- Cleaning the bracelet
- Cleaning the case
- Cleaning the internal mechanism
The watch is a stylish accessory, which is respected by both women and men. But even with careful use on it remain particles of skin, sweat and other contaminants. Aggressive personal environment, weather conditions - all this has a negative impact not only on the body and strap, but also on the internal elements. Therefore, any, even the most expensive, watches need regular care. Of course, you can include your favorite accessory in the workshop and entrust it to the hands of a professional master, but at home it's enough just to put the watch in order. How do I clean my watch? First of all, you need to clean external parts: we wipe the strap, the body, we clean out the old dirt. Then we move on to cleaning the internal parts. But let's take everything in order and in more detail.
to the contents ↑Cleaning the bracelet
The cleaning method depends on the material from which the strap itself is made.
Important! If possible, it is necessary to separate the strap from the body. Then it will be more convenient to clean, since there will be no risk of water or detergent entering the mechanism.
So, how can I clean the clock?
Metal strap:
- The easiest way is warm water with diluted shampoo or dish washing in it. Pour the mixture into a shallow container and place the bracelet there, leave for half an hour. After the time, remove the bracelet, wipe it with a soft cloth. The most difficult and hard-to-reach places are cleaned with a toothpick. Dry the bracelet well in the air.
- If the strap can not be separated from the body, clean it with a toothbrush soaked in soapy water.
- If the watch lost its shine, then you can clean the strap with soda. Give the aluminum foil a bowl shape, put a metal strap there, pour it with baking soda and pour it with hot water. Leave for half an hour, then remove and wipe with a cloth so that there are no stains.
- The same effect is obtained if ammonia is used instead of soda.
- You can prepare a special mixture for wiping the clock: mix in equal parts with soda and vinegar.
Important! Such a paste can be wiped like metal straps, and bracelets made of precious metals.
Leather strap
These straps are very popular, because if they are regularly looked after, they will retain their attractive appearance for a long time. We'll figure out what will work in this case, how to clean the clock:
- This is also suitable soap solution, in which to enhance the effect, you can add a little bit of ammonia. Put this mixture on a cotton pad and wipe the strap. You can use wet wipes to flush the product. Then it is necessary to dry the strap. You can use the towel.
- In order for the skin to remain soft, it should be periodically lubricated with a small amount of olive oil.
Important! To clean the white leather bracelet, you can use a mixture of eggs and milk. In the milk, add egg white, stir, this mixture is applied to a cotton pad or tampon and the strap is treated. In this simple way, you can remove dirt and return the bracelet a radiant appearance.
Gold plated strap
The cost of gold is quite high, so most often buy watches with a gold-plated bracelet. When purchasing such an accessory, it is important to properly clean it, so as not to damage the surface. In addition, the following rules must be observed:
- It is better not to wear this product at home, or at least remove during household chores, as well as cosmetic or water procedures.
- Clean it regularly.
- After removing the decoration, it must be wiped gently with a soft cloth or napkin and put into a casket.
- Do not leave the decoration in a separate room where the humidity is high and in the sun.
In order for your favorite ornaments to serve you long and true, you need to take care of, take care of them and protect.
How do I clean a gold watch at home? First of all, they must be cleaned of dust. As cleansing agents, the following can be used:
- Turpentine.
- Wine spirit.
- Wine vinegar.
- Soap solution with sal ammoniac.
- Egg white is ideal for cleaning gilded products. For a better effect in the protein, you can add a little zhavelevoy water.
- Alcohol enhances the gloss of gilding and is antistatic. Wipe the strap with alcohol, and then with a damp cloth and dry.
- You can clean the bracelet with toothpaste. When cleaning the foam may darken, then - the dirt is coming off. After cleaning, the remains of the toothpaste must be removed.
Other types of straps:
- Titanium watches are light, look very stylish, and therefore are very popular. But on the watch often there are small scratches. They can be removed with the help of an ordinary school eraser. Just swipe them in the same direction a few times, and you will notice how the appearance of the watch improved.
- Ceramic bracelet is easy to clean - it is enough to wipe it with a soapy cloth and it will take its original form. You can also use the means for cleaning the glass.
- The fabric bracelet can be simply washed in soapy water, and rubbed with particularly dirty places with a toothbrush.
- The silver watch can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. After cleaning, the decoration can not be washed or wiped. It must dry itself.
Clean the case
The case also requires proper care, and given the fact that it is the working mechanism that is enclosed, it is necessary to clean the clock correctly. To do this:
- All fat and unnecessary from your watch will be cleaned with alcohol or refined gasoline. Wet a cotton swab in one of these tools and wipe the case.
- If there are particularly stained spots, they can be removed with a toothbrush or brush, moistened again with alcohol or gasoline.
- After cleaning, wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.
Important! Be careful when cleaning the front side of the glass, especially if you are not sure of the good quality of your watch. If the glass is not very high quality, after all the manipulations to clean it can become opaque.
to content ↑Clean internal mechanism
This process consists of several stages and is the most complex. Therefore, be very careful and careful at work:
- Find a small container and pour alcohol or refined gas there.
- Carefully remove the cover from the mechanism. To do this, you will need the smallest screwdriver with a magnetized tip.
- Sequentially remove all parts. Lay them in the order in which you will later collect.
- Begin cleaning from the balance: take it by the rim with tweezers, lower it into the container with a detergent and rinse. Shake the part in the air a little, to dry it, then put it to dry on a napkin. Good for this purpose, wood chips are suitable. They quickly absorb liquid.
- Similarly, all parts are cleaned, large ones are dried on a napkin or in sawdust, and small ones dry out on a piece of paper.
- After all the parts have been cleaned, they must be left for a few minutes to dry them well. If large dirt remains, clean them with a brush or toothbrush soaked in a cleaner.
- Next, you need to assemble the mechanism. Do not pull for a long time so that the dust does not recline on the part.
- When the gear is fully assembled, it must be lubricated with oil. It is better to use a pipette and carefully drip the oil onto the parts.
- It remains only to insert the mechanism into the body of the product and complete the assembly of the watch.
Important! If you are not confident in your abilities, you should better use the services of specialists, since the cleaning of internal parts should be done only once in 3-4 years, and if you do not collect the details correctly, the clock will not work, and you still have to go to the workshop.
In this article we told you how to completely clean the wristwatch. Do this, and the appearance of the accessory, and its technical condition will be long for what it should be.