How to wash off Finalgon from the skin in order to quickly remove a burning sensation?

The experience of treatment, which implies the use of Finalgon, is difficult to forget due to the strong burning sensation that appears not only where it is needed, but also in the most inappropriate places. If you do not know how to wash Finalgon or act inappropriate methods, you can not only increase discomfort, but also trigger a burn.

Especially dangerous is the ingestion of the product on the mucous membranes. In this situation, the main thing is not to delay or experiment. One should immediately apply one of the means, repeatedly tested in practice.

It is important to remember that the following products are strictly prohibited from affecting the ointment:

  1. Water of any temperature.
  2. Alcohol and lotions with the addition of alcohol.
  3. Any aqueous emulsion.

These components do not remove discomfort, but only contribute to a faster penetration of the composition into the texture of the tissues. The skin condition will only worsen, and neutralizing painful symptoms will be much more difficult.

Effective medications that are recommended to wash out Finalgon from the skin

Aggressive ointment penetrates the skin very quickly, so it makes no sense to try to wipe it off with a tissue. This will only increase the area of ​​the situation. At the first signs of burning you need to use one of the following:

  • Vegetable oil. The cotton swab is wetted in a non-refined product and as if wiping the affected area. Several times we change the instrument, making no more than three movements. Then pour a little oil directly on the skin and evenly distribute the surface. After a couple of minutes, we collect the ointment, which has dissolved in the remains of the oil, with a soft cloth.
  • Bold nourishing cream. An impressive amount of the product is distributed over the surface of the skin and immediately begin to collect with a cotton disc. The tool is often changed, if necessary, add more cream.
  • Milk. It will be correct to use a product of a high degree of fat content, at least 3.2%, or better - 5-6%.In a cool liquid, we wipe the cotton wool discs and wipe off the ointment with wiping movements. We repeat until the unpleasant sensations completely disappear.
  • Sour cream. Bold, 30-40% product is applied to the affected area and left for a few minutes. From this, burning and pain should subside. Then we remove the mass with a soft dry napkin, if necessary repeat the approach.
  • Soap Foam. We take liquid or usual chalk, we rub it in hands to formation of a plentiful foam and it we put on a painful site. We remove the composition, listen to the sensations. If the burning is left, we make one more approach. If the pain no longer exists, then rinse the treated area with water and dry it.

Tip: For a soapy foam option, it is best to use glycerin, milk or baby soap. They give a more dense, but very soft foam, guaranteeing an almost instantaneous result.

  • Foam for flushing cosmetics. The composition is foamed between the fingers and distributed over the surface of the problem area. We rub the product into the skin for a while, then remove its residues with a paper towel. To fix the effect, the burned area is wiped with unrefined vegetable oil and as long as possible does not wash the product.
  • Carrot juice. An unconventional, but very effective solution. Fresh carrots are cleaned and rubbed on the smallest grater. From the obtained gruel we make a compress, which we impose not only on the affected area, but also go a little on clean skin. The mass is kept until the burning sensation disappears completely and is washed off with warm water without soap.

If it burns very hard, but the listed products were not at hand, you need to try some other composition on a fat basis. In extreme cases, it can even be a foundation or lipstick, but only a very oily texture.

How quickly and efficiently remove aggressive ointment from the surface of mucous membranes?

The ointment on the mucous membranes is not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous. If the trouble does happen, you need to see the doctor to make sure that no permanent violations have occurred. But even before this, it is necessary to take the following steps:

  • If the lining of the eyelid or the eyeball itself is on the problem zone, it is necessary to apply a little petrolatum and collect it together with the remains of the ointment with a cotton swab. We repeat until the discomfort and burning sensation passes.
  • The lesion of the oral cavity is not so serious, but it is necessary to prevent the formation of ulcers. To do this, we collect sour cream or vegetable oil in the mouth, hold for several minutes and empty the cavity. If possible, do not rinse the mouth for a while with water or antiseptics. If, after manipulation, discomfort remains, we treat the affected area with Miramistin.
  • The injured nose is also treated with vegetable oil. From the cotton wool we make small turundas, we moisten them with unrefined composition and insert them into the nostril / nostrils. We hold no more than a minute, we pull it out and we do not process anything mucous for at least an hour. After that, you can blow your nose and remove the remnants of the product.

Problem points may indicate a violation of the technique of using the medication. Effective and specific ointment should be applied strictly to the affected area, without exceeding the recommended dosage. It is strictly forbidden to apply the second layer of the product, if it seems that the first one does not give the desired effect. Immediately after carrying out the manipulation, the hands should be thoroughly rinsed with soap several times.