Liquid powder - convenient, effective or practical?

  • What is a liquid laundry detergent?
  • Which powder is better - liquid or dry?
  • Which liquid powder to choose?

The modern market of household chemicals offers the hostess a wide range of different cleaning and cleaning products. The main purpose of such substances is to improve the living conditions, as well as easier maintenance of cleanliness in the house. One of the novelties is a liquid powder for washing, which has certain advantages in comparison with the usual bulk substances. In this article we will consider the positive properties of a liquid laundry detergent and understand how to use it correctly to get the maximum result.

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What is a liquid laundry detergent?

Coming to a household chemistry store, most housewives are lost in choosing the most suitable means for washing among a variety of modern assortment. Liquid detergent powders are characterized by a gel-like structure and are sold as highly concentrated formulations. It is due to the high concentration of the composition that it is possible to substantially reduce its consumption in order to achieve an excellent result.

As this tool only becomes popular among housewives, many people have a question: how to use liquid powder in the automatic machine? In fact, there are two ways to fill the detergent in the unit:

  1. A special tray that is located near the front-loading machines on the front panel, and for vertical type machines - built into the hatch cover.

Important! For this type of loading, the liquid detergent powder should not have a very high density. Otherwise, the substance will be poorly washed off the surface of the tray, which will result in a lower washing intensity, and also negatively affect the performance characteristics of your washing machine.

  1. A more effective method is to add a liquid powder to wash the laundry directly into the drum machine. Especially relevant is the use for thick media with high concentration.

Important! To concentrate does not drain into the sink, add a small amount of water to the drum. This will contribute to good dissolution of the substance and greater washing efficiency. Very practical are the options for liquid products, which are packaged by the manufacturer in special capsules.

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Which powder is better - liquid or dry?

Most housewives are quite skeptical about various novelties in the household chemistry market and prefer old and proven dry powder for washing clothes. However, a dry substance very often causes an allergic reaction in family members and often has a rather unpleasant, heavy smell.

Important! Often after washing it turns out that the powder is not completely rinsed out of the special compartment, and this leads to insufficient rinsing of things and the appearance on the fabric of unpleasant white divorces. Such troubles are associated with the viscosity of the soaked powder, which prevents it from being correctly washed and unhindered.

Advantages of liquid powder

Unlike dry powder, liquid laundry detergents have the following advantages:

  • The container with this product is very easy to store, and how much to pour liquid powder into the washing machine, you will be prompted by the attached instruction and dispenser.
  • The economic advantage of such a detergent is due to the high concentration of the active ingredient.
  • Liquid concentrates are highly soluble in water of any temperature, and therefore are well rinsed from the fabric surface.
  • The composition of these products is more environmentally friendly than that of bulk materials, and therefore reduced the chance of allergic reactions and respiratory tract irritation.
  • A wide variety of volumes allows you to select the most suitable dosage for you at an affordable price.
  • The gel or concentrated product is practical in storage, as it is realized in a convenient sealed package, which does not allow spillage and wetting of the substance.
  • Most varieties of liquid detergent have a pleasant and fresh flavor, but there are compositions that do not contain phosphates and flavors.
  • In the course of washing, this powder does not leave any stains and stains on the fabric surface.
  • Optimal for washing strong contaminants and taking care of tissues.

Important! As for the usual dry detergent, it is possible to note such factors in its favor:

  • for processing a large amount of laundry it is more convenient;
  • is such a tool that allows you to more effectively wash heavily soiled things, unlike gels, which are more sensitive to tissues and do not always wash off the long-stale dirt.

But this is only on the condition that you will purchase expensive products from reliable proven manufacturers. Otherwise, the effect will be the same.

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Which liquid powder to choose?

The variety of household chemistry offers is truly amazing and puts most housewives to a standstill. What is the best means to buy for washing clothes, because all manufacturers lure customers with bright packages of various sizes and promises of an ideal result. The most popular and popular products are from the following manufacturers of household chemicals.


Trademark "Laska" offers a liquid powder for washing a variety of fabrics, which has a white thickened color. This product can be used for both manual washing and washing machine. To date, liquid detergent "Laska" is available in two versions - "Magic of white" and "Radiance of color."

Important! This tool perfectly copes with stains of dirt, relieves tissue from formed spools and prevents the formation of new ones. Also, after washing with a concentrated detergent for this brand, a return of the original color is noticed.


A liquid product from a worldwide known manufacturer can be used in washing machines of various designs. The tool is characterized by a minimal expense for achieving an excellent result, which is explained by the special complex of elements entering into its composition.

This concentrate must be poured directly into the drum of the washing machine. In the shops of household chemistry is sold in bottles of 3 liters, which is enough for about 65 washes. This volume of liquid concentrate replaces about 9 kg of dry detergent powder. Manufacturers recommend the use of this tool for washing synthetics.

Important! Having bought Tide liquid powder, you will learn how to use it, having read the instructions on the package. From the information provided by the manufacturer, you can make sure that the concentrate does not contain bleaching agents, and therefore it is absolutely safe to wash off colored things.


The liquid detergent powder from the trade mark Persil has all the properties of the bulk agent, but does not allow the appearance on the fabric surface of the divorces and the traces of the dissolved detergent.

Important! A special chemical formula provides the concentrate with excellent solubility properties, which allows the gel to penetrate deep inside the tissue texture and carefully remove most of the stained spots.

Eared nannies

Very popular today and use liquid products for the care of children's things from the trademark "Ushasty nanny."This stain remover is suitable both for washing with a machine-gun, and for hand-washing. Thanks to a specially developed formula, the concentrated product easily copes with the task of removing such complex contaminants as fruits, berries, chocolate, grass and products of children's life.

Important! Liquid concentrate "Eared Nanny" has a hypoallergenic composition that will protect your baby's skin from irritation and allergic reactions.

In this article we have considered all the features and basic properties of a gel concentrated laundry detergent. Which powder is better - liquid or dry - is up to you, based on the specific features of the task. We sincerely hope that washing will bring you pleasure, and things will please with its cleanliness and freshness.