How to clean an electronic cigarette and why is it needed?


  • Basic requirements for the care of an electronic cigarette
  • When does an electronic cigarette need cleaning?
  • Techniques for cleaning the atomizer of an electronic device

Buying an electronic cigarette, many people forget that this device, like all devices of systematic use, needs special care. If you do not know how to clean an electronic cigarette, after a short time of its use you can face accumulation of burning on separate elements.

This is accompanied by a decrease in the functionality of the device and often leads to its breakdown. The fact that the handling of a cigarette occurs according to all rules does not matter. If the device is not cleaned in time, a special liquid can leak out onto the battery, block holes and interfere with the atomizer.

The basic requirements for the care of the electronic cigarette

The operation of the device is based on the observance of a number of rules, which allows to significantly extend the time of its high-quality work:

  1. Liquids for refilling cigarettes and other components must be purchased only if there is an appropriate license from the seller.
  2. The device should be cleaned not only when there are signs of problems, but after a certain period of operation. Experts recommend doing this every 5-7 thousand puffs.
  3. Do not use too much liquid to refill the cartridge.
  4. If you plan to change the smoking taste, you must carry out an unscheduled cleaning of the cartridge.
  5. During "smoking" it is not recommended to take too deep breaths, this can lead to overheating of the heating element, which very often leads to breakdown of the device.
  6. Electronic cigarette should be kept in a charged state whenever possible, do not use the appliance in the cold. Otherwise, the period of its operation will be significantly reduced.
  7. Cartridge is not recommended to use more than 6-7 charges, after this period it is necessary to replace the filler element.

Before cleaning the device or its component parts yourself, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist for all the subtleties of the process.

When does an electronic cigarette need cleaning?

If you do not follow the purity of the electronic cigarette, you can face changes in the work of the product, which very quickly lead to breakage.

The device must be cleaned without fail if the following signs of the evaporator clogging occur:

  • A dramatic and noticeable reduction in steam volume occurred.
  • Steam generally ceased to flow through the evaporator or comes in small, jerky portions.
  • You have to apply too much effort to hover freely through the device.
  • There is a taste of burning or other foreign smells and tastes.

If at least one of the above signs is noted, it is necessary to restore the device. Ideally, you should turn to specialists for this, but with the right approach, you can solve the problem yourself.

Techniques for cleaning the atomizer of an electronic device

There are several options for processing an electronic cigarette. Some allow to eliminate minor problems at an early stage of their development, others are more effective and help to restore a practically non-working tool:

  • Purge with rinsing. We disconnect the steam generator from the battery and carefully blow it from the mouthpiece. It is necessary that all the excess liquid of the glass. Also we work on the mouthpiece itself, after which we wash the parts under running water, again blow and dry. Only after the elimination of all signs of moisture can you collect an electronic cigarette and then use it.

Tip: The described procedure will give the maximum result if the maximum amount of hot water is used for washing elements and leave the product in an upright position for at least 24 hours after exposure. All parts must dry themselves.

  • Bath. Effective and affordable method, but takes a lot of time. To clean a cigarette it needs to be disassembled into components. Then atomizer is lowered into hot water for one hour, after which we blow, removing excess liquid. We lower the element into the water for another couple of hours and again blow the nebulizer. We put the cleaned product upright and dry it for at least 24 hours.
  • Chemical treatment. If the problem is the accumulation of combustion products on the surface of the heating element, then it is useless to clean it with water. The optimum option will be the processing of parts with alcohol solution. We disassemble the instrument into its components. Steam generator is cleaned and washed in a weak solution of alcohol for 10 minutes, if necessary, increase the concentration of the active component. It is also possible to use an acetic solution( a tablespoon of 9% vinegar per glass of water).In this case, the plaque is removed with a soft cloth or cotton swab. Then the elements are washed as usual, blown dry and collected in a single piece.

If the problem does not lead to a breakdown of the device, the listed techniques will allow to restore its functionality, returning the pair the usual taste and volume. In some cases, you have to go to replace the individual components of the cigarette( this time it is better to coordinate with a specialist) or purchase a new device. With the new device you need to be more cautious, then it will last for many years without creating complications.