Disinfection from cockroaches or fight with spreaders of infection


  • How dangerous cockroaches are
  • Why the fight against parasites is often unsuccessful
  • How to prepare for the arrival of pest control
  • Professionals against parasites
  • How much does the disinfection of cockroaches

Often people mistakenly seek information about how to disinfect from cockroaches. Of course, the search engines will find some answers to the question, but you will not see much. It is better to identify your problem correctly - and get a complete list of the necessary sources. The disinfection service is engaged in the destruction of infectious agents, and parasites are disinfected.

Than the cockroaches

are dangerous. Any person will not like it, if he wants to drink at night, turns on the light in the kitchen and sees the running away of the cockroaches. It's terrible if you take the carpet off the wall for cleaning, and below it is a nest with a lot of insects. It's a shame if you met a friend on the street, and he saw how your cockcoat runs a cockroach. All this is minor trouble, the harm from parasites is much more serious.

Such insects prefer to leave their shelters at night. They run around on dishes, food products. Before that they could go to the garbage disposal, to run through the feces of animals. On the paws were particles of mud along with pathogens.

Having eaten a biscuit, over which a cockroach ran, you can swallow the causative agents of serious diseases:

  • dysentery;
  • tuberculosis;
  • intestinal infections.


According to the site Mschistota.ru, in houses with garbage chute, food store or cafe on the first floor in most cases, there are cockroaches. For prevention, put in the kitchen traps and always store food products well packed in strong bags or dishes with a secure lid.

When cockroaches run around the room, they leave their feces, pieces of chitinous shell. These fragments dry up, break up into small particles and in the slightest breeze appear in the air. When inhaled, the products of the vital activity of parasites can cause an allergic reaction.

Why parasite control is often unsuccessful

Biologists say that cockroaches are one of the liveliest creatures on our planet. If a nuclear cataclysm happens and mankind ceases to exist, the six-legged parasites will survive, mutate and populate the empty world. They are able to experience both cold and heat, find food and drink in the most incomprehensible places. It is not surprising that it is very difficult to defeat the mustached hordes on their own.

The problem is not to invent an effective poison - this question the chemists have decided for a long time. The poison must be properly used. Too toxic substances are dangerous for people living in an apartment. With inept use, you put yourself at risk, not only yourself, but also other family members and pets. After processing, you need to thoroughly clean, and if the powder should lie for some time near the skirting, there is a danger that the child will touch his pen, and then lick his fingers.

If you do not handle the room well, some of the insects will survive. These individuals, like their offspring, will acquire immunity to poison, which did not work. When the colony expands, the secondary use of the drug will not yield results, it will be necessary to acquire a stronger remedy. And when the infection covers the entire entrance to the apartment building, the fight should be led to all residents simultaneously, otherwise you will simply drive insects from one dwelling to another. Pay attention to the ads at the entrance. Perhaps someone from active tenants already offers everyone who needs disinfection from cockroaches, to sign a collective statement.

How to prepare for the arrival of disinfestors

If you found the settling of parasites in the dwelling at the very beginning, while the colony did not have time to grow, you can try to destroy it on your own. When parasites attacked the entire apartment, in huge quantities running around the floor, you need to call specialists. Even if you mistakenly ask where the disinfection is from the cockroaches, the sanitary services will indicate the desired office. If insects run from the garbage chute in a crowd, attacked almost all the apartments, contact the management company to arrange simultaneous processing of living quarters and the entrance.

Prepare the apartment for treatment before entering the sanitation department. Move the furniture away from the walls and clean the house. The more thoroughly you wash and clean all the corners, the more the eggs of the parasites will be destroyed. Then do the following operations:

  • tightly pack all the products and take out them and food utensils on the balcony;
  • seal the ventilation grilles;
  • see if there are any slots in the communication passages, and seal them.

When the team finishes processing the room, be sure to get a briefing from the experts on further actions. Depending on the funds used, you may be advised to leave the apartment for a while. Find out in what period it will be necessary to do the cleaning, wash the entire preparation or leave it in some places.

Professionals against parasites

When ordering in advance, specify which drug will be used. If you apply to a company that has a license and state registration, all funds must be certified and approved for use in residential premises.

You can be offered:

  • gel preparations are the most effective, but also the most expensive method;
  • finely dispersed spray, in which special equipment generates fog;
  • powders;
  • aerosols.

Specialists know where cockroaches usually live and move. The processing is subjected to all the nooks for furniture, household appliances and sanitary equipment. The insecticide must be applied to building structures around the perimeter of the room to block the path to parasites creeping in from neighbors.

When ordering, tell the manager about all of their conditions: whether there are allergies in the house, pregnant women or bedridden patients. If you do not want to conduct preparatory work and cleaning after disinsection yourself, find out if there is such a service in their price list. Some firms for a fee will do everything on their own.

How much does disinfection of cockroaches

In order not to endanger the health of family members, contact only official services. According to the announcement on the post processing can make cheaper, only who will die after it: cockroaches or you are a big question. Remember that a qualified specialist should know everything about the drugs that he uses and the very process of his work. If you make an order on the phone and the interlocutor answers that the disinfection of cockroaches is his hobby, hang up right away. A true professional knows the name of the business he is dealing with. At parting, you can ask how he was going to disinfect the insects.

The cost of the official firm's work depends on the region, the area of ​​the room, the drug used and many other conditions. Count on the amount of 800-900 rubles, for this money, some companies will not only carry out processing, but will give you a written guarantee as to when the insects will no longer appear. Aerosol cans are cheaper, only with mismanagement to poison parasites will have several times. Calculate the cost of drugs, their labor costs and nerves.

If you have mistakenly asked during the conversation with the manager how much it costs to disinfect cockroaches - do not be embarrassed, you are forgivable. Smartphones and tablets are used by pensioners and housewives, although half of them do not know all the terms associated with gadgets. But when the definitions begin to get confused specialist, you should think about his skills and reputation of the company.

If your apartment is attacked by cockroaches, bugs or other parasites, do not waste your time fighting uselessly, contact a specialist. You will pay money once, but the apartment will be handled qualitatively, the insects will no longer disturb your quiet life. Professionals know what means are suitable for living quarters, and which ones are suitable for garages and warehouses. No one's health will suffer, and disinfection from cockroaches will actually save you from the peddlers of the infection.