One of the most popular fabrics - is calico cloth. Its application in Russia began in the XVI century.

The best fabric in terms of health care are natural
Natural c / b a product that does not cause allergic reactions or irritations on the skin, so it was used to sew children's clothes, bedding, lining for his coat, manufacture of underwear, diapers for newborns and more another.

Calico - affordable and very practical cotton fabric
1 Description, composition and properties
- 1.1 dignity
- 1.2 disadvantages
- 2 types calico
3 Unlike other calico x / cotton fabrics
- 3.1 Terms of Use and care articles made of calico
- 3.2 Bed linen of calico: only positive reviews
- 4 Video: What is calico and how to treat it?
Description, composition and properties

calico cloth structure with plain yarns compound
The fabric is made in a simple plain weave technique, thereby giving it a density, practicality and durability. The Russian GOST, calico consists of 100% cotton and in Pakistan and China added to polyester yarn, which should not exceed 15% of the total composition.

The simplest plain weave
- After frequent washing to keep the size, color and pattern.
- The cheapness of the material.
- It absorbs any liquid (hygroscopic).
- It does not contain allergens and substances harmful to the organism.
- Very good air permeability, allowing the body to breathe well.
- With great ease iron.
- Not able to electrify
- The fabric is too dull, without gloss.
- For very frequent use of pellets appear.
types calico
Calico is divided into 4 types:
- Harsh. This kind of fabric is very strong, in the manufacture exposed to the lowest processing. The predominant color of ivory. Mass threads per square centimeter ranges from 145 g to 160 g per 1 sq.m. Perfect for upholstery or overalls.
The harsh calico - the most durable and least of all has undergone additional impact in the production process
- Bleached. Less strong than the harsh, tender to the touch, and is made from finer yarns. Used in the manufacture of bed linen (especially in hospitals, kindergartens, etc.)
Bleached calico is made from a thin thread, more tender and less durable
- Smoothly. Fabric does not differ from the bleached calico. It differs only chipping in a solid color with no pattern. From this kind of made suits, bed linen, towels and tablecloths for the dining room.
Dyed calico - the same type of structure with bleached, but differs from it by staining to some uniform color
- Ramming. Unlike the other has a variety of designs and patterns. Great for kids and adults clothes, as well as in the previous forms, printed calico used for bedding.
Stuffed calico - fabric with a variety of multi-color patterns and figures
The main types of patterns are:
- in a cage;
Calico cloth with a pattern in a large cage
- dotted;
Calico blue with white polka dots
- symmetrical geometric patterns;
calico cloth zigzag pattern with white color and a mint
- figured-storylines;
Calico with curly geometric lines on the canvas
- elongated and curved oval;
- striped;
The color scheme of calico fabric with stripes
- floral ornaments.
Calico with pink and yellow roses on a yellow background
Unlike other calico x / cotton fabrics
- Unlike polycotton. Polycotton consists of a mixture of polyester and cotton, ideal for bed linen, pillows and blankets. There are many types of material, depending on the number of threads in the composition. It owns distinctly good properties, thus competes from calico cloth.
As part polikottona always two required components are present - a natural (cotton) and synthetic (polyester)
- Unlike poplin. Poplin - this matter, which are used in the manufacture of unequal thickness thread (horizontal thinner than the vertical). In Russia, poplin made only of cotton, other countries in the production of a mixture of cotton and synthetics in unequal proportions. Also, it adds the wool, silk and viscose. Visually distinguish sheeting and poplin not be difficult, since the first has luster and looks more refined than the second. Calico more durable and resistant to wear and to a greater extent it is used in sewing bedding. Poplin originally used at tailoring.
Unlike sheeting, y poplin surface with a small scar, which is formed due to interlacing filaments different thickness
- Unlike satin. Flowery, tightly clustered thin woven filaments that provide the material with glitter, resembling silk fabric. What strength between satin and calico definitely can not say it all depends on the particular production.
In satin smooth and shiny surface that looks like silk
- Unlike calico. To create a calico take strands thinner, and weaving is the same as that of the calico. In the manufacture of printed cotton is only 100% cotton, unlike sheeting which may contain synthetic fibers.
In chintz and calico exactly the same way to weave, but cotton is more subtle and less durable
- Unlike percale. A similar weaving. A distinctive feature is that percale much sweeter, more delicate and attractive to the touch than the calico. With the help of bonding fibers, percale has sufficient density, thanks to this, sheets of this material is an elite textiles.
Percale sheeting and unites way to weave
Terms of Use and care articles made of calico

To the product of calico not setting, it can not be washed at a temperature greater than 40 degrees
Basic and clever rules for calico no care. Wash at 30 - 40 degrees, and adding absolutely any cleaners, as calico resistant to chemicals. In order to maintain the brightness of the product, it is better to turn inside out. When ironing, the laundry should be slightly moist, so it is easier to smooth out. Drying can be calico and specialized automatic drying.

Popularity calico explained durability, strength, highly hygroscopic
Bed linen of calico: only positive reviews

Calico is ideal for sewing high quality bed linen
Coarse linen well described himself in the household. Many housewives leave only positive feedback. During operation of bed linen care for him there is no difficulty, easy to use, does not change shape when washing and do not shed, which is the main criteria for the good stuff.

Bed of calico is cheap and easy to use
Sheeting has many advantages. For a small price you can get a quality product that is not only deformed, but also has anti-fungal and anti-allergy properties, absorb moisture and sweat, allowing the body to breathe and feel comfortable. With the help of the latest technology calico has a large number of species and a wide variety of colors and patterns to suit all tastes.

Often such material is used for sewing smock