Rating of the best means for burns on customer reviews

Every person has been burned for life. They not only cause discomfort, severe pain, but also leave scars, redness on the skin, which persists for several months to a year or more. In some cases, you may need to seek medical help and surgery to repair the skin and regenerate tissues.

If it is a household burn from heated surfaces, spilled boiling water or prolonged exposure to the sun, the use of special ointments and medical products will help to quickly remove pain and promote intensive recovery of the damaged area of ​​the skin in the shortest possible time. In the first aid kit of each person should be funds from burns. We will describe the most effective and proven ones further.

Rating of the most effective means for burns

There is a large number of drugs designed to combat burns. The task of each manufacturer is to emphasize the positive properties and realize the finished product. The rating of the best means took into account all advantages and disadvantages of drugs, highlighting the most effective ones.


The fifth position of the rating is a drug called "Radevit."The manufacturer notes that this is the best remedy for burns based on ointments.

Advantages of the product:

  • is composed of substances of the group of vitamins A, E, D, which stimulate the regeneration of tissues and promote rapid healing;
  • cooling effect relieves pain in the shortest possible time;
  • preparation significantly reduces skin itching and discomfort in dermatoses, moisturizes the skin.

This property excludes the possibility of getting infections during the healing process. The list of contraindications stated in the instructions is minimal. This makes it possible to use the drug for pregnant women, children from one year.

Based on customer feedback, a number of shortcomings can be identified, including:

  • overpriced with a tube weight of only 35 g;
  • short period of use. If the drug is actively used, there is a risk of developing hypervitaminosis.

One of the buyer's comments: "Not so long ago I spilled a cup of tea and got a burn. Used Radevit. The agent certainly helped, but there was a noticeable spot on the burn, and the cream is fat enough and absorbed for a long time. "


The fourth place was taken by means of burns "Olazol".The manufacturer noted that it can be used both with strong and light household burns.

The most important advantages are:

  • the presence in the spray of a number of biologically active substances and antibiotics that promote rapid regeneration, relieve pain and reduce the risk of infection;
  • remedy can be used for local anesthesia of injuries in the absence of the possibility of providing medical assistance;
  • long term in storage and high efficiency.

Among the shortcomings, based on feedback, are:

  • the possibility of personal intolerance in some people a number of components of the spray;Do not use
  • with sunburn;
  • antibiotic, which is part of the spray, can become a catalyst for triggering an allergic reaction of the body and the appearance of a rash on the skin.

Buyers write: "I received a severe hand burn in production. There was no possibility to call the doctors. Used on the spot of the blown blister Olazol. The pain passed very quickly, the wound began to drag on the second day. Consequences and infections were not. As a result, there was only a small scar. "

Bepanten plus

The third line of the rating was a cream for the treatment of burns "Bepanten plus."

Advantages of choosing this cream:

  • action based on dexapentol, which creates a cooling effect and stimulates tissue repair;
  • presence in the composition of antibacterial substances;
  • cream is suitable for the treatment of sun and thermal burns;
  • significantly reduced the risk of infection.

To the minuses of the funds, many buyers attributed:

  • the need for manual application to the damaged area, which causes some discomfort and can provoke additional painful sensations;
  • limited shelf life and watery appearance.

Reviews about the drug, mostly positive: "I used this cream in the treatment of burns. It helped a lot. The wound healed quickly, no trace left. The only disadvantages it seems to me is a strong smell and inability to use in a public place. Slowly absorbed. "

Sea buckthorn oil

The second place in the rating is a natural remedy for burns - "Sea-buckthorn oil".Low cost and high efficiency became the reason of great popularity.

As the main advantages, the following are distinguished:

  • use of natural substances in the basis of oil, which contribute to the rapid regeneration of tissues;
  • providing high protection against infectious infection of the affected area;
  • possibility of storage for a long period of time;
  • includes additional components to increase the effectiveness and medicinal properties of the product.

The main part of the feedback about the "Sea Buckthorn Oil" is positive. The most important drawbacks include:

  • inconvenience in covering the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • fatty structure of the oil can leave stains on clothes;
  • personal intolerance to a number of components of the formulation.

Customers say: "This is one of the best tools that I definitely keep in the medicine cabinet. For the treatment of domestic and sunburn is best suited! »

Panthenol spray

The first place is occupied by" Panthenol Spray ".According to customers - this is one of the most effective means of treating burns. The structure of the spray is a foam, the spray of which is carried out on the hearth of the burn from the jar.

Advantages of this tool:

  • no need for physical contact with the affected area;
  • possibility of spray application for domestic and sun burns, injuries, scratches;
  • is present in the composition of dexpanthenol, which acts on the cells of the epithelium, promoting intensive regeneration, protection against infection;
  • "Pantenol Spray" also perfectly removes pain.

To the negative sides, many users attributed:

  • overestimate the cost of the drug, despite the high efficiency;
  • limited shelf life.

Feedback on products is positive, which also contributes to the high demand in the market for funds from burns: "For a long time I bought a spray just in case in my medicine chest. It is very convenient to store and apply in case of anything. It helps a lot. Do not rub it like a cream. You just put it on. "

Which remedy for burns to buy

1. Burns are not only painful, but also heal long enough. The risk of bacterial infection is not ruled out. Choose a remedy for burns should be based on the presence of a number of useful substances for regeneration, the analgesic effect and the method of application to the affected area of ​​the skin. The best solution in the latter case will be a spray. It eliminates the need for direct rubbing.

2. Anesthetics contribute to a more comfortable state, exclude additional psychological stress. Of the listed in the rating of the optimal fit for the specified parameters: "Olazol" and "Pantenol Spray."They will become the most effective means in the treatment of burns, the removal of pain symptoms, disinfection.

This article is for informational purposes only. Before use, consult a doctor!