- When to wash the sleeping bag?
- Rules for washing the synthetic sleeping bag
- Down sleeping bags
- Accelerated way of cleaning
- Sleeping bag care during the trip
- How to keep a sleeping bag for long?
Any tourist knows that even after the shortest hike, you need to put in order all the equipment. This greatly depends on the preparation for the next journey, its quality and comfort. Sleeping bag, necessary for any overnight stay, in a dirty condition delays much less heat, and to sleep in an unclean thing is not pleasant. So that you do not have to spend much time this process, in this article we will tell you how to wash a sleeping bag in a washing machine.
to the contents ↑When to wash the sleeping bag?
It is important to know that sleeping bags, especially downy, are not recommended to be washed often. With each exposure to water, the insulation is wrinkled and thus loses its heat transfer. Washing the sleeping bag should not be more than once or twice a year, depending on the intensity of use.
Important! An excellent solution to avoid contamination and save the thing from wear and tear is the liner that is inserted inside. For this purpose, the most common sheet is suitable. It's easy to wash, just replace.
Depending on the filler, a different type of washing is required.
to the table of contents ↑Rules for washing the synthetic sleeping bag
It's very easy to clean a synthetic sleeping bag. To do this, you only need a handful of ordinary washing powder.
Important! Use bleach and air conditioning can not. This concerns the fact that to ak wash the sleeping bag in the washing machine , and manually .
Basic rules and sequence of actions when cleaning tourist equipment:
- Before diving, always turn the product inside out, because the reverse side absorbs much more moisture.
- Add detergent powder to the washing machine without any additional tools.
- It is recommended to wash it in delicate mode without spinning. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Plus there will be an additional rinse, so that the powder remains removed from the thing.
- After the end of washing it is advisable to leave it in the centrifuge for about half an hour - so all the excess water will flow.
- Take the product carefully, without twisting or wringing it.
- Dry synthetic material away from heat sources.
Down sleeping bags
Care of the downy sleeping bag practically does not differ from the synthetic analogue. This thing can be washed both in the machine and manually - the algorithm of washing is the same.
It is recommended that you use only special cleaning products that do not wash out the natural animal fat from the sleeping bag. As a rule, they can be purchased at any major tourist store. But the drying of the down sleeping bag will take much longer. It is extremely important to dry the product completely.
Important! The main nuances that must be observed when cleaning the product with such filler:
- When washing in a typewriter - add special or tennis balls. They will evenly beat the product, preventing the filler from concentrating in one place.
- When drying, it is necessary to rotate the product at least once every 3-5 hours from one side to the other and also whisk a little.
Accelerated cleaning method
If it is not possible to completely wash the item, but you need to remove the dirt, you can use various auxiliaries that can quickly clean the sleeping bag:
- Apply a cleaning paste or spray to the dirty place( they can be found in domestic or tourist stores) and carefully rub the product with a brush.
- Allow to be absorbed - during this time the components of the cleansing agent will interact with the contamination.
- After about half an hour, rinse with cool water and put on drying away from heat sources.
Sleeping bag care during a hike
To avoid wondering whether it is possible to wash the sleeping bag in a washing machine or manually, you can simply carefully look after it while traveling. This is the best way to save the product for a long time.
What rules should be followed?- All of them will not cause you any difficulties and will not cause discomfort during the trip:
- Keep the sleeping bag in dry conditions. Especially it concerns hiking during snow or rain. Sleep in a wet bed is dangerous to health, plus the moisture spoils the filler of the sleeping bag. To avoid this, it is recommended to store it in a waterproof case.
- After sleeping, always ventilate the sleeping bag for at least 10 minutes. Well, if the street is warm and sunny - it will further dry things.
- Use the sheet inside the sleeping bag. It prevents salting and wear. In addition, it is easy to wash and dry.
- Try to pack the sleeping bag neatly - without strong bends and kinks. This leads to abrasions and premature wear.
How to keep a sleeping bag for a long time?
In order for a thing to last a long time, it is important to know not only how to erase the sleeping bag, but also how to store it correctly. Recommendations of manufacturers and seasoned tourists are as follows:
- First of all make sure that the sleeping bag is dry. Do not clean it in a wet bag.
- At home, it is desirable to keep the sleeping bag open. If space allows, you can hang it on a rope or bar inside the cabinet.
- A good way is to keep it open under the bed. If there is no room at all, then use a special cover or a cotton bag. In this case, you can store it with other things.
Important! Before washing and drying the sleeping bag, you must read the instructions, because some models can not be washed at all. For example, this applies to the products of the company Alexika.
Now that you have read all the rules on how to wash a sleeping bag in a washing machine, how quickly to clean it and how to store it, you definitely will not have any problems with the long-term use of your camping equipment, which means that rest on the nature will bring you onlybenefit and pleasant impressions.