.
- Gently, without pressure, clean the stains with sandpaper.
- The most persistent dirt after the manipulations done is wiped with a weak vinegar solution.
- If suede has been exposed to rain or other moisture, use soap and water for cleaning. Make a solution and gently rub their shoes.
- Fat and greasy sheen from suede can be removed by sprinkling the contamination with talc and leaving it for 3 hours. After - sprinkle with a rubberized brush. Also, you can remove the greasy shine by rubbing the spot with a matchbox with a coating of sulfur.
- Brown suede is recommended to be cleaned together with the coffee grounds, as it will color those dirt that can not be removed and will update the color.
Important! Rubber brush for suede can be purchased at shoe stores, but if suddenly the brush is not at hand, use a stationery eraser.
to the contents ↑Washer
It seems that suede and automatic machine are incompatible things, and many are wondering whether it is possible to wash suede sneakers in a washing machine. This can be done in special modes. Of course, do not use the machine to wash the boots, but sneakers or sneakers can be washed in this way.
Basic rules:
- Prepare the product for washing. First, check its quality and integrity. If the shoes are damaged, it is better to use manual cleaning. Also at the preparation stage, wipe the products from dust with a damp sponge, remove the laces and insole. They will need to be cleaned separately.
- Clean the suede sneakers from dirt. Before using the washing machine, you must manually remove all possible dirt and stains from the shoes. To do this, use the manual cleaning methods.
- Prepare the machine. In order not to damage the machine parts accidentally, wrap the shoes with a large towel or use special covers for washing.
- Set the mode. Delicate fabrics, such as suede, should be washed in the most gentle mode, without automatic drying and spinning. The washing temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
- Actually washing. Load shoes, pour in detergent and do not forget to protect the drum. After - you can turn on the selected washing mode. Also it should be noted that it is dangerous to wash more than one pair of shoes - both for the machine and for suede.
- Drying. Suede products have special requirements for drying. First, no batteries - so the products can be deformed. Drying things is only necessary at room temperature, laying in them a large amount of white paper. Paper not only absorbs water well, but also does not allow products to lose shape.
Important! It should be remembered that frequent washing can lead to premature wear of shoes, so take care of it and try not to allow severe contaminants.
to the contents ↑Other ways of
In addition to the above, there are many interesting options for washing suede sneakers, which have long been checked by owners all over the world.
Special tools
For the care of suede shoes and cleaning it from small spots you can use special sprays or foams. You can buy them in large hypermarkets or shoe stores. The product is evenly applied to the shoes, distributed by contamination with a soft cloth and removed with a clean cloth. After - the shoes are dried at room temperature.
Washing powder
For serious dirt it is possible to wash the running shoes manually with detergent. Here it is important to note that you can not pour dry powder on the stain and rub it with a brush. So he behaves like an abrasive, and from a gentle suede remains only a reminder.
Therefore, before use, prepare a soapy solution of powder, mixing it with warm water. Be sure to check whether the product dissolves completely.
Important! You can add a few drops of ammonia solution to the solution, which helps to better dissolve the powder.
- Take a soft sponge, soak it in a medium and wipe the dirt place, trying not to soak the shoes completely.
- After cleaning, the powder should be washed off with a clean sponge soaked in water without adding any products.
- The final step is the drying of the product. Immediately after cleaning, wipe the shoes with a soft cloth, put it inside the paper and leave to dry at room temperature.
Important! If possible, you should use a special powder for delicate things.
Steam cleaners have long won the love of millions of housewives, but if you have not yet had time to evaluate this device, you can do with improvised means:
- Boil water, hold suede product over steam for two to three minutes.
- Then clean it with a rubber brush.
Important! Be sure to use common sense and safety techniques, as inaccurate handling of hot water can lead to burns.
In shoe stores, you can find special stones designed for cleaning suede. The way of using them is simple: first the shoes are cleaned with a brush, and after - the stains are rubbed with stone.
Soda with milk
If you need to refresh the color of light suede, you can use milk, fat content is not more than 1.5%, diluted with water with the addition of soda. The composition is wiped with contaminated areas, and the product itself is removed with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.
This method is highly undesirable, since the risk of spoiling the material is very high. But if the shoes have strong fat spots - you can take a chance, and gently wipe them with gasoline, without touching the clean suede. At the end of the treatment, the gasoline must be completely removed from the product.
Important! Please note that in this case a special tool is used - refined gasoline, and not the one that is fueled by cars.
to the table of contents ↑Recommendations for care
To avoid serious soiling of suede, it is enough to remember the following rules:
- Once you have purchased suede shoes, treat it with special tools. So you protect the shoes from moisture and dust.
- After coming home, dry shoes at room temperature.
- After you come from the street, be sure to clean your shoes of dust.
- Before the exit, handle the sneakers with water repellent.
- If you decide to wash in the car, be sure to check the quality of the product. A poorly colored suede can shed, get an unpleasant shine or the product may become unstuck.
- Do not use bleach when cleaning suede. Such an aggressive method can destroy delicate tissue.
- In wet weather, it is better to leave shoes from suede at home, and choose a more practical option.
Do not forget about preventive care and use high-quality products, and then suede shoes will last you a long time.