How to starch the skirt at home?


  • Selecting or creating a solution for starching the skirt
  • Carrying out the
  • procedure Secrets of success

Surprisingly, even now, in the 21st century, many housewives ask themselves: how to starch the skirt at home? Why is this archaic way of caring for textiles not losing its popularity and the technology of the procedure has changed? Let's figure it out.

The starch blend acts on the fabric by creating the thinnest airtight film, which in turn not only maintains the appearance of the skirt or dress, but also helps protect clothing from contamination. During washing, the coatings and the spots appearing on it are dissolved.

Selection or creation of a solution for starching the skirt

It is not difficult to find starch funds: they are freely available and at an affordable price they are in hardware stores. If you are going to starch individual pieces of decoration, use sprays;in the case when in your plans to handle the whole thing - special fluids or powders. To achieve the best result, read the instructions before proceeding.

The process of creating a solution for starching a skirt or dress at home, as well as buying it, has no difficulties. First, it is necessary to determine what concentration should be the mixture, since a competent selection of the content in the starch solution is the key to the success of the procedure. This factor determines the degree of softness of the tissue.

  • The low content of starch in solution is suitable for light chiffon products. In this case, the starch-water ratio should be 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter, respectively.
  • For linen and cotton fabrics, a mixture with 1 teaspoon of starch per 1 liter of water is suitable.
  • The proportion of starch in relation to water in the case of hard fabrics should be 2 teaspoons to 1 liter of water.

So, in order not to damage the tissues and get the desired effect, you should adhere to the above recommendations for the content of starch in water. Then the process of starch processing clothes at home will bring maximum pleasure. When the proportions are matched, mix the right amount of starch in a glass of water so that no clots remain. Boil the water and, carefully mixing, add starch solution to it. Then boil the liquid for 30 seconds.


To achieve homogeneity of the mass, strain the solution through a gauze or sieve - so you will get rid of unwanted clots and lumps.

Carrying out the

procedure Before you start to crinkle the skirt, dress, cuffs and any other wardrobe items, you must thoroughly wash them and dry them.

There is already a skirt and a solution ready, which means it's time to start working! First of all, dial cold water into the basin, its volume should be enough to accommodate clothes in it. Pour the solution into the pelvis with water, put a skirt in it. Lead the thing in the liquid with the same movements as when rinsing, and leave it for a while.

The duration of soaking is determined by the desired stiffness of the starched product: most often 3-10 minutes.

After a while, remove the thing from the liquid and, after wrapping it in gauze, gently squeeze it out. Now spread out the skirt on a straight surface, remove from creases and allow to dry. After drying, the thing must be ironed.

To avoid a long fuss with the skirt or dress attached to the shape after washing, do not unscrew the product with great force. Better let the excess water drain yourself.

Secrets to the success of

To prevent the dress or skirt from sticking to the iron during ironing, add a few drops of turpentine to the starch paste.

If you add half a teaspoon of salt or a small amount of blue in the solution, the clothes will get a pleasant shine.

The answer to the question of how to starch a skirt or dress at home is extremely clear: simple and affordable. This uncomplicated process will help to give your favorite thing a smart and spectacular appearance, sometimes hiding the visible effects of an old socks. Remember: to look at all one hundred, it is not necessary to go to expensive boutiques - you just need to know a couple of wise secrets.