- Ingredients of the insecticide
- Principle of the
- preparation Advantages of the preparation
- Preparation for the
- treatment Instructions for the application of "Dichlorvos NEO"
- How to prevent chemical poisoning
- What to do in case of poisoning?
In nature, there are many types of harmful insects, the neighborhood with which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for human health. Scientists have developed various drugs to combat bugs, flies, mosquitoes, lice and other bloodsucking. One of the most effective tools is the insecticide "Dichlophos NEO" without smell: if you follow the instructions for use, it is able to release housing from life-poisoning insects.
Composition of the insecticide
In the last century, every Soviet person knew that dichlorvos is a universal quick-acting aerosol with a convenient atomizer that can kill cockroaches in the most inaccessible places, as well as mosquitoes and flies. A distinctive feature of this remedy was a terrible suffocating smell, which for a long time stayed in the air after processing the room.
Today, scientists invented a new drug, but the name was left the same. The production of insecticide under the name "Dichlophos" is conducted by various companies, each of which wants to distinguish its product. So there was "Dichlophos NEO", "Varan", "Reid", "Triple blow".All these tools are excellent for the destruction of bed bugs, cockroaches, flies.
Instead of the demitil-dichlorovinyl phosphate used in the old preparation as the main active ingredient, permethrin and cypermethrin have a poisoning effect in a new generation of insecticide. In addition, the composition contains aliphatic carbohydrates, ethyl alcohol, dimethyl sulfoxide, piperonyl butoxide.
The aerosol has the smell of lilac, rose or lavender, which makes the treatment of the room not only useful but also enjoyable.
Principle of operation of the preparation
Because of organophosphorus compounds in the "Dichlorvos" composition, this preparation has a high toxicity and is poisonous for insects, animals, and humans. Poisoning substance enters the body of the pest through the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract and in contact with the skin and has a nerve-paralytic effect on the body. As a result, there is a violation of the transmission of impulses of the nervous system, supply of organs with oxygen and nutrients ceases - and the insect dies.
Advantages of such compounds are as follows:
- high insecticidal activity;
- rapid decomposition to secure connections;
- efficiency;
- speed of action.
They have organophosphorus compounds and some disadvantages, as they are powerless before resistant( resistant) populations and are toxic to mammals, fish, bees, humans.
With the help of "Dichlorvos NEO" you can fight with adults who have settled in the most secluded places, as well as eggs, larvae and nymphs of ticks, mosquitoes and other insects.
Advantages of the preparation
The insecticide "Dichlophos NEO" has a number of advantages over other preparations aimed at combating harmful insects:
- a pleasant smell facilitates processing;
- acts on most insect species;
- contains two powerful poison agents;
- the effect of the drug is observed for two weeks;
- high efficiency - one can of 190 ml can process up to 30 square meters.m;
- availability - you can purchase an insecticide in a hardware store or supermarket.
To evaluate all the advantages of this poison, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the instructions for use when carrying out the treatment.
Preparing for
treatment Before starting to process the dichlorophos NEO, you should do the preparatory work.
- Remove people and animals from the premises so that they do not breathe poisonous vapors.
- Remove indoor plants in a place protected from aerosol.
- Fold in a plastic bag and place in the closet personal hygiene items, dishes, toys, bed linens.
- Warn the neighbors that you are going to conduct treatment with Dichlorvos from cockroaches or bedbugs.
- Prepare personal protective equipment: gown, gloves, mask or respirator, goggles.
- Tightly close the windows and doors in the apartment.
- Remove furniture in advance or dismantle, raise mattresses, remove skirting boards, that is, facilitate access to secluded places where insects like to collect.
After all the preparations have been completed, you can proceed with the disinsection of the premises.
Instruction for use of "Dichlorvos NEO"
Complete destruction of harmful insects can only be achieved if the treatment is carried out correctly, in accordance with the dosage and instructions provided by the manufacturer. A 190 ml bottle is enough to disinfect a room of 28 square meters.m. However, buying a better tool with a margin, as it will have to further process the cracks in furniture, skirting boards and batteries, under the windowsills and other hard-to-reach places. How to work with the insecticide "Dichlophos NEO", the author of the site understood.
The aerosol is held in an elongated hand, approximating the object of treatment by 20-25 cm. Spray for 4-5 seconds in one direction. The drug consumption is 20 ml per 1 sq. M.m is considered normal.
There are different rules for destroying each species, the description of which can be found in the manual.
- To get rid of flies and mosquitoes, you need to direct the stream to the places of their accumulation: glass, frames, doors, cabinets. Some part of the aerosol is thrown into the air to completely process the room.
- With the help of "Dichlorvos NEO" you can get rid of moths. To do this, treat the air inside the cabinets, spraying the drug( 2 seconds per 1 cubic meter).
- The drug is effective against cockroaches and bedbugs. Spraying is carried out purposefully in places where insects are crowded: under wallpapers, behind skirting boards and batteries, along sewer and water pipes, on adjacent wall sections. Handle crevices in furniture, the reverse side of mirrors, carpets and paintings. Bedbugs like to hide in the wooden furniture pieces, so to destroy these insects you need to disassemble the bed, remove the armrests from the sofas and armchairs and direct the jet directly to the pests.
- When disinfesting from fleas, it is necessary to process the walls with "Dichlophos" up to a height of 1 m, including the space behind the skirting boards. The rug on which the animal sleeps is better to change. If there is no such possibility, it also needs to be sprayed with the drug and washed before use.
- To get rid of ants in the room, spray the aerosol onto the ant tracks.
After the end of pest control, leave the room immediately. By airing, you can start in 30-40 minutes, when most of the insects will die.
Important! The apartment should be ventilated within 2 hours. Then do a wet cleaning, thoroughly washing all the surfaces, which could get the drug. Particular attention should be paid to the children's room and dining room.
How to prevent chemical poisoning
When processing the room with Dichlorvos NEO, precautionary measures should be taken, as this toxic substance can cause severe poisoning. Here are some recommendations.
- It is necessary to carry out the preparatory work correctly. To destroy insects in hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to use special nozzles.
- Aerosol should be avoided in the respiratory tract by wearing a bandage or respirator.
- Do not forget about safety glasses and rubber gloves.
The fact that the poisoning of "Dichlorvos" has occurred can be judged by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, visual impairment, convulsions. If the drug gets into the mouth cavity symptoms of poisoning are manifested in a few minutes.
Store any poisonous substances, including "Dichlorvos NEO", should be in special places inaccessible to children.
What should I do if I get poisoned?
In case of poisoning with an insecticide, the victim should be removed from the premises as soon as possible. If the chemical has got on a skin, this place it is necessary to process a weak solution of baking soda.
Do not allow the affected person to sniff ammonia, drink carbonated water, use laxatives and induce vomiting by artificial means. It is best to send the patient to a nearby hospital.