Than to wash off a mounting foam from hands at home


  • Methods for removing liquid construction foam
  • How to get rid of frozen solid
  • Useful advices
  • Preparing to work with construction foam

When working with foam, even the most experienced craftsmen using personal protective equipment can get dirty. Those who work with this tool for the first time, foam will probably fall into the hands. But how to remove it from the skin - not everyone knows.

To avoid the ingress of foam on your hands, you should work with this material in protective gloves. But even with the use of overalls, it sometimes gets on the skin and you have to decide what to wash the mounting foam from your hands.

Some sources suggest before the work abundantly lubricate your hand with petroleum jelly or fat cream, to which the foam does not stick, and remove it will not be difficult. But nowhere is it described how convenient it is when all the tools slip out of the hands and how difficult it is to clear everything that they took and touched with fat hands.

Methods for removing liquid build-up foam

If the foam comes into contact with the skin, try to remove it as soon as possible. In no case can it be smeared on the arm. It is necessary to try to remove the contamination with a clean cloth or cloth, shifting the mass to the center of the stain. Remains should be washed off. But this must be done before the composition stiffens.

Ways how to wash the mounting foam from your hands, a few:

  • Before starting work, it is advisable to stock up with a special solvent spray. Ideally, it should be the same manufacturer as the can of foam. Aerosol is applied to a contaminated area and then washed off with a large amount of water. Such solvents usually cope well with liquid foam, but are powerless before solidified.
  • You can remove non-solidified solvents based on acetone. A napkin soaked in a solvent should be quickly, but carefully wiped off the foam, and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • This sealant is easy to flush with kerosene. If none of the above was found, then you can try to remove this sealant from your skin with improvised means, which are always available at home.
  • It's okay to wipe off the foam with a cloth moistened with slightly warmed vegetable oil. This remedy is harmless to the body. If you have patience and hold oil in a dirty place for 20-30 minutes, it will be able to remove even the remains of frozen foam.
  • It is good enough to clean the hands of traces of sealant will help ordinary table salt. You must gently rub it with dirty areas, and then wash your hands with soap.
  • On the Internet there is a recommendation to use the drug "Dimexide".Indeed, this drug dissolves the construction foam well, but it can not be used for cleaning hands!"Dimexid" is well absorbed and through the skin enters the human body. Like any medicine, it has a side effect and its administration without the appointment and supervision of a doctor is highly undesirable.

With this tool you can clean the walls and furniture, or remove foam drops from the floor.

How to get rid of the frozen mass

If immediately after getting on the hands the mounting foam did not work out, it will harden. Coping with the solidified mass is much more difficult, since the solvents do not act on it( as the instruction for use warns).In this case, the skin can be cleaned of contamination only by mechanical action. For this it is necessary: ​​

  1. The soiled areas should be greased with cream or sunflower oil. This will somewhat soften the effect on the skin during the removal of the foam.
  2. Latherly lather pumice or a hard brush.
  3. Trying as little as possible to injure the skin next to the dirt, gently, slowly, clean the frozen mixture.

In order to achieve a greater effect, the hands can be pre-heated in hot water for 10 minutes before cleaning.

After these procedures are completed, it is advisable to lubricate the skin of hands with a fat cream.

Useful advices for

If for some reason you can not cope with the traces of building foam on your hands, then you do not have to worry much. Pollution in a few days itself exfoliates from the skin, as the skin cells are constantly updated.

Do not use substances containing alkalis or acids( acetic acid, Domestos, etc.) to control such stains. With traces of sealant, they can not cope, and burns on the hands can stay for a long time.

During the cleaning of hands from the mounting foam, they are affected in any way by chemical or physical means. Therefore, after the procedure is to take care of the skin. You need to lubricate your hands with a nutritious cream. It is desirable that it has regenerating and antiseptic properties( for example - with aloe juice or ginseng).

Preparing for use with

construction foam In order to reduce the chance of foam spillage on hands, clothing, furniture and floor, it is necessary to prepare for this type of work in advance:

  • Always wear gloves and goggles.
  • Clothing should be used in such a way that it will not be a pity to throw it away, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to wash the frozen composition.
  • You must wear a hat. Remove the foam from your hair most often only with your hair.
  • Covering material for furniture and floor also need to choose disposable( cardboard, polyethylene film).
  • It is not superfluous to have special cleansing agents, which can be purchased together with a mounting foam. They can easily erase random spots.
  • It is desirable to carry out the work with an assistant who can close through holes with cardboard or planks, cover nearby objects, put protection under the hanging drop.

By following these simple rules, you can perform work quickly and with minimal problems.