How to paint the fabric at home - types of dyes and painting rules


  • What is the procedure for
  • ? What is the use of this procedure?
  • What kinds of fabrics can I paint?
  • What can I paint with
  • ? How can I paint
  • ? Preparatory stage
  • Preparation of textiles
  • Preparation of containers and water
  • . Painting stages
  • How to paint things with natural dyes
  • Useful tips and tricks

Favoritethe thing has faded and lost its appeal, or do you want to experiment with old jeans and T-shirts? There is a simple solution: you can dye the fabric at home. How to do it? Specialty dyes for fabrics are sold in hardware stores. You can also use the tools that are always at hand and are inexpensive - fresh vegetables, berries, spices. More information about dyes and dyeing procedure can be found in our article.

Why this procedure is needed

Anything sooner or later loses its brightness and expressiveness. Often mistresses are lazy and do not observe rules of care of clothes, written on labels. As a result, the thing, not having time to wear, becomes dull and lifeless. Dyes from the store or natural remedies can bring to life old washed goods.

Fabric dyes are a way to emphasize your individuality. Creative people see in them an excellent opportunity for experimentation. Having developed a fantasy, you can make a masterpiece from an ordinary white T-shirt. No one will have such clothes. Dyes - an integral attribute in the work of a home seamstress.

What types of fabrics can be painted

The most pliable in this matter are fabrics made of natural materials: cotton, linen, wool, silk. Mixed textile materials - semi-silk products, half-wool are well painted. Polyester stains are labor intensive, and the result will not be as impressive. The fibers of such a fabric poorly absorb the paint, the color of the product will be dull, and most likely it fades at the first wash after staining.

If the synthetic jacket has faded, its painting should be entrusted to a dry cleaners. They will select professional means for coloring, which require strict temperature and other conditions. At home, it is easy to cope with cotton T-shirts, towels, dresses and skirts. The procedure of dyeing jeans products is popular.

Than it is possible to paint a fabric

In household shops on sale there are dyes of every possible colors for different kinds of a fabric. They are powdery, in the form of crystals or pastes. However, not everyone will risk using "chemistry", because you can damage the product, and instead of an exclusive thing you get a rag for washing the floor. At home, natural dyes are successfully used. They are safe for tissue and for humans, although not as intense as chemical ones.

Natural dye for fabrics:

  1. Brown onions, oak bark, tea, coffee, cinnamon, henna and basma give a brown tint.
  2. Green things can be done with the help of spinach, poplar bark, bird cherry, juniper berries, sorrel, elderberry leaves.
  3. With the help of natural coffee it is possible to achieve black color.
  4. Red berries are made of blueberries, elder flowers, wolfberry leaves, beets.
  5. Blue and blue color will be presented by blackberries, red cabbage, ivan-da-maria flowers, sage, seeds of swans.
  6. Purity, bark of wild apple, turmeric for orange shades.
  7. Yellow paint: wormwood, carrots, zira, turmeric, nettle roots, poplar buds, birch leaves and bark, orange peel.

How to choose a dye

The choice of dye determines the material of the product and its color. How to determine the type of textiles? Pull one small thread along and across the fabric and set it on fire. Good light is made of artificial silk, cotton and linen. You will smell burning paper. Poorly lit natural silk and wool. The woolen thread will smell of burnt horn, at its end is formed a caked ball.

The color of the product is important for selecting the dye and its quantity. If the white fabric is stained, then, under the conditions, the color of the product will be the same as that indicated on the package. When staining colored clothing, the result may be little, and sometimes sharply different from the one presented on the pack.

Colored clothing will always turn out to be a darker shade than white. To paint this product, it is recommended to choose either the same color or a darker version of it. For example, for dark blue, use dark blue. It is good to paint colored things in black. Black paint covers all colors, but gets a barely noticeable shade. When repainting bright products in other colors, you may get a dirty and ugly shade.

The purpose of staining also affects the choice of dye. To obtain light colors, you can take a natural color or chemical in small proportions. To obtain a saturated color, you can take risks and exceed the norm. If the thing is washed and discolored, it needs less color to restore the color, than for dyeing white things.

Preparatory stage

For the dyeing procedure, you will need:

  • textile product,
  • deep container,
  • wooden sticks or scapula,
  • water,
  • dye,
  • protective gloves.

