How to clean a sheepskin at home from dirt and bad smell


  • Basic requirements for care of sheepskin
  • Rules for manual processing of sheepskin
  • How to properly wash the sheepskin in a washing machine?

Sheepskin is traditionally used not only as a material for sewing shoes and outerwear, but also for decorating the room. To learn how to wash a sheepskin and carry out its high-quality cleaning, it is necessary even before acquiring a beautiful and functional element.

The material actively collects and absorbs dirt, in the absence of regular maintenance, the original product will quickly turn into a foul-smelling rug. Fortunately, sheepskin can be washed by hand and in a typewriter. This allows not only to restore the appearance of the object, but also to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria that often settle in the fur layer.

Basic care requirements for sheepskin

A decorative product can always remain fresh, even when used as a floor covering. To obtain this result, a sheepskin rug needs to be provided with the following care:

  1. Each day the product needs to be shaken out on a balcony or staircase. This will eliminate surface contamination and prevent the formation of dust deposits.
  2. Twice a week, and if necessary even more often, the material must be cleaned with a dry vacuum cleaner.
  3. To qualitatively clean the sheepskin, you need to process not only the fur part of the product, but its base, as well as the floor under the mat.
  4. It is recommended to thoroughly clean the sheepskin at least once a week. Available manipulations do not differ in complexity and take not so much time. Wash the product at least once a month.

In addition, from time to time you will have to use techniques that will help restore the elasticity of the backing layer, the softness of the pile and eliminate the unpleasant specific odor that after a while starts to come from organic.

Rules for manual processing of sheep skin

To get the most pronounced and persistent positive result, the sheepskin should be cleaned by hand. The basic manipulation is as follows:

  1. As a detergent, it is best to use a product intended for natural wool or carpet from it.
  2. We collect warm water in a basin or a bath, we dilute the composition in it and soak the product for half an hour.
  3. Gently wash the sheepskin with your hands, not paying special attention to individual spots. They can be removed with the help of a targeted local impact.
  4. Then a rug, but not in cold, and in warm water, strong temperature changes will negatively affect the quality of the material.
  5. Clean product lay on a horizontal surface with fur up, soak with a towel and dry naturally.
  6. During the drying process, the skin should be shaken regularly and slightly stretched, otherwise it may become deformed.

To cope with more serious problems on the surface of the fur, one of the following methods can be used:

  • . Clean the stained spots with a sponge soaked in a mixture of cold water and ammonia. We take the products in equal quantities.

Tip: If the product appears dim, then its color can be restored with the help of walnuts. The kernels of the product are lightly crushed, wrapped in a gauze and rubbed with nap until the appearance of gloss and return to the color of brightness.

  • Potato cleaning will help restore the purity of not only the fur, but also the leather layer. We wash these components in a large amount of water, squeeze and grind in a blender or a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is distributed over the contaminated area and brushed. Then remove the mixture and wipe the area with dry napkins.
  • Yellowness on white sheepskin will remove hydrogen peroxide. In a liter of water, we divorce two tablespoons of 3% peroxide and we process the surface layer of fur by the resulting composition. To rub liquid in the bottom layers of a rug it is forbidden!
  • To restore the softness of the fur, you need to mix two cups of warm water, a chicken yolk and a tablespoon of petroleum jelly until smooth. The obtained composition is processed not by fur, but by the leather part of the product and we remove the remnants of the product.
  • The elasticity of the leather layer is restored after it has been treated with water mixed with glycerin.

After carrying out the above manipulations, the skin needs to be dried, combed and then used further. Accelerate the drying process with a radiator or hair dryer is not recommended.

How to properly wash the sheepskin in a washing machine?

The most affordable and easy option to restore sheepskin at home is washing the product in the typewriter. However, you can use this treatment option only if the product is suitable for its dimensions.

Features of cleaning sheepskin in the washing machine:

  1. Detergents are only liquid, best of all, designed specifically for wool. Conditioners, bleaches and enhancers of the drugs are not used.
  2. The mode is set manually, delicate or profile.
  3. The water temperature should not be above 40 ° C.
  4. Spin is acceptable, but not more than 600 revolutions.
  5. Additional rinsing cycle is encouraged.

After automatic processing, the product is dried in a traditional way and combed with a wire brush for fur.

Only if you comply with all the above rules, you can rely on the debt and trouble-free service of a warm, natural rug. Stalling or thinning of fur, the appearance of a gap in the leather substrate and an unpleasant smell from the object of life indicate a violation of the rules of care of the product.