How to prepare a soap-soda solution easily and quickly


  • Safe disinfection of premises
  • Soap and soda for domestic use
  • Application for medicinal purposes
  • Advantage of the proven

tool. Experienced housewives know how to prepare a soap-soda solution. Bicarbonate of sodium has been used for many years as a universal means for household and medical use. The right combination of ingredients provides a pronounced effect and allows for a good result.

about without fear to apply for the following purposes:

  • cleaning of household items;
  • disinfection;
  • preparation of medical baths.

Household soap is a product with a simple composition, which includes fatty acids and sodium salt. It is known that it contains an alkali, which in combination with baking soda creates the best local remedy with antibacterial effect. Once it was used to treat fungal diseases, and now the solution has not lost its healing properties.

Drying effect of soap has a beneficial effect on open skin damage, while the soap-soda solution is safe for the human body.

Several decades ago, when people did not know the variety of detergents and cleaners, a properly prepared solution of soap and soda was actively used for disinfection in hospitals, children's institutions and other places, and also treated skin diseases.

Some landladies still enjoy a proven means and do not regret it.

Safe disinfection of premises

Most detergents contain chlorine, which adversely affects the human body. Even after processing the vapors of this substance remain in the air and enter the respiratory tract, especially they are dangerous for children and people with allergies. Make a soap-soda solution with your own hands simply, and its main advantage will be a low price.

If you want to wash the floor or disinfect children's toys, take the following components:

  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda;
  • water.

It is important to know that to prepare a solution at a concentration of 1%, you should use 100 g of soap and the same amount of soda, these products are mixed in 10 liters of water. But you can make a more saturated product from a double portion of each ingredient, and the amount of liquid will remain the same.

Prepare the mortar immediately before use, do not store it in reserve.

In the kitchen, walls and tiles are often spoiled, a proven recipe will help you clean up the strong dirt. Mix in 10 liters of water 50 g of detergent, which you usually clean the room, 200 g of soda and a little soap until the formation of foam and remove stains of various origin, mold and food residues.

The same mixture can treat the room where the person who is the source of infectious infection is. Cleaning is carried out once a day, upon its completion a window or window is opened.

Sometimes in the house there are troubles that need to be quickly eliminated. For example, a broken thermometer can lead to dangerous consequences, so the floor in the room should immediately be washed with soap and soda solution. For 1 liter of water, take 30 g of baking soda and the same soaked soap.

After thorough cleaning, wipe the surface dry and make sure that you have completely eliminated the source of danger.

Soap and soda for domestic use

Modern people are used to washing dishes by various means, the composition of which can not be called safe. An alternative to cleaning powders and gels can be considered a soap-soda solution. For its preparation, take the following ingredients:

  • laundry soap( 100 g);
  • food soda( 5 tablespoons);
  • water( 2 l).

Soap grind on a fine grater and add it to warmed water for complete dissolution. Then in a warm solution mix the soda and bring the product to a boil.

Put a little dry mustard in the liquid, and the finished paste will effectively clean any impurities.

Now put the solution in a separate bowl and wait for it to cool down. Such a tool cleans not only pots and plates, but also a stove.

Clean the stainless steel pan and the burnt surface of the frying pan will help a powerful and safe remedy. First you need to grate 1 piece of soap on a grater, add the resulting mass to a glass of water and mix it in a water bath, stirring occasionally.

Then add 1 tablespoon to the solution.baking soda and as much castor oil, mix again. The finished cleaner carefully removes dirt and does not harm the skin of the hands.

Soap and soda in combination with ordinary mustard perfectly degrease the surface of the plate, washing and drawing, and give a fragrance to this product will help a few drops of odorous essential oil.

In addition, the known solution can also be used for washing children's clothing. In this case, baking soda and grated soap is necessary in hot water. The disadvantage of a cheap and effective tool is just a waste of time to prepare it.

Application for medicinal purposes

Local procedures using such a means promote softening of the skin and their disinfection. Previously, the soap-soda solution was used as cleansing trays from the fungal infection of the nails, it can be successfully used today. To do this, you will need the available products in the following proportions:

  • grated soap( 50 g);
  • baking soda( 1 tbsp.).

In 50 ml of water, dissolve the soda, then add the soap to the resulting mass and stir again. In the basin pour about 2 liters of hot water and place the resulting mixture for the feet. The treatment procedure lasts until the solution cools down completely.

Soda and laundry soap help to fight against burrs, bacteria and excessive sweating of the feet, so the solution is recommended by doctors to get rid of common problems. The procedure calms, helps to relax and even eliminates edema, with which other means can not cope.

In the treatment of severe foot skin lesions, it is necessary to make baths once every 2 days, and the course duration is about 30 days.

It is important to know that soap and soda baths are a good local remedy to help make general therapy more effective. In addition, they make the skin of the hands and feet beautiful without the use of expensive peelings. The magazine "Miss Purity" recommends that you remember a proven recipe to remove calluses and peeling.

For 1 liter of warm water, take 50 g of soda and the same amount of laundry soap, mix these ingredients. Lower your legs or hands into the resulting solution, you can use pumice stone to remove large calluses. After 20 minutes, the skin will become noticeably smoother and more delicate.

Natural and affordable product does not harm the health of the skin, and you can supplement the cleaning bath with a liquid soap. After the procedure, make sure to use a nutritious cream, the effect of its use will be noticeable, as the skin has cleared from the stratum corneum.

It is recommended to do wellness procedures once a week.

A bowl with decoction of chamomile will strengthen the action of soap and soda solution, this tool is used as an alternative to salon procedures for the feet. Natural components gently exfoliate horny skin particles, and the herbal ingredient prevents the appearance of peeling.

After the procedure, be sure to apply a special cream for feet.

Advantage of proven

The main advantage of a solution of laundry soap and soda is its safety. Everyone can prepare a cleaning mass, and washing the floor or kitchen with the help of natural ingredients will not cause harm to health. Sometimes the abundance of detergent gels, powders and emulsions forces a person to purchase them for everyday needs, however, few people think about the hidden danger.

It's much better to remember what people used several decades ago and try to apply the learned and simple means in everyday life.