- Useful advices
- Features of washing baths
- Which tool to choose?
- How to clean the bath with folk remedies?
In stores in large quantities, bath cleaning products are provided. What is better to choose in order to get excellent results? After all, this is one of the most visited rooms. Soap sprays, specks from toothpaste, lime deposits, rust - all these traces must be cleaned regularly. Only then it will turn out to contain the plumbing in full order. Fresh contamination is always easier to remove than the old one.
Useful advices for
To properly select a tool, you must first estimate the scale of harvesting. If it's just about maintaining cleanliness, then something needs to be done with a mild effect. To eliminate more serious problems, you need a powerful product containing acid.
It is worth following the following recommendations.
- It is useful to rinse and wipe the bath after each visit.
- Depending on the material, you need to clean the bath once a week or two.
- When choosing a tool, consider what the plumbing is made of. Enamel and acrylic have their own characteristics.
- It is important to remember the safety, always thoroughly wash the substance with a sponge, and then rinse without sparing water. This is especially important for children and allergy sufferers. They are better off avoiding bathrooms when cleaning is done with a strong means.
Features of washing the baths
For washing old cast-iron baths any substances were suitable, the product could be rubbed from the bottom of the heart. The filling of modern bathrooms requires more careful handling.
- Enamelled baths .Enamel on them is fragile enough and does not tolerate aggressive influence. If it is damaged, then there will be microcracks. Then rust and chips begin to appear. You will either have to pay a large sum for the restoration, or even change the bath, because it will simply become worthless. To avoid this, you can not use a product with formaldehyde, alkali, hydrochloric and oxalic acid, detergent for washing the toilet. Also it is necessary to pay attention to sponges: fiberglass products and metal brushes are not suitable.
- Acrylic bathtubs .This is a rather delicate material, so powders and products containing abrasive particles can damage it. Alcohol and various solvents also can not be used. It is necessary to choose means without chlorine.
To clean the bathrooms is not particularly troublesome, it should be done regularly as follows.
- Dampen the bath with water.
- Using a soft sponge, apply detergent.
- Evenly distribute over the entire surface so that no missing areas and streaks remain.
- If there are spots, then rub them with a brush or washcloth.
- Thoroughly wash the substance with water.
In cases where it is necessary to remove strong dirt, do not rush to flush the product. It is necessary to read the instruction and leave it on the surface for the time indicated in the manual. If the spots are still visible after rinsing, the procedure should be repeated.
It is especially necessary to handle with the means, which are intended to eliminate rust. They contain acids that aggressively affect the enamel surface. To protect the enamel, this procedure can be carried out no more than once a month. In addition, the substance must be thoroughly rinsed.
Which tool to choose?
Different manufacturers offer cleaning products for baths. Many of them are similar in effect and effective. You can pay attention to the following options.
- Cillit Bang. A good solution for weekly washing. But with traces of rust and old limestone coating can not cope.
- It is worth choosing in the form of a gel.
- It is also better to give preference to gel. Multifunctional product for bathrooms and kitchens. With it it will be possible to remove and difficult stains from plumbing.
- Can be liquid or gel-like, qualitatively wiping out dirt of medium complexity. But it differs appreciable smell of chlorine.
- "Mr. Chister", "San Klin".Delicately affect the surface without scratching it, so it is suitable for washing acrylic bathtubs.
How to clean the bath with folk remedies?
It is not necessary to limit the choice to just these products, you can use the offers of other manufacturers. Or pay attention to folk recipes and create your own tools that will help keep the plumbing clean.
When putting in order the old, significantly polluted bathrooms it is worth remembering soda. It is necessary to mix an equal amount of calcined and baking soda. Then moisten the bath so that it is slightly damp, and apply the resulting mass. After 10 minutes, without washing off the soda, apply another composition: a mixture of vinegar and bleach in a one-to-one ratio. After 40 minutes, carefully rinse the bath until clean. Since strong substances are used, after the procedure the plumbing will shine.
If the event is not started, then you can wash the bath with vinegar. It not only removes minor dirt and gives the surface shine, but also has a disinfecting effect. Do not make a solution. The easiest way is to process the plumbing with vinegar, if you dab the paper towels into it and evenly distribute them over the bath. Then they are easy to clean and rinse with water.
Remove rust from the mixture of turpentine and table salt.
The citric acid can bleach the bath. It is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 20 grams of substance per glass of water. Then moisten the product with a soft brush or sponge and apply to the entire surface. In a quarter of an hour, wash it off. The procedure should be in gloves to protect your hands. Citric acid has a gentle effect on the enamel, but on the skin can provoke irritation.
Helps remove limescale ammonia ammonia. It must be dissolved in water( at the rate of 3 large spoons for 200 ml of water).Then apply to contaminated areas and hold for 15 minutes. After this, the plaque can easily be washed off if it is rubbed with a soft sponge. Another recipe for dealing with this problem: you need to mix vinegar and ordinary salt in equal amounts.
Which means to choose to maintain the purity of bathrooms, each hostess decides. Effectively operates as products offered in stores, and folk recipes. Especially if you clean it on time, without starting the situation.
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