How to dry the biscuits in the oven from bread of different types


  • At what temperature are dried toasts
  • White bread crumbs
  • Black and rye bread rusks
  • Sweet breadcrumbs for dessert
  • Secrets of preparing home-made biscuits

How to properly dry breadcrumbs from bread in the oven, most of the sophisticated housewives know. Really delicious and crispy products can be added to salads and soups, served to tea, used as a quick snack. The product will be more fragrant if spiced up.

In order to get appetizing crackers, stock up on good bread and free time for cooking snacks.

At what temperature do dry toasts

This dish can not be called difficult, however, a good biscuit prepared at home is much tastier than the weighty product from the store. The taste and quality of the finished product directly depend on the temperature at which you baked it. It is important to consider not only the type and quality of bread, but also the technical features of the oven. Thus, the average cooking temperature of breadcrumbs from white bread will be no more than 170 ° C, and black - 180 ° C.

Slices of wheat bread should be baked at a temperature of 160 ° C, and it is recommended to preheat the oven ahead of time. Baking is prepared much faster under similar conditions, and crackers turn out to be tender and crunchy.

The dessert snack from the cut loaf is baked at a low temperature of 150 ° C, the product is dried until a golden crust appears.

Spicy crackers are baked in a preheated oven to 200 ° C, but the duration of heat treatment of the product is small.

Tip! The higher the temperature in the oven, the faster the croutons are cooked, however, the process must be closely monitored.

White bread crumbs

The product sold in shops contains harmful chemical additives and can not boast of high quality. It is much better to dry the rusks in the oven yourself, useful and crispy products will diversify any table. Crackers with cheese. To prepare this dish you will need the following components:

  • white bread( 400 g);
  • olive oil or sunflower oil( 3 tablespoons);
  • garlic( 2 cloves);
  • Russian cheese( 100 g);
  • salt to taste.

Cut the loaf into small cubes. Next, the garlic should be crushed with a special device, and grate the cheese finely, mix these ingredients with butter and sprinkle a little. Pour the bread cubes with a fragrant mixture so that all the pieces are evenly saturated.

Now cover the baking paper with a baking tray and lay on it the snacks in 1 layer. As stated above, the temperature for baking white bread should not exceed 170 ° C, it is necessary to prepare the product before the appearance of a golden crust.

Toasties in the oven for a tasty salad can also be made from stale white bread, so do not throw out the old loaf. Crispy cubes can be added to broths, and the process of baking them does not take much time and energy from you. Take the following products for fragrant crackers:

  • loaf of white bread( 1 pc.);
  • garlic( 3 cloves);
  • dried basil( 2 tablespoons);
  • Provencal herbs( 1 tablespoon);
  • butter( 2 tablespoons).

Bread cut into small cubes, then in a large bowl mix the melted butter, add to the liquid mass pressed garlic and spicy herbs. Products should be covered with a mixture so that they are evenly soaked in the fragrance, then place the product on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven.

The indicator of the readiness of the dish - the appearance of a crust. Some housewives prepare snacks for salad at a temperature of 200 ° C, but in this case it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the products and not leave them in a closed oven for more than 10 minutes. Sometimes it's better to bake a snack at an average temperature to avoid spoilage. Black and rye bread rips

Fragrant crackers is an ideal snack and an additional ingredient for salads and first courses. To get delicious snacks, prepare the following ingredients:

  • loaf of black bread( 1 pc.);
  • vegetable oil( 2 tablespoons);Prodvanian herbs and salt to taste.

Bread is recommended to cut into bars or straws, with the thickness of each slice should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise the cracker will be difficult to gnaw. Oil, mixed with salt and seasonings, put in a separate bowl, then pour a fragrant mixture of prepared brusochki.

The blanks are poured onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper and sent to a preheated oven. Once the product has a golden hue, remove it from the oven and leave it on the table for cooling.

Advice: If you have a stale loaf of rye bread, do not rush to get rid of it. Fragrant snacks are ideal for a rich borsch, the main thing is to prepare them properly.

Take the following ingredients for baking crispy crumbs:

  • loaf of rye bread( 600 g);
  • garlic( 2 cloves);
  • sesame or olive oil( 2 tablespoons);
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

Remove the crust from the loaf, then cut the crumb into cubes and put it in a separate bowl. Sprinkle billets with salt and spices, shaking the container with them. Then pour a mixture of oil and pressed garlic, evenly distribute the additive for future crackers.

Bread cubes fry in a preheated oven, periodically stirring until a ruddy crust appears.

Sweet biscuits for dessert

Do not get rid of stale buns, because they can cook sweet crackers in the oven. Such a treat to tea or coffee diversifies the daily menu. Take the following foods in order to bake a treat:

  • baking( 300 g);
  • sour cream( 200 g);
  • sugar( 150 g).

Buns cut into thick slices, then sour cream and sugar spread on separate plates. Each snack first dip into sour cream, and then into sugar so that the taste of biscuits is saturated. The food is baked on a dry baking tray for not more than 10 minutes at medium temperature, but fast cooking is allowed for 5 minutes with heating 200 ° C.

Secrets of preparing home-made biscuits

A light and simple dish can be made a favorite treat if you follow some tricks. For example, if you use raw bread, in the drying process open the oven door - excess moisture will quickly evaporate. Do not forget about adding seasonings, but do not abuse herbs, otherwise the taste of the product will be bitter.

Some seasonings and do not combine at all, like garlic and dried fennel. Soups cooked for soup and salad should not contain components of main dishes.

Use natural oils to bake breadcrumbs, bread perfectly combined with mustard, peanut, sesame and olive, immediately send the slices into the oven, otherwise the product may deteriorate after long storage. In order to preserve the taste of the ready meal, place it in a glass closed jar.

And to improve the taste of a simple dish, you can use a prepared mixture of melted butter and spices.

Many housewives are interested in how many minutes it is necessary to dry the biscuits in the oven. The magazine "Miss Purity" recommends to focus on the appearance of products, they should be golden or ruddy, depending on the type of bread. So, snacks do not bake for more than 10 minutes, but rye and black rusks are cooked for about 20 minutes.