Textile preparation

To paint products, they must be prepared. All clothes should be washed and cleaned of stains. Older dirt also needs to be removed, since they can stand out against the general background and spoil the look of the product. Apply a stain remover and do not forget to remove it from the fabric by washing and ironing. If this is not done, the product will be unevenly colored.

Tip! If the stains are not removed by any means, then choose only dark shades for repainting. Paints of light colors do not paint over such spots.

Also remove metal ornaments and buttons from products. They can be damaged and rusted.

With new cotton and linen products, it is necessary to remove the layer of starch. To do this, they need to boil for 20-25 minutes in a soap-soda solution. After the procedure, rinse things thoroughly. Remains of soap and soda can prevent staining.

Woolen products in such a solution: 12 liters of water + 2 tablespoons.ammonia. When painting yarn, it is important to ensure that it does not get tangled. To do this, paint it with individual coils, bandaged in several places. Hanks for convenience can be strung on a piece of thin rope, so in the process of painting it will be easy to turn.

Preparation of tanks and water

Not only textiles are prepared, but also tanks for painting. The dishes should be absolutely clean. Suitable enameled vessel. For galvanized and aluminum dishes, there is a rule: remove all traces of scale before the procedure.

The container must be of a suitable size. During dyeing, the fabric should not be wrinkled. It will absorb the color well if it is completely immersed in the color solution. If the dishes are too small, there is a risk of uneven painting of things.

To turn the fabric over during painting, prepare two wooden sticks. They should be smooth, without knots. A rough wooden surface can catch the product by the fibers and tear it. The sticks are long and strong, so that it's convenient to turn things around and pull them out of the solution.

The water for the procedure should be soft. Ideally, it is meltwater or rainwater. Rigid water can be softened at home. To do this, add 12 tablespoons to 12 liters.drinking soda.

Stages of painting

When everything is ready, we proceed to painting the products. Following the instructions, pour the dye into a small bowl. Add water gradually, carefully stirring the paint, so that it completely dissolved. Now strain the coloring solution and pour it into the container in which the product will be painted. Dilute the paint with water so that it completely covers the thing.

Place the container on the stove. Now you can immerse the product in a dye. To get a uniform color, rotate the fabric in a circle with a spatula or sticks. Remove the product when you find a darker color than you wish. When drying, the fabric will lighten. To get a divorce, the product must be twisted, as when wringing out, and fix it with rubber rings.

The colored material should be thoroughly rinsed in water. After the last rinse, the water should remain clean. The better you rinse the fabric, the less it will shed during subsequent washings. Do not dry the painted products in the sun or near the stove.

How to paint things with natural dyes

The magazine "Miss Purity" recommends adhering to the following rules when painting with natural remedies:

  1. Before painting, test the natural remedy on a small piece of cloth.
  2. The chosen raw material is poured with water in the ratio 1: 2.Put on the stove, bring to a boil, then immediately remove. Now let's brew into the future dye. The longer the raw material is infused, the more intense the color will be.
  3. We need to prepare the fabrics by immersing them in the fixing solution. For berries: 0.5 cups of salt per 2 liters of water;for vegetables: vinegar + water in a ratio of 1: 4.
  4. Now things can be immersed in the dye. Keep them until you get the right shade. Remember that when drying, the fabric will become a bit lighter.
  5. Dry the fabric on the hanger, this will help to avoid divorce.

Useful tips and tricks

  1. Before painting, weigh the product - this will determine the exact amount of the dye.
  2. Cookware after staining with chemicals for cooking can not be used!
  3. For silk fabrics: when rinsing, add 1 tablespoon water to the water.vinegar.
  4. For woolen fabrics: dissolve the paint in hot water.
  5. For denim and linen clothing: first add a pinch of calcified salt to the paint and then dissolve it in water.
  6. If the cellulose cloth has not been uniformly colored, dip it into hot water with detergent. This measure will help to level the color.
  7. If a thing is planned to be altered, then it must be ripped at the seams before staining.
  8. You can put a wooden plank on the bottom of the container, so that clothes do not burn out.
  9. Do not dry wool products on shoulders. They can stretch out under their own weight. Just lay them out on a flat surface.

Do not be afraid to experiment! Let your old clothes be reborn and serve you some more time!