- How to properly wash?
- Should the powder be completely washed out?
- Why does the detergent not go away?
- How can I eliminate the cause of my failure?
How does the most common washing machine work? The principle of its operation is quite simple: the drum rotates, and the laundry inside it is washed in a soap solution at a given temperature level. With proper operation of the unit from the special compartment, the powder or air conditioner starts to wash out at the right time. But it is not uncommon for detergents to remain in place at the end of the wash. So why does the washing machine not pick up the powder? Naturally, this is the first sign of its breakdown, which must be immediately eliminated, otherwise - the machine can completely fail.
to the contents ↑How to properly wash?
The detergent powder, in liquid or loose form, is loaded into a special compartment divided into several compartments, each of which serves to throw the detergent into a certain washing stage:
- prewash;
- main process;
- rinse.
Each compartment is connected to a filler hose that supplies water and detergent is taken through. Water enters the necessary cells under the control of a special guide, which is connected to the control mechanism of the machine. If the guide breaks, then liquid only flows through one compartment, while others remain still full.
to the contents ↑Should the powder be completely washed out?
If the dosage of the powder is correctly calculated, it must completely disappear from the special compartment at the end of the wash. It happens that the washing machine does not take away the powder due to the fact that it was poured too much, that is, much more than indicated in the instructions.
If it gets stuck in clumps and adheres to the walls of the container, then most likely you have slipped a substandard detergent. In other words, before you look for the cause of a failure in the device itself, first check the quality of the selected tool.
Important! If your car suddenly stops taking the powder, and you really need something to wash, then you can drop it directly into the tank along with the laundry.
to the contents ↑Why does not the detergent leave?
If the washing machine does not pick up the air conditioner or the powder, you need to understand the cause of this phenomenon as soon as possible. There are a number of reasons that we will consider below.
Weak water pressure
Liquid is supplied to the powder compartment under pressure, which is regulated by a special valve. So, if it is not fully open, then this will cause insufficient pressure.
If it is open to the end, then the problem can be related to problems in the supply system itself.
Important! Only the representative of the municipal service can help here.
Detergent of questionable quality
Remember that cheap air conditioners and powders in water dissolve very poorly, and that's why they stick together in lumps. Even if you regularly wash the dispenser, this will not be enough to solve the problem.
Low-quality installation of the washing machine
During installation, it is necessary to use a horizontal level, because it is difficult to wash out detergent from the dispenser, which is tilted. Some models have special legs, which are very easy to adjust in height.
Clogged water supply filter
Tap water is quite stiff and therefore able to form clogs in places before the inlet water valve. Due to the accumulation of lime scale, water can not normally enter the powder compartment and drum unit. To solve the problem, when the washing machine does not take away the powder, it is necessary to clean the filter or replace it.
Incorrect loading of powder or air conditioner
For example, you can confuse the compartment and fill in the tool you need not there. In order not to encounter such a problem, you need to carefully study the user's manual.
Also the powder can stay in the dispenser, if you overdo it with its quantity. Therefore it is better to use special measuring cups, and when calculating the necessary amount of detergent, consider the degree of contamination of the laundry and its quantity.
Important! If you could not determine visually why your washing machine does not wash out the detergent, then do not try to disassemble it yourself without having the necessary skills, otherwise you will have to pay twice as much.
to the contents ↑How to eliminate the cause of the failure yourself?
If you already understand why the powder is not washed off in the washing machine, then you should immediately begin to solve this problem, namely:
- In case the water does not enter the tray, check the solenoid valves that let in it and clean the filter. Be sure to check the availability of pressure and the cranes on the
- filling hose. If the filter turns out to be clean, you will need to contact the management company or the Housing and Utilities Service for their representatives to increase the head of water. If this also does not help, try installing a pump in the apartment, which will increase the water pressure.
- Is there a blockage in the tray?- Urgently change the powder, because this indicates its low quality.
Practice shows that the most common causes of this problem is still a substandard powder and insufficient pressure of water in the water pipe. And this is due to the low quality of the work of public utilities and the importation of counterfeit products to the market.