- When can not I use the machine?
- How to wash?- Hand wash
- How to quickly and easily wash by hand?
- We wash underwear
We rarely think about how it would be difficult to live without home appliances. But in fact relatively recently appeared smart instruments in our daily life and all relaxed. Our grandmothers and mothers did not think how to manually wash the whole family. They just took dirty laundry, laundry soap or powder, added water and cleaned up a lot of things with their own hands, spending a lot of time, energy and health on it. For us, a hard work is done by a washing machine, we can calmly do business at this time, rest. However, there are situations when we need to know how to wash by hand. With the basics and the main rules of this process, we will understand this article.
to the contents ↑When can not I use the machine?
In the wardrobe, everyone has clothes that can not be washed in the car in any way, because it can lose its original look and spoil the other things. To prolong the life of such things, you need to erase them only with your hands. To "cloakroom capricious" include:
- things from cashmere,
- woolen products, especially hand-knitted;
- clothing, accessories of silk, chiffon, lace, things with unstable coloring, which can be shed when washing;
- baby clothes, diapers of a newborn baby.
How to wash?- Handwashing
As with every process, manual washing has its own rules, which you can do right by doing everything:
- Before washing, unscrew the items, empty the contents and shake out.
- Sort the clothes light and dark.
- Dirty things for a start soak in soapy water, which will half dissolve dirt and make your work easier.
- Depending on the type of material, use a detergent.
- The water temperature should be selected based on the delicacy of the product. The thinner the fabric, the colder the water.
- Things made of wool and cashmere need to be washed by hand, turning inside out.
- The most dirty places in men's shirts are cuffs and collars. Soap them with soap, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rub it gently.
- During the rinse, change the water until it becomes clear.
- During the last rinse of colored clothing in the water, add a little vinegar. It will help to give the brightness of the shade and keep the paint on the fabric.
- Knitted and silk products should not be strongly rubbed and stretched, and after rinsing do not unscrew, but only slightly wring out.
- In a soap solution, cleaner, lighter things are always the first to erase, and only then are dark and dirty.
- Try to wash things by hand immediately after getting dirty. Do not keep too long in the laundry basket, because after a time they will be harder to clean.
How to quickly and easily wash by hand?
Manual washing is not too difficult if you fulfill certain requirements:
- Pour warm water into the basin, dissolve the detergent in it. So that things do not leave a divorce and soap flakes, it is better to use liquid detergents.
- Soak clothes in soapy water and let it lie down for about 10 minutes. This is necessary in order to soften the mud. Rub the most dirty places gently with your hands, sometimes you can use a brush.
- Delicate, lacy fabrics simply stir from the top down and round, do not rub or stretch them.
- Rinse each item separately, in cool water, until it becomes clean.
- Spin should be neat. Lace and thin fabrics are better wrapped in a towel - this will help remove excess moisture.
- Wet wet clothes to dry in places protected from direct sunlight. Cashmere and woolen products dry horizontally, spread out on sheets or a terry towel.
- Use gloves during washing, so you can protect your gentle handles from cracking and allergies.
Wash the underwear
Not every underwear can be washed in a typewriter. Panties, bras generally have always been the clients of the washerwomen, so to bring them into the proper form you will have to erase them by hand, following the rules:
- For any dirty underwear, you can not use very hot water, because the protein contained in the secretions folds, eventually- it will be impossible to wash the stains.
- Before the main wash, soak the laundry in a soda solution for 30 minutes. The mixture is easily prepared - add 3 tablespoons of soda to 3 liters of water.
- Cotton white linen before washing soak in water with vinegar. Only then wash with detergent.
- Do not use bleach for synthetics, because linen can break, and in the worst case holes may form.
- At the end of the rinse of white things, you can add blue.
- It is better not to unscrew the laundry, but just squeeze - so you will avoid stretching, deforming the bones in the bra, essentially prolong the life of your underwear.
Hand washing is not so terrible, as they say about it. If you follow our recommendations, this process will not take you much time and will not affect your health, and your favorite delicate things will long please you and admire others.