- Can I wash the banana from my clothes?
- How to wash a fresh stain from a banana?
- How and how to remove stains on clothes from a banana?
- How to wash the banana? Industrial remedies for aging spots
- Methods for masking spots
How to wash a banana from children's clothing?- Mothers of young children often face this question. Fragrant and cute banana fruits are loved by almost all people of different ages, but very few people know that it is problematic to wash the stains from the fruit that gets on the clothes. And those who have already understood this and are puzzled by such a question will find a suitable solution for themselves in this article.
to the contents ↑Can I wash the banana from my clothes?
The almost colorless flesh of the banana becomes brown in a few minutes. She leaves ugly stains on clothes that do not wash properly, especially when drying.
Important! The main mistake that mistresses often make is trying to wash a banana with very hot water and soap. After such washing, the stain gets a permanent dark color and can irretrievably ruin the thing.
And yet, the claim that such stains do not wash out is erroneous. You can wash the banana from your clothes. Especially if you do not make mistakes and do not delay with washing. Moreover, it is possible to remove stains from a banana from children's clothes with the help of simple and special means.
How to wash a fresh stain from a banana?
It is best to start fighting with banana spots as quickly as possible, until the juice has not yet ingested itself deeply into the material and is finally dry.
Important! With any spot, it is best to cope immediately after it has appeared. After a few days, and even worse weeks, the stain becomes stable, and it will be practically impossible to withdraw it.
How to wash a banana? Basic rules:
- Contamination from banana pulp should be washed in cool water without using soap.
- If you do not have the opportunity to wash the stain immediately, you must wipe it thoroughly with baby wipes.
How and how to remove stains on clothes from a banana?
There are many substances that will help remove complex stains from yellow fruit. The most effective of them are listed below.
Citric acid
It will be useful to moisten the spot with a solution of citric acid or lemon juice, because citric acid very well removes stains from fruits, red wine, berry juice, beets, potatoes and banana, among others. Even a stain that has acquired a brown hue can be removed from the fabric, since citric acid is a natural clarifier.
- Soak clothes with cool water.
- Apply directly to the stain undiluted lemon juice.
- Strike the juice with your hands, so that the fiber is soaked deeply with acidic composition.
- Leave the clothes in this condition for half an hour, so that the lemon juice breaks down the organic compounds and cleans the tissue of the banana.
- Wash the product as usual.
You can use lemon instead of lemon juice. To do this, the lemon is cut into two pieces and a half of the fruit is rubbed onto the fabric.
Important! Such a substance easily oxidizes organic contaminants. It is absolutely safe for baby skin. Thanks to this, citric acid becomes the answer to the question, what to wash the banana from children's clothes?
Oxalic Acid
An effective agent against this kind of contamination is oxalic acid. It is one of the components of effective household chemicals that are designed to remove rust.
Important! For this purpose, Domestos can be used, for example. But we must take into account that the substance is rather caustic and requires extreme caution when handling it.
- Rotate acid in a circular motion into the stain.
- Leave for about 30 minutes.
- After this time, thoroughly wash the treated area.
Important! Be sure to perform all the manipulations in protective gloves, despite the fact that you may not be very comfortable to wash the banana from children's clothing in this way. But the effect, as a rule - 100%.
Soda + salt + vinegar
Similar products will help the hostess in case the dirt has not dried completely.
- Take the same amount of salt and soda.
- Add water to make a thick gruel.
- Apply the prepared mixture to the contamination and carefully rub the soiled area.
- Leave for 30 minutes. At this time, the active components of table salt and sodium bicarbonate will reduce the adhesion of organic particles to the finest fibers of the tissue.
- Wash off the dried substance with a 9% vinegar solution.
- Wash the product in warm water.
Household soap
This way of cleaning clothes from a banana will take a little longer.
Important! For this purpose it is better to choose soap with a higher concentration of active substances and with an increased amount of alkali. In a similar way, you can also use specially created soap to remove complex spots of different origin - "Antipyatin".It is an effective cleanser, the formula of which is constantly improving.
Method No. 1:
- Thoroughly soap the soiled areas with soap.
- Leave clothes for one hour in warm water, at a temperature of approximately 40 degrees.
- Repeat the soap and soak procedure again. You will see that the stain is noticeably brightened.
- Rinse the product well.
- Wash clothing in the washing machine.
Method # 2:
- Soap the stain and put the thing in the sun.
- After drying, wash clothing in warm water.
Important! It is noticed that sunlight itself gradually causes discoloration of traces of banana juice.
Hydrogen peroxide
To wash the stains of a banana on children's clothes, you will need 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can buy it easily in any pharmacy.
Important! Such a tool can not be used on delicate tissues, such as: guipure, lace, thin cotton. Peroxide is more suitable for wool, cotton and knitwear.
- Dampen the cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and place it under a dirty area of clothing.
Important! In order not to affect other areas of clothing, it is desirable to place a packet or an oilcloth under the lower cotton pad.
- Another cotton disc, also moistened in the product, thoroughly rub the place that needs cleaning.
Important! Do not be afraid if the composition begins to hiss and foam.
- Cover the contaminated area with another disc, pre-richly moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
- Clothing in this condition should be left for 20-30 minutes.
- After the expiration of the specified time, the thing must be thoroughly rinsed.
- Wash the product with a detergent in the usual way. Stains from a banana should noticeably decrease in size or completely disappear.
- After a while, the procedure can be repeated.
Important! Hydrogen peroxide can not be used very often, as it is a fairly aggressive chemical.
to the contents ↑How to wash the banana? Industrial products from aging spots
Almost every manufacturer of washing powders produces stain removers. Unfortunately, not all of these tools are really effective.
Stain remover and bleach
Most stain removers are a concentrated chlorine solution with additives that slightly change the composition.
Important! Chlorine perfectly removes stains, but destructively affects the fibers of matter. For colored fabrics, you can use only oxygen bleaches, which do not damage the material, and are also safe for tender baby skin.
With white linen or cotton fabrics, you can perfectly remove stains from a banana using stain removers and bleach based on chlorine.
Such agents are most effective in the form of gels.
How to use:
- Apply the gel to the stain and leave it for several hours.
- After expiration of time, extend the product as usual.
Important! It may be necessary to repeat this process several times.
There are effective bleaching agents, which are especially praised by the hostess:
- Gel "Vanish".
- Spray "OXY +".
- Whitening gel "BOS".
- Products of the company "SANO" for dry cleaning.
These remedies remove not only the banana from clothes, but also traces from other vegetables and fruits.
Important! If the stains from the banana are not washed from the first time, you need to try again.
In household chemistry stores you can find another simple not very expensive, but a good tool in fighting stains from a banana. It is called "Minute" and is available in the form of a paste. Such a product perfectly dissolves pollution of various origins: traces of banana and other vegetables and fruits, coffee, fat, tea, juice.
Important! It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions given on the stain remover or bleach pack. Be sure to pay attention to the type of fabric. Particular care should be taken when handling delicate materials.
to the contents ↑Methods of disguise spots
If you did not manage to completely remove the banana, do not despair. After all, there are alternative ways to save a thing. Concerning children's clothes, it is always possible to disguise this spot by applying imagination:
- On sale you can find special stickers and stripes that can decorate the spot with a stain on clothes. Usually it is very easy to attach them. It is enough to iron the sticker.
- The soiled place can be simply painted with acrylic paints or markers. The paint on the fabric is fixed by ironing with a hot iron. As a result, clothes will get a new sound, personality and brightness, which is sure to please your child.
As you can see, getting rid of banana spots is not a big problem. Therefore, you can safely give such a delicious and healthy fruit to your child, not being afraid to spoil your baby's favorite clothes.