- Where does this unpleasant odor come from and what smells second-hand?
- How to get rid of the smell according to the sanitary norms?
- Popular ways to eliminate the odor of the second hand
Nowadays, not all people are equally related to clothing purchased in the second hand. Some simply can not do without it, while others are categorically against wearing such items of the wardrobe. Everyone has their own reasons for loving or hating these things, but at the same time, all people agree that they smell terrible. This article is useful to people who regularly buy worn things, because it will tell you how to remove the smell from clothes from second-hand.
to the contents ↑Where does this unpleasant odor come from and what smells second-hand?
Before deciding how to remove second-hand odor from clothes, it is first of all necessary to understand where it comes from, since this will allow selecting the most ideal product or preparation for the treatment of worn things.
A foul odor is the result of sanitary treatment of clothing through special chemicals, in particular methyl bromide or formaldehyde, which are strong poisons.
Why do this processing? The answer is simple, to destroy the fungus, insects, bacteria, living in the fibers of tissues, namely dust mites. Experts argue that these chemicals are absolutely harmless, like modern air fresheners or deodorants. But many people question such confidence of specialists and are skeptical about this. This is not just happening, because the territory of our country, the process of neutralizing poisons often occurs poorly, in the course of processing, as a rule, sanitary standards are violated.
Important! An unpleasant strong odor is the main sign of sanitation, absence of microbes, insects, fungus in clothes, and at the same time indicates the content of a large number of poisons in it.
Based on this, we conclude that it is better to refuse to buy such things, but if there is no other way out, then at least withdraw this fragrance and thereby protect yourself.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of the smell according to the sanitary norms?
On the Internet, you can find a lot of recommendations on how to get rid of clothes from the smell of second-hand. But, unfortunately, many of them are completely useless, so there is no point in stopping at them.
It is much more reasonable to look for an effective remedy in the official source, that is, to apply to sanitary norms, where everything is clearly described. Naturally, we are talking about the processing of clothes on an industrial scale, but at home it will also come in handy.
This method is used to remove odors with the help of fresh air and ammonia.
Important! Sanitary norms clearly state how much alcohol should be used to remove the smell of formaldehyde. But for an average person these measures are not suitable, because we will use molybdenum and a basin of water.
What is needed and how to proceed?
The recipe for making the formula and its use is quite simple:
- Buy ten percent ammonia in the pharmacy.
- Prepare a bowl of water.
- If you need to process one thing, for example, a skirt, blouse, t-shirt, you should prepare the solution in such proportions: for five liters of water, 20 milliliters of ammonia.
Important! For more oversized things you have to take a whole bottle of alcohol for 100 milliliters, dilute it in 10 liters of water.
- Then, second-hand clothes should be soaked in a ready-to-use solution for a period of 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the amount of clothing, type of material.
Important! Cotton things are only 30 minutes for cleaning. Synthetics, skin, fur will require much more time - more than 6 hours.
- After the end of the soaking time, the clothes should be squeezed out a little, and then taken out into fresh air, where it will be for several days.
- Next - wash things with air conditioning and dry.
Important! After treatment with ammonia, the clothes do not become faded, stretched, or - on the contrary compressed, it looks just as bright. Therefore, boldly use this method to remove the smell of formaldehyde.
to content ↑Folk remedies for smell second-hand
In addition to using ammonia, there are many more options than to remove the smell of second-hand clothing. They relate to handling things with a too pungent flavor. Below we give the most effective of them:
- Wash with the addition of flavored salt or a few drops of essential oil.
- Use of a special deodorant for clothes.
- Soak products in saline or vinegar solution.
- Use coffee, perfume, toilet water or ordinary soap, which is put in a bag of clothes, close it and leave it in this form for several days.
- Steam iron with modern irons.
- Handling of things in dry cleaning.
- Simple washing without wringing, with further drying in fresh air.
Only you decide which way to choose. The main thing is that you now know the most popular methods of combating this obsessive, persistent, unpleasant odor, which you can use at home.