- Than to wash beets?
- How to wash beet stains from clothes?
- How else can you wash beets off your clothes?
- Some more secrets as it is easy to wash the beetroot from things
How to wash beetroot - every housewife should know, because the cooking of dishes from this vegetable is inevitably accompanied by occasional stains. Children can also have problems with contamination, because mamin vinaigrette or borsch can not always reach the "destination".In order to quickly get rid of such unpleasant consequences, we advise you to arm ourselves with our recommendations for dealing with beet traces on clothes.
to the contents ↑How to wash the beetroot?
Once you have found a stained cloth, act quickly until the beet juice has gone too far. In any case, how and how to bring out both fresh spots and traces of uncertain prescription, you will learn from this article.
You will be helped by such tools:
- salt;
- vinegar;
- boiling water;
- liquid ammonia;
- milk;
- ethyl alcohol;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- lemon or citric acid;
- laundry soap;
- glycerol;
- dishwashing detergent;
- laundry detergent;
- chicken egg.
You will also need these tools:
- sponge;
- cotton swab;
- deep bowl for soaking;
- saucepan.
How to wash beet stains from clothing?
If the stain was formed right in front of you, act immediately with boiling water. If the fabric composition allows treatment with very hot water, proceed as follows:
- Keep the thing with a stain on the bathroom or pan.
- Pour boiling water over the soiling until the traces completely disappear.
Note: use the help of another person to keep the thing, and you are treated with water.
Very good natural mineral - salt. It has absorbent properties and will help remove virtually any dirt from the fabric. To solve this problem with salt, proceed as follows:
- Pour salt directly onto the soiled area.
- Leave it for 5 minutes.
- Rub the stain with salt.
- Wash things in a convenient way with powder.
Note: Repeat the manipulation with the salt until there is a barely visible trace, updating each time a serving of salt.
to the contents ↑How else can you wash beets off your clothes?
In addition to the above suggested the simplest ways, there are still quite a lot of solutions for removing beet juice from things. Check out the most popular ones.
Method 1
Not everyone knows that with the help of milk, various organic contaminants from the tissues were cleaned by our grandmothers. This method is simple and effective:
- Slightly warm up the amount of milk you need. Soak the thing in it for 1 hour.
- Wash with powder.
Method 2
In case you have stained the product from white fabric, ammonia is suitable for you. Apply it like this:
- Dilute the ammonia in water to make a 5% solution.
- Place a thick sheet of paper or cloth on the back of the product.
- Moisten the sponge in the solution.
- Treat the stain.
- Wash.
Note: it is necessary to process the soiled object so much that the spot has passed to the substrate.
Method 3
For old beet stains on white clothing hydrogen peroxide is well suited. For efficiency, follow this step-by-step instruction:
- Put a large saucepan on the fire.
- Add hydrogen peroxide with the calculation of 5 ml of the agent for 1 liter of water.
- Put in a boiling water thing.
- Boil for 20 minutes.
- Rinse well in running water.
Method 4
Another simple method of cleaning with vinegar will help to quickly remove beet stains. Apply it as follows:
- In equal amounts dilute the vinegar in water.
- Dampen all traces of beet with mortar.
- Wash it.
Method 5
This option is good if you have pure glycerin at home. To improve its work, add the egg yolk. It is done this way:
- Mix the yolk and glycerin 1: 1.
- Mix the impurities with the mixture.
- Rinse well first in warm water, then in cold water.
Method 6
Ethyl alcohol in combination with additional ingredients also easily removes unwanted dirt from this caustic bright juice. Do exactly as specified in the instruction:
- Take a pan of hot water( 40 degrees).
- Add 30 ml of alcohol and 4 g of citric acid.
- Put the thing into it.
- Leave in solution for 30 minutes.
- Remove and rinse thoroughly in clean water.
Some more secrets how to easily wash the beetroot from things
Citric acid and lemon juice in its pure form, due to its oxidizing properties, are also able to cope with this kind of pollution. They are applied very simply:
- Apply this or that remedy to a stained cloth.
- Leave for 5 minutes.
- Remove the remnants of the product and wash the thing.
Any suitable washing-up liquid is also suitable for this job. Use it this way:
- Apply the product a thin layer on the stain.
- Allow to dry completely.
- Wash it in a convenient way and rinse thoroughly.
If properly handled with soap in this situation, it will also help. Follow these instructions:
- Wipe the damp cloth of the product with soap.
- Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Wash away the stain with soap residue.
- Again, treat with soiling and wash it well.
As you can see, the beet stain is easy to remove. You just need to choose the tool that suits you and apply it correctly in the case, exactly following our recommendations. Excellent result you are guaranteed!