What to add to the water, so that roses stand longer: traditional and unusual techniques


  • Basic rules for the purchase and care of freshly cut roses
  • Techniques that will help restore the freshness and attractiveness of roses in a vase
  • The most effective additives designed to prolong the life of cut flowers

It is difficult to find a person who would remain indifferent to the beauty of roses, but, unfortunately, the attractiveness of freshly cut flowers is short-lived, especially in the absence of proper care. According to the florists, there are many secrets that can be applied to make roses last longer. If you know how to approach the purchase of a bouquet, how to prepare flowers and what to add to the water, you can keep the freshness of the elements of the composition for 2-3 weeks or even longer. Even after the appearance of the first signs of wilting, it is possible to restore the charm of roses and give them the appearance of freshly cut flowers.

Basic rules for the purchase and care of freshly cut roses

The easiest way to provide the necessary care for flowers that were purchased independently. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following points.

  1. First, the degree of freshness of the buds is determined. If the green leaves adjacent to the buds, fit closely to the petals, then they can be purchased. If the leaves are already fully opened, this bouquet will not last long.
  2. The optimal time to buy is early morning. Such roses are saturated with moisture and can stand much longer than "evening".
  3. You do not need to ask the seller to "cultivate" the bottom of the bouquet, if there is an opportunity to do it yourself on the spot.

Even if you have to deal with a donated bouquet, do not worry that you can not do anything. To keep the freshness of the bouquet will have to try, but if desired this is quite real.

  1. Roses donated in the cold months do not need to be immediately put in water. It is better to put them on a horizontal surface and leave for half an hour. Only after this it is possible to proceed with their processing.
  2. The bottom leaves and thorns, which will be under water, when the bouquet is installed in the vase, will have to be removed. If they start to rot, the composition of the water will greatly deteriorate, provoking active multiplication of microbes and wilting plants.
  3. Then cut flowers with a very sharp knife or garden scissors. To air bubbles do not clog the capillaries of the stem, we perform manipulation underwater. In addition, it is recommended to make a cross-cut, then the plant will receive water in the right amount.
  4. Roses installed in a vase must be immersed in water at least until the middle of the stems. Place for a bouquet choose a cool, without drafts and direct sunlight.
  5. Pour water at room temperature. We must first defend the liquid, then it will not be supersaturated with oxygen and the bouquet will last longer.
  6. To keep the flowers as long as possible, one of the biologically active products must be added to the water. Before making a choice, you will have to decide on the set of properties that we are going to add to the water.

The bouquet in the vase will last longer and will be able to retain its attractiveness only with the proper daily care. It implies the following manipulations.

  • Rose buds and leaves should be regularly irrigated with water from the spray gun.
  • Occasional flowers are recommended to be completely placed in a bath with cool water for several hours to restore their freshness.
  • Water should be changed daily, while it is recommended to add fresh active ingredients every time, designed to preserve the beauty of flowers. In the vase can remain harmful products of plant life, so the tank should also be washed thoroughly with running water.
  • Daily update of the cut on the stems will normalize the metabolic processes, then the roses will stand longer.


Fans of pink bouquets will have to remember that these capricious charmers do not like the neighborhood of other plants. It is not necessary to place some other flowers in the same vase with roses. Ideally, you need to share this neighborhood with several meters of free space.

Techniques that will help restore the freshness and attractiveness of roses in a vase

It happens that, even with proper care, the flowers begin to fade rapidly, becoming covered with yellow leaves and dropping bud heads. There is no need to panic, there are approaches that can revive roses in the most deplorable state.

  • We estimate the place where the flowers were. If necessary, choose another location for the bouquet.
  • In the afternoon we leave the plants in a vase, and for the night we put them in a bath filled with very cool water. In this case the buds should be placed above the surface of the liquid, and the leaves and stems should be immersed in it.
  • There is also a pretty radical way to treat roses. We update the slices on the stems according to all the rules and put the flowers in hot water. We estimate the changes as the liquid cools. Buds should raise their heads, and the dried leaves noticeably freshen up.
  • A good effect is provided by greenhouse treatment. At night, we cover each bud with a packet, which is tightly fixed on the stem. The main thing is to ensure that the leaves are not deformed and pinched. Flowers should not stand this way too long. In the morning, the first thing we do is remove the caps and evaluate the result.

If all of the above methods did not help and the flowers did not last long, do not blame yourself. Modern flower shops often sell a deliberately low-quality product, which in the window kept its attractiveness only thanks to antibiotics and strong preservatives.

The most effective additives designed to prolong the life of cut flowers

The tradition of adding to the water improvised means to keep the attractiveness of pink bouquets longer, appeared several centuries ago. In spite of the fact that flower sellers offer profile innovative products, many growers prefer to use proven and effective means to have their roses stand longer:

  • Charcoal, especially in the form of a powder, has a good preservative effect. The same properties are attributed to ammonia. You only need to mix a few drops of the product with water and wait a couple of minutes before putting the flowers.
  • Many plants, including roses, love sugar. A couple of teaspoons of small crystals per liter of liquid and flowers are provided with a long life and fresh appearance.
  • To accelerate the opening of buds, you need to add camphor alcohol to the water at the rate of half a teaspoon per liter of liquid.
  • The aspirin tablet, added to water, will allow the flowers not only to stand long, but also help to preserve their original bright color.
  • Many purchased plants are already so familiar to household chemicals that they can not exist without it for a long time. In this case, a couple of drops of bleach for the laundry will save the situation.

In addition, for roses to stand longer, at home use crystals of potassium permanganate, vodka, sugar solution with acetic acid, borax or alum. But it is not necessary to use several variants of additives in the effort to save the life of flowers. This will only harm plants and speed up their wilting.

Professionalism comes with experience. Even beginners in the field of floristry are able to quickly understand all the wisdom of the art of preserving the attractiveness of roses. Over time, all have the necessary skills and form their list of drugs added to the water.