- Useful advices
- Household chemical products
- Popular tools
Almost every man in the wardrobe has shirts. White is especially popular - they look smart and are the business card of a businessman. Yes, and in the women's wardrobe, they occupy not the last place. But they have a big disadvantage - they get dirty quickly, especially in the collar area and cuffs. In these places the fabric contacts the skin as much as possible, absorbing fat and sweat. On the shirt are ugly yellow spots that are not so easy to remove. But there are several effective ways to whiten the collar of a white shirt at home. About them and will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑Useful advices
To keep the shirt white for a long time and not have problems with washing off naughty collars and cuffs, remember the following:
- It is advisable to change the shirts daily so that there are no old contaminants. This will help keep the look of your things for long.
- When buying a shirt, carefully study the label to choose the appropriate mode and temperature for this fabric, and also to choose the means for cleaning from stains.
- Before washing, the shirt is recommended to be rubbed with a soft clothes brush to remove dead skin scales. These particles collect dust and sweat on themselves, and then these places are difficult to wash.
- Treatment of persistent stains is recommended from the inside.
- You can not wash white shirts with colored things.
- During each wash, you need to add oxygen bleach. For strong soiling, liquid bleach is recommended. Powdered bleach perfectly removes traces of not very strong contaminants.
- When pre-soaking, immerse the item in the solution completely so that there are no stains.
- The washing temperature should not be less than 40 degrees, otherwise - the stains may remain.
- Observe the rules of hygiene, take a shower in time, then sweat and fat will be washed off, and clothes will get less dirty.
Important! Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, spicy and fatty foods can not only harm your health, but also increase sweating. Accordingly - shirts will quickly get dirty.
to the table of contents ↑Household chemical products
How to clean the collar of the shirt from various types of contaminants?
- Ideally, a white shirt needs to be washed daily.
- Before washing, especially polluted places - collar and cuffs, you need to treat with soap and leave it for an hour and a half, then wash.
- Instead of economic you can use a special soap "Antipyatnin".In this case, the soaking procedure can be shortened to 15 minutes.
To date, there are many different effective bleach, stain removers and other cleaning products, including white shirts, from various kinds of stains. In the most difficult case, you can use chlorine bleach. But such means should not be used constantly, chlorine quickly destroys the fibers of the tissue, no matter how strong it may be.
Important! Using bleach and stain remover, carefully study the instructions on the product package. Changing the dosage, temperature or time of exposure can lead to the fact that you completely ruin the thing.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies
There are many methods how to clean the collar of a shirt from yellowness folk remedies.
Dishwashing liquid
Soak the thing and soak the problem areas with a dishwashing liquid, leave for 20-30 minutes, then wash.
Important! The stains on the clothes are mostly sweat and fat, and any dishwashing detergent can easily cope with them, and the washing powder will remove the remnants of contaminants.
This natural solvent will easily save you from stains on your favorite shirt. Wet a tampon on them, carefully wipe the collar of the shirt, and then rinse with cool water.
Important! This method is suitable only for white shirts. Do not try to clean it with the collar of a colored shirt, otherwise - you risk spoiling it.
Salt with ammonia
For the removal of highly resistant stains, the following can be done:
- Take salt, water and ammonia, mix in a ratio of 1: 4: 4.
- This mixture is applied to problem areas and leave for 30 minutes, then wash.
Hydrogen Peroxide:
- Scratched laundry soap on the grater, dissolve in hot water.
- Mix 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 4 tablespoons of soap solution.
- Apply to soiling, leave for 20 minutes.
- Then the shirt can be washed in the usual mode.
Lemon juice
Well cope with dirt and bleach the collar of lemon juice. Apply it on the stains, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse in water.
How do I wash the greasy shirt collar and the stains from the deodorant? You will help talc:
- Apply it to problem areas, then wet your shirt, leave it for 8-10 hours.
- After this, you need to wash the thing.
Important! In this case, you can spend the evening treatment with talc, and in the morning, wash.
To whiten the collar of a white shirt will help several aspirin tablets dissolved in water. Simply apply the solution to the problem areas.
In the fight against pollution, ordinary potatoes will help you. Cut it in half, grind the problem areas so that the fabric is soaked. Then, when it dries, shake off the remains of the starch with a brush, wash the thing as usual.
Make sure that there is nothing difficult in choosing a product, if you need to wash a heavily soiled white shirt? Now get down to the action! Clear your things and you will attract the passers-by's eyes with your accuracy again and again without spending a lot of money to buy new clothes.