Mold on the ceiling in the bathroom: how to get rid once and for all?


  • What is dangerous fungus and why does it appear?
  • Prevention measures
  • How to deal with fungus?

Know how to remove mold from the ceiling and other parts of the room, it will be superfluous for any person. After all, probably, every housewife came across the appearance of the house of this fungus, settling in damp places, especially in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

What is a dangerous fungus and why does it appear?

Mold is a very hardy organism. It actively spreads microscopic disputes around itself, and even when it seems that they have finally managed to get rid of it, these disputes await favorable conditions to begin to actively multiply again.

Mold gradually erodes not only plaster and paint, but even very strong concrete structures, as a result of which they gradually disintegrate, and in the worst case may collapse at some point. In addition to the fact that the fungus damages the appearance of the room and destroys some materials, it creates a stale smell in the room, can lead to pulmonary infections and allergic reactions.

The main condition for the appearance of mold is dampness. Spores of the fungus are almost everywhere, but they do not multiply in a dry room, but in the humid one it will be enough for a couple of weeks, so that an ugly black spot of the fungus spreads over the wall, ceiling or furniture.

It is obvious that the bathroom in any case remains the most raw place of the apartment, nothing can be done about it. But often this is exacerbated by poor ventilation, leaking pipes, dripping faucets and other additional sources of moisture.

Prevention measures

It is not enough to destroy the fungus colony one-time, it is important to create conditions unfavorable for re-emergence of mold.

  1. The towel warmer helps to drain the air in the bathroom. If a water drier is not initially provided, you can install the electrical drier yourself and turn it on as needed.
  2. If one of the walls is bordered by a staircase, then it should be additionally insulated to avoid the appearance of permanent condensate.
  3. All cracks and crevices on the walls and ceiling must be sealed as soon as they are found, so that water vapor and spores of mold do not accumulate there.
  4. It is also important to keep all pipes and cranes in good condition so as not to create excess moisture.

If the apartment has all the plumbing in good condition, the air is relatively dry, and there is still mold on the ceiling, then the problem may be in the pipe malfunction of neighbors on the floor above.


For finishing the bathroom it is necessary to use plaster and primer containing antiseptic additives, to purchase finishing materials designed for operation in damp areas.

How to deal with fungus?

What can I do if mold appeared on the bathroom ceiling? In the most neglected case, you may need a radical tool - remove all furniture, equipment, remove coatings from it, and carefully dry the room with a powerful building hair dryer. After this, it is necessary to apply antifungal agents. As a rule, they are harmful enough for the body, so it is worthwhile to work in a protective suit. After complete drying of the impregnation, you can do the repair in the room.

But what if the renovation in the bathroom was done quite recently and do not want to repeat it at all? Can I somehow get rid of the mold on the ceiling without harming the fresh finish? Yes, you can.

  1. With smooth surfaces such as tiles, mold can be removed with any detergent and a hard sponge. With porous surfaces everything is more complicated, because the fungus penetrates deeply into the structure of the material.
  2. Against the fungus, any chlorine-containing drugs are effective. It can be chlorine bleach( chlorine, according to the popular name), Comet type powders or special very aggressive anti-mold agents like Dufa. But the chlorine compounds in these drugs are very unhelpful for the body, so it's better to work with gloves, protect the eyes with glasses, the nose and mouth - with a respirator or at least a dense cloth.
  3. Chlorine-free household chemicals are less harmful to humans and pets, but their effectiveness is significantly less, so they are mainly used as prevention.
  4. A liquid ammonia is quite effective. It is diluted in approximately equal proportions with water, applied to the affected areas for several hours and washed off with water. However, in the hope of greater efficiency, in no case should ammonia be mixed with chlorine-containing agents, since poisonous substances are released during their reaction.
  5. Vinegar is another good way to get rid of the fungus in the bathroom, while completely harmless to humans. Undiluted white vinegar is applied to the affected area with a rag or spray, left for an hour or two, after which it is wiped with a clean cloth and dried. Also safe, but very effective tool - borax( a weak salt of boric acid - sodium tetraborate).It is used in solution - 1 glass of dry substance per 2-3 liters of water. Apply to the surface with a brush.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide, despite its completely harmless chemical composition, also helps to get rid of mold very well. Undiluted peroxide is applied to the surface in any convenient way. Since the product has a whitening effect, it should be tested on an inconspicuous place of the ceiling before use on colored surfaces.
  7. A few spoons of baking soda( sometimes with the addition of vinegar) dissolved in a glass of water is a safe way to remove the fungus. The solution is applied by the sprayer, if necessary the surface of the ceiling is rubbed with a brush or a hard sponge, then all the dirt is wiped.
  8. Natural antiseptic, which is very afraid of mold, is tea tree oil. A few drops are dissolved in a cup of water and sprayed on the affected area without washing off. The agent can fight not only with the mold itself, but also with the accompanying smell of dampness and mustiness. However, oil should be used with caution, if the house has allergies.
  9. Also potentially allergenic, not cheap, but very effective - an extract of citrus fruits( oranges, grapefruits, lemons).

If the mold appeared on the seams, sealed with sealant, then it is better to remove it, to treat this area, to dry it thoroughly, and then to use a sealant with antifungal additives